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Outreach News

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

High School students visit the UAB Campus to celebrate the Science Week

by Super User

Students from the Institut Font del Ferro (Palafolls) visited the UAB Campus, including the ICN2, to learn about its research facilities and unexpected career opportunities. During the visit to ICN2 Dr. Ignasi Fina, from the Oxide Nanoelectronics Group, Josep Santiso, Nanomaterials Growth Division Leader, and Belén Ballesteros, Electron Microscopy Divison Leader, guided the students through the nanoworld together with the Marketing and Communication Department.

ICN2 is a research center devoted to developing an excellent research and bringing it close to society. The ICN2 Educational Program, including collaborations such as Bojos per la Fisica and Nanoeduca, allows students and different audiences to learn about the science developed by our Groups and Divisions.

The Setmana de la Ciencia (November 13-22) is an excellent opportunity to open the doors of the Institute and participating in dissemination events. A group of High Schools students from the Institut Font del Ferro (Palafolls) had the opportunity to visit different research centers placed at the UAB Campus. The visit included the Institut d’Investigació en Intel·ligencia Artificial (IIIA-CSIC) the Institut de Ciencies de l’Espai (ICE) and the ICN2. Thus, the visit included a broad spectrum of concepts that stimulated the curiosity of the students.

The visit at ICN2 was coordinated by Ana de la Osa, Events and Outreach Coordinator. It started with an introduction to the nanoworld by Alex Argemi, Head of Marketing and Communication, with the collaboration of Dr. Ignasi Fina, who explained concepts such as Piezoelectricity and shared his personal experience as a researcher. The visit continued with a walk through significant facilities of the ICN2 building with the participation of Josep Santiso, Nanomaterials Growth Division Leader, Belén Ballesteros, Electron Microscopy Divison Leader and Dr. Ignasi Fina.