Media impact
In 2021 the ICN2 continued its efforts to reach out to the general and scientific public through the media. Close working relationships with journalists, ten scientific press releases and other research-related news articles scored a high total number of journalistic impacts for the ICN2.
Since 2016 the ICN2 has generated around 800 international online media impacts per year and a few dozen traditional media impact. The yearly numbers showed a growing trend. In 2020 these numbers were dramatically increased mostly because of the leading role of the ICN2 researchers in the design of nanobiosensors to diagnose COVID-19, going back to their normal growing trend in 2021.
The ICN2 researches were involved in 10 press releases through the year. Covered topics included research topics regarding energy, fundamental physics, nanomedicine, the acquisition of new equipment with FEDER Funds, COVID-19, awarded grants such as the ERC Grants, awards and the advances made the spin-off company INBRAIN Neuroelectronics.
During the year the media tracking tools used by the ICN2, which are mainly focused on Catalan and Spanish media, detected 102 mentions of the ICN2 and its researchers in printed press, and at least 1 TV appearances, inn the form of a devoted edition of the national TV2 “Cazador de Cerebros” programme, and 3 radio appearances.