The year at a glance
2020 was a very peculiar year. Terrible in many facets, but also full of new opportunities and challenges that tested the institutional strength of the ICN2 and its experts. It is safe to say that the ICN2 has passed the test imposed by the coronavirus pandemic that hit the world during the first months of 2020. Nobody was ready for it, not even the most excellent researchers, but the ICN2 and its members have been able to adapt to a new scenario and adjust our work environment to new safety requirements and, when possible, reorient the Groups’ research lines to face the impact of COVID-19 with new projects.
In this section we invite you to explore some of the main impacts achieved in 2020 by our institutional, research and innovation activity.
New SCN2 Direction Board with two ICN2 researchers involved: María Tenorio and Elisa Rodríguez
María Tenorio Tuñas, PhD student at the ICN2, is the new Research Committee Leader of the Catalan Society of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (SCN2), and Elisa Rodríguez, ICN2 research assistant, is the new Community Committee Leader. They shared with us their future plans and motivations for the association.Absence of magnetic proximity effect at the interface of a topological and a magnetic insulator
A study conducted by a team of researchers from the ICN2, in collaboration with colleagues from ALBA Synchrotron Light Source (Spain) and Diamond Light Source (United Kingdom), has found absence of magnetic proximity effects at the interface of heterojunctions made of a topological insulator and a magnetic insulator. These results are highly relevant to clear up the discrepancy between the experimental and theoretical analysis of these systems, as they were obtained using a direct experimental probe of locally induced magnetism, in contrast to previous experimental works.BIST and UIC Barcelona recruit six researchers through the FBA Fellows programme for attracting scientific talent

Crazy for Physics launches its sixth edition
25 High School students will interact during 16 work sessions with researchers from all the participating excellence centers offering exciting experiences that explore the biggest and the smallest scales of the universe. Coordinated from the ICN2 and the IFAE, Crazy for Physics (Bojos per la Física) also involves the UAB, the ICMAB, the ICFO, and the Alba Synchrotron.A roadmap for near future quantum materials research

#100tífiques launches this week with 350 summoned female researchers
As the International Day of Women and Girls in Science approaches, on February 11th, several scientific researchers are warming up. The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) and the Catalan Foundation for Research & Innovation (FCRI) are organizing the 3rd edition of the #100tífiques program. This year's virtual edition opens up on Thursday 21 of January with a Training and Networking Meet-up.EU Graphene Flagship highlights the ICN2 spin-off INBRAIN Neuroelectronics
The news explains that INBRAIN is currently working to ensure patient safety and to comply with necessary preclinical regulatory milestones. The company plans to start its first in-human studies in 2021.Researchers develop enzyme-powered micromotors based on metal-organic porous materials
In a new article published in the prestigious Journal of the American Chemical Society, researchers describe how they successfully designed and fabricated bubble-propelled enzymatic micromotors built from a highly porous metal-organic framework (MOF). These new micromotors might lead to applications for drug delivery and adsorption of pollutants. This work was co-led by researchers from the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) and scientists from the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2).Announcing the ICN2 Severo Ochoa International Conference "Biosensors for Pandemics 2021"

Disruptive phononics-based approach to information technology: the ERC AdG "LEIT" project kicks off today
A scientific kick-off meeting marks today the starting of the LEIT (Lossless information for emerging information technologies) project, which will be led by ICREA Prof. Dr Clivia M. Sotomayor Torres, head of the ICN2 Phononic and Photonic Nanostructures Group. In 2020, Prof. Sotomayor was awarded an ERC Advanced Grant for this five-year project, which aims at developing a disruptive technology based on phononic interconnects to reduce energy consumption of electronic circuits.New edition of the BIST Master of Multidisciplinary Research in Experimental Sciences
The Master is a joint effort of BIST and all the centers forming it to offer a training with a special focus on experimental skills.A new Strategic Plan for the future of ICN2

A work led by Prof. Mónica Lira is selected among the Energy Nature favourites
Nature Energy is a young journal with five years of history. To celebrate it anniversary it has published a list of the selected more prominent topics of investigation and fifteen papers, among which is a Consensus led by Prof. Mónica Lira about stability assessment of perovskite solar cells.Biosensors for Pandemics 2021: an ICN2 Severo Ochoa Workshop
On February 2-3, the ICN2 hosted the Severo Ochoa Workshop on Health called "Biosensors for Pandemics 2021: Reliable and efficient nanotech-based diagnostics in emergency situations", an online conference dedicated to the most relevant scientific issues that the biosensing community is addressing to face the COVID-19 pandemic.Dr. Sonia Ruiz Raga is awarded by L'Oréal-UNESCO "For Women In Science" programme

ICN2 joins the celebrations of this year's "International Day of Women and Girls in Science"
The ICN2 is involved in a series of initiatives to support this day to raise awareness of the persistent gender gap un the world of research. Some ICN2 women researchers will participate in "100tífiques" to bring science and the role of women in Science closer to young students.A cathode based on 2D organic structures loaded with iron single atoms improves lithium-sulfur batteries performance
A paper featured on the inside back cover of this month's edition of Advanced Energy Materials proposes a novel cathode structure, where iron atomically dispersed in a carbon nitride material (Fe/C2N) acts as an effective sulfur host, improving the efficiency and stability of lithium-sulfur batteries. This work was led by ICREA Prof. Jordi Arbiol, leader of the ICN2 Advanced Electron Nanoscopy group, and ICREA Prof. Andreu Cabot, from the Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC).A new synthesis procedure involving metal-organic polyhedra for building MOFs
A study recently published in the journal Angewandte Chemie of the German Chemical Society, led by La Caixa Junior Leader Dr. Arnau Carné-Sánchez and ICREA Professor and ICN2 group leader Prof. Daniel Maspoch, explores the use of metal-organic polyhedra (MOPs) as building blocks to produce highly-connected metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). Pre-synthesized, isolated MOPs based on polycarboxylate cuboctahedral rhodium(II) were successfully applied to build MOFs, providing an alternative approach to their synthesis.BIST is involved in a new education centre in Barcelona with a special focus on science

Member of European Parliament Jordi Solé visits the ICN2
The visit consisted in a guided tour through the ICN2 facilities and a lively discussion about European policies, research funds and regional development. He met ICREA Prof. Jose A. Garrido, vice-Director of the ICN2, Dr Margarita Navia, Head of the ICN2 Strategy Development Area, and Lluis Rovira, Director of the CERCA Institution.Numerical methods for quantum transport simulation in condensed matter: a review
A detailed review of computational techniques for studying electronic transport in complex materials or devices has been just published in Physics Reports. The paper describes, in particular, numerical implementations of the Kubo formula for the electrical conductivity in quantum systems and various applications. This work was led by ICREA Prof. Stephan Roche, head of the ICN2 Theoretical and Computational Nanoscience group.The activation of an immune system cell type would facilitate the elimination of HIV infection
A study led by Vall d'Hebron and the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) has shown, thanks to the use of gold nanoparticles and cell cultures, that enhancing the activity of natural killer cells of the immune system is key to eliminating HIV infection.Dr Cinzia Spinato highlighted in Nature section 'Where I work'

"Small" features a research about nanorods participated by ICN2
A new paper in "Small" reporting on a research about nanorods, led by IREC and participated by the ICN2 Advanced Electron Nanoscopy Group, is featured in the inside back cover of the journal.CSIC Catalunia launching a series of short videos featuring women at work
This initiative is meant to show diversity in our research centres, involving women working in different capacities.Defects to the rescue: Exploiting defects at Van der Waals interfaces between layered materials
A paper recently published in the journal "Science Advances" demonstrates that defects in van der Waals materials, normally detrimental for device applications, can be exploited to capture and store charge carriers and therefore be beneficial for practical applications, such as photodetectors. Dr Klaas-Jan Tielrooij, leader of the Ultrafast Dynamics in Nanoscale Systems group at the ICN2, participated in this study.The ICN2 is involved in 3 programmes suggested by the Catalan Government to access the Next Generation EU funds
The Secretariat of Universities and Research of the Department of Business and Knowledge has submitted to the Spanish government a proposal for 120 million Euros, of which the Catalan government could co-finance over 59 million Euros. The programs, led by agents of the Catalan knowledge system, are in quantum communication, energy and green hydrogen, agri-food, biodiversity, astrophysics, marine sciences, advanced materials and biotechnology applied to health.Graphene-based neural interface allows improved brain activity mapping
A study recently published in "Nature Communication" demonstrates that graphene-based active sensor arrays are a mature technology for large-scale application in wide frequency band neural sensing interfaces. This work was developed by researchers from various institutes and a company that are part of the EU Graphene Flagship - including the ICN2.Dr Ekaterina Khestanova will join ICFO and ICN2 through the FBA Fellows Programme
BIST has recruited three researchers through the FBA Fellows Programme, one of them joining a multidisciplinary research project at the ICFO and the ICN2. Her research will be focused on the studies of the optical properties of superconductors.'Picture a Scientist': How to make science more diverse and equitable
The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) is organising an online screening of the documentary "Picture a Scientist", as well as a debate around diversity and equal opportunities in science and research.Second "Vermú de Nanoci?ncia" webinar series now open to subscriptions
In the framework of the "10alamenos9" Scientific Festival, the "Vermú de Nanociencia" webinar series proposes lectures on nanoscience and nanotechnology, provided by experts in the field from different worldwide institutions. We are glad to announce that subscriptions to participate are open!8th of March at the ICN2, International "TeleWorking" Women's Day
On the occasion of the International Women's Day, the ICN2 organised a round table held by women with different profiles working at out institute. Participants analysed the additional challenges introduced by the pandemic situation we are living in and its implications. The event included an awards ceremony to reward the best ICN2 papers and best Ph.D. thesis led by women.Tweed texture revealed in vanadium dioxide in metal-insulator transitions
The study of metal-insulator transitions in VO2 through atomic scale imaging has allowed to uncover a periodical tweed structure: a weaving of vanadium dimers acting like the threads of an actual tweed at the atomic level. This research, led by ICN2 group leader ICREA Prof. Gustau Catalan and ICMAB researcher Dr Felip Sandiumenge and published in Advanced Materials, provides relevant information for the understanding of transitional states in specific classes of materials.Using graphene flakes to combat anxiety
A paper published in 'Biomaterials' reports the possible use of graphene nanoparticles to combat anxiety-related behaviour in vertebrates. This study envisions the application of these graphene flakes as nanotools for improved precision medicine.Maria Tenorio wins an award in the MANA International Symposium 2021
Tenorio, researcher at the ICN2, has won an award for a presentation she delivered at the MANA International Symposium.Prof. Jordi Arbiol awarded the FWO Commemorative Medal
ICREA and ICN2 Prof. Jordi Arbiol has been awarded the FWO Commemorative Medal, to recognise his work in the Project Panel on Condensed Matter and Physical Chemistry.Nanotechnology provides new solutions for microbiome-based diagnostics and personalized medicine
A review recently published in "Advanced Materials" by members of the ICN2 Nanobioelectronics and Biosensors group, led by ICREA Prof. Arben Merkoçi, in collaboration with other institutes and in the framework of the MICROB-PREDICT project, presents the potentialities of nanotechnology for developing biosensors for the monitoring of the human microbiome. These studies can open new paths for the diagnostics of diseases such as cirrhosis, acute liver failure and colorectal cancer, and to personalized therapy.Prof. Victor Puntes interviewed by the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation
Jordi Portabella, Director of the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation (FCRI), discusses with ICN2 Group Leader Prof. Victor Puntes about a new study on the use of gold nanoparticles to fight the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).Injection locking process observed in optomechanical systems
A new research published in 'Nanophotonics' reports the observation of injection locking of self-pulsing-driven oscillations of optomechanical systems. This collaborative study, to which ICN2 group leader ICREA Prof. Clivia Sotomayor-Torres participated, shines more light into the use of these systems.New Master in Quantum Science and Technology in Barcelona
Three universities and four research centres located in the Barcelona area, among which is the ICN2, collaborate to bring to university students a new Master Programme, aimed at forming the next generation of experts in quantum science and technology. A close collaboration with high-tech companies will also offer a connection with the industry world.Dr Luis Miguel Arellano Castellanos awarded by the RSEQ
The Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry awarded Dr Arellano for his PhD thesis.Dr Claudio Roscini awarded by the IAAM
The International Association of Advanced Materials conferred to ICN2 Senior Researcher Dr Roscini the Innovation Award given a talk at the prestigious lecture series of this institution.The origin of electrocaloric effect in PbZrO3, explained: antiferroelectric - ferroelectric phase switching
A research led by ICREA Prof. Gustau Catalán, group leader at the ICN2, and published in Physical Review proposes a response to the debate over the origin of the large negative electrocaloric effect observed in antiferroelectric PbZrO3. The understanding of the mechanism at the basis of this phenomenon is also relevant to its application to cooling systems for integrated circuits.Urban development plan for a new research area in Barcelona approved
A new urban development plan, promoted by the BIST, amongst others, has been approved this week. The building assigned to BIST will be the largest.INBRAIN Neuroelectronics raises over ?14M to develop smart graphene-based neural implants for personalised therapies
INBRAIN Neuroelectronics, a spin-off company of the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) and ICREA, announces a ?14.35M Series A investment, co-led by Asabys Partners and Alta Life Sciences, and joined by Vsquared Ventures (Germany), TruVenturo (Germany) and CDTI (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation). INBRAIN has the mission to develop intelligent neuroelectronic therapies based on graphene technology for application in patients with epilepsy, Parkinson's and other brain related disorders.First meeting of GraphCAT to be held on April 8 and 15
The first meeting of the GraphCAT community, which includes many research institutes, technological centres, universities and companies, is going to be held this week. New projects will be discussed related to the application of graphene to new medical devices, integrated circuits, production of graphene and membranes, and energy storage.New control mechanism in graphene for electronics applications demonstrated
A new research published in Science Advances demonstrates the possibility to tune graphene terahertz nonlinearity by using a small voltage. ICN2 Group Leader Dr Klaas-Jan Tielrooij participated in this study.Clustering and global challenges in hot technological sectors
Advances and perspectives in various research and technology fields are being discussed in the "Clustering and Global Challenges" (CGC2021) international online conference (7-9 April, 2021).#NanoJocsFlorals, a contest of poems related to nanoscience and nanotechnology
The Catalan Society of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (SCN2), on the occasion of the Sant Jordi celebration (April 23), organizes #NanoJocsFlorals, a contest of poems related to nanoscience or nanotechnology.News & Views article on hot plasmon emission in graphene in "Nature Materials"
A new significant research on ultrafast excitation and relaxation mechanisms in graphene, published in the current issue of "Nature Materials", is featured in the "News & Views" section of the journal in an introductive article by ICN2 group leader Dr Klaas-Jan Tielrooij and ICFO group leader Prof. Frank Koppens.Thermal Properties of Nanoscale Materials: A new research Group for the ICN2
The GTNaM Group, led by Javier Rodríguez-Viejo, has been active since 2000 within the UAB and is now also affiliated to the ICN2. New and well known senior researchers will focus their efforts on phase transitions and thermal transport.The new ICN2 Open Knowledge Programme edition is devoted to the ICN2 Research Support Facilities
The ICN2 has relaunched the Open Knowledge Programme with a series of talks entitled "Meet the ICN2 Research Support Facilities". It started on Thursday 14 April with a talk on X-Ray diffraction, which will be followed by other webinars by technicians and Laboratory Officers of the ICN2 Research Support Division. The OK Programme is coordinated by the ICN2 Human Resources Department.ICN2 joins the network ARIE, devoted to providing instruments and services to researchers
ICN2 recently joined Analytical Research Infrastructures in Europe (AIRE) as a founding member of the e-DREAM network. ARIE aims at connecting research centres around Europe that provide highly-specialized instruments and services to researchers.ICREA Prof. Daniel Maspoch awarded an ERC Advanced Grant for his project CLIPOFF-CHEM
Among the projects assigned this year a European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant is CLIPOFF-CHEM, which will be led by ICREA Prof. Daniel Maspoch, group head at the ICN2.This project aims to develop a highly innovative top-down synthesis technique, based on the control at molecular level of the breaking of preformed molecules and structures.New ICN2 Manuel Cardona Lecture by Prof. Yuri Gogotsi on 2D Carbides and Nitrides
Prof. Gogotsi works on 2D carbides, nanostructured carbons, and other nanomaterials for energy, water and biomedical applications. On April 22, 2021, Prof. Gogotsi offered a Manuel Cardona Lecture. ICN2 invites you to enjoy Prof. Gogotsi's inspiring talk.Columba Severa launches her first book
On the occasion of Saint George's Day, Patron of Catalonia, Columba Severa launched her very first book: Kamasutra of Ergonomics. A presential course will follow.A new webinar series, the LeaderSHE talks, started today
The anticipated LeaderSHE line of webinars has started today with a talk by Prof. María Blasco, Director of the CNIO and President of the SOMMa Alliance. Talks by Carme Ruscalleda, chef, and Dr M?nia Terribas, journalist, will follow soon.Barcelona City Council and BIST meet to discuss new and ongoing collaborations
Representatives of the Barcelona City Council and of the BIST met on April 27 to discuss various BIST projects and the new initiative "Next Generation UE".The 10alamenos9 Festival has already started!
This year's edition of the 10alamenos9 Festival (10totheminus9) is taking place between March and June 2021. Many activities are scheduled to take place in many countries such as the series of webinars "Vermú de la Nanoci?ncia", the writing contest of nanostories and a lot more educational workshops and activities.Advancements and challenges of using coordination polymer nanoparticles in bioimaging
A review published in Coordination Chemistry Reviews reports on the use of nanoparticles and, specifically, coordination polymer nanoparticles in the field of bioimaging for diagnostics. It describes the progress done in several techniques, such as magnetic resonance imaging or photoacoustic imaging.Invited contribution by Group Leader Dr Tielrooij in Nanoscale "Emerging Investigators 2021" issue
A review on hot carriers in graphene, authored by ICN2 Junior Group Leader Dr Klaas-Jan Tielrooij, has been published online, as part of a special collection of "Nanoscale" dedicated to works carried out by promising early-career researchers.Paula Cid awarded for a picture about the loneliness of the researcher
Paula Cid, member of the ICN2 community, won a contest organized by the Universitat Rovira i Virgili for a photograph about the loneliness of the researchers facing the COVID-19 pandemic.The ICN2 at the Company Fair of the UB
This annual event, which this year was held online, is an opportunity for students to get to know directly companies and institutions and to look for employment.ICN2 participates in ASTIP, a new advanced research hub
The Alba Science, Technology and Innovation Park (ASTIP) will be a new interdisciplinary research hub for complex materials and biological systems. The ICN2 is one of the several Catalan institutes involved in the project.Prof. Cecília de Carvalho gives a talk for the BIST Colloquium series
The webinar discussed the use of graphene-based biosensors for healthcare.Enhanced Perovskite Solar Cells: new insights into defects impact on stability
A study recently published in "Joule", coordinated by ICN2 Group Leader Dr Monica Lira-Cantú and Prof. Anders Hagfeldt (EPFL), demonstrates that the addition of the organic molecule H3pp to the halide perovskite layer increases the long-term stability of these solar cells, due to shallow point defect passivation.Winners of the Catalan round of the "Nanostories" Contest awarded
Organized within the framework of the VI Festival of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology "10alamenos9" (10totheminus9), the Catalan Nanostories Contest has now official winners, who will be able to participate in the national final round, competing with students from all over the country. Almost 100 young students took part in the contest writing some amazing and creative stories... that take place at the nanoscale.Not all 2D materials are as strong as graphene: Transition Metal Dichalcogenides get weaker when thickness decreases
A new study recently published in "Advanced Materials" reveals that MoSe2, a prominent material of the transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) family, loses relative stiffness when its thickness is reduced. This work was carried out by researchers from the Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU) in Poznan (Poland) and the ICN2, under the coordination of Dr Bartlomiej Graczykowski and Dr Klaas-Jan Tielrooij, respectively.New edition of the course against microaggressions and harassment offered by CERCA
CERCA organises the third edition of the course "From microaggressions to harassment. Women in scientific research", to discuss violence and gender discrimination at work. It will be available from May 10 to June 4.New edition of the MSc in Advanced Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
The Programme of the Master's Degree in Advanced Nanoscience and Nanotechnology will be presented on May 19 at the UAB Virtual Fair.Prof. Laura Lechuga participates in the IX Scientific Fair of Jerez
This year's edition of the "Feria de la Ciencia en la Calle de Jerez" is being held online. ICN2 Group Leader Prof. Lechuga is contributing an interview on her research on nanobiosensors for COVID-19 diagnostic.Visiting Prof. Cecilia de Carvalho Castro Silva featured in Nanoscale "Emerging Investigators 2021" issue
A "communication" article authored by Prof. de Carvalho Castro Silva, visiting scientist at the ICN2, has been published online, as part of a special collection of "Nanoscale" dedicated to works carried out by promising early-career researchers.New nanocomposites with an ordered structure for application in solid oxide cells
A paper published in "Nature Communications" discusses the development of a novel class of functional materials based on nano-engineered composite oxides. The ICN2 Nanomaterials Growth Unit participated in this work.Spin polarization effects at the hinges of 3D magnetic topological insulators
Simulations of spin polarization states on the surface of three-dimensional models of magnetic topological insulators -materials largely studied in spintronics- unveil the emergence of hinge spin polarizations, with opposite sign on opposite hinges. This study, carried out at the ICN2 and published in "Physical Review Letters", also demonstrates the possibility to generate a large resistance switch in the sample, with important implications for the design of spin-sensitive devices.Prof. Laura Lechuga receives the "Juan de la Cierva" National Research Award
The ceremony took place yesterday in Madrid. Prof. Laura Lechuga was conferred the "Juan de la Cierva" Award for the impact of her research in terms of technology transfer.POM-based materials as outstanding candidates for sustainable energy production and storage
In a review published in "Energy & Environmental Science" the recent advances of research on polyoxometalates (POMs) for energy-related applications are presented, highlighting both the great opportunities and the challenges of using these materials. This work was led by ICN2 Group Leader Prof. Pedro Gómez-Romero and by Dr Deepak Dubal, from Queensland University of Technology (Australia).A new LeaderSHE talk by Michelin-starred chef Carme Ruscalleda
The LeaderSHE line of webinars continued today with a talk by multi-awarded chef Carme Ruscalleda. The next appointment is for the 15th of June with journalist Dr M?nica Terribas.Novel nano-encapsulation approach for efficient dopamine delivery in Parkinson's treatment
In a study just published in "ACS Nano", polymeric nanoparticles inspired by natural neuromelanin were used to encapsulate dopamine and to be administered via intranasal to reach the brain for Parkinson's disease treatment. This work was coordinated by ICN2 Group Leader Dr Daniel Ruiz-Molina and Dr Julia Lorenzo, Group Leader at the Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedicine (IBB) of UAB, and developed in collaboration with the group led by Prof. Miquel Vila at VHIR.Interactive Event on Ergonomics organised by the H&S Area
Last Friday, the Health and Safety Area held an event on best ergonomic practices at work, be it in the office, at home or while standing.Youtuber Anna Morales (@SizeMatters) talks about nanotechnology on "El País" online
The first video of a series dedicated to science dissemination called #SomosFuturo, starred by Anna Morales, aka SizeMatters, has just been released.Holes in germanium as promising spin qubits for quantum computing
An article just published in "Nature Materials" discusses the implementation of a qubit system based on the interacting spins of holes, confined in a silicon-germanium quantum device. These qubits can be operated with small magnetic fields. Members of the ICN2 Advanced Electron Nanoscopy Group participated in the characterization of the fabricated structures.Novel biosensing platform for point-of-care analysis of complex samples without pretreatment
A paper published in "Analytical Chemistry" describes an enhanced biosensing platform based on lateral-flow-assay (LFA) for point-of-care analysis. Cheap, easy to use and portable as LFA, this paper-based electrophoretic bioassay (PEB) allows performing tests on viscous samples, as whole blood, without the need for pretreatment steps. This research was developed by members of the ICN2 Nanobioelectronics and Biosensors Group.The ICN2 participates in the Science Festival "Biennal Ciutat i Ci?ncia" of Barcelona
Dr Maria Soler, senior researcher at the ICN2, talked about her work on COVID-19 diagnostic to primary school students on the first day of the biennial science festival of Barcelona. Many other events will follow until June 13, including talks, debates and workshops.Prof. Laura Lechuga, new Fellow of the RSC
Prof. Laura Lechuga is the newest Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry.A "Biennal" full of events and ICN2 involvement
The science festival "Biennal Ciutat i Ci?ncia" of Barcelona (June 8-13) ended last Sunday. The ICN2 participated in several successful events throughout the week.SHINE: a paper-based electroanalytical platform for breast cancer diagnosis
The results of the recently concluded EU funded SHINE project are highlighted on the CORDIS website of the European Community. It was coordinated by ICN2 group leader Prof. Arben Merkoçi.Another LeaderSHE webinar, by journalist M?nica Terribas
The LeaderSHE talks series hosted an inspiring discussion with Catalan journalist M?nica Terribas, who talked about leadership and women in directive roles, as Prof. María Blasco and chef Carme Ruscalleda in the previous events.New insights into charge carrier dynamics in graphene-based materials for optoelectronic applications
A study published in "ACSNano" investigates the mechanism governing the cooling dynamics of photo-excited charge carriers in graphene-based structures, which are interesting candidates for future optoelectronic devices. This research was led by Dr Klaas-Jan Tielrooij, leader of the ICN2 Ultrafast Dynamics in Nanoscale Systems Group.Prof. Lechuga receives the XVIII Burdinola Research Award
This award is a reference amongst research professionals, with big names in the Spanish scientific research such as Prof. Margarita Salas. The award ceremony will be held on Monday 28 June at the UAB's Casa Convalesc?ncia.XVIII Burdinola Research Award Ceremony
Prof. Laura Lechuga, leader of the ICN2 Nanobiosensors and Bioanalytical Applications Group, received today the "XVIII Burdinola Research Award" in recognition of her career path and important work in the field of nanosensors for medical applications.Five new projects to receive a "Seed Grant" from the BIST Ignite Programme
Ten research teams from various BIST centres (CRG, IBEC, ICFO, ICIQ, ICN2, and IRB Barcelona) will combine their capabilities in genetics, chemistry, molecular biology, bioengineering, photonics, biosensors, and new materials to provide new scientific answers to major open challenges in health and fundamental physics.New lectures made available by the SIESTA project
The lectures, which introduce useful tools and functionalities of the SIESTA software, are now published on the project's YouTube channel.FOTCIENCIA is back with a special section on COVID
The 18th edition of the FOTCIENCIA contest, dedicated to scientific photography and microscopy, has been just launched. Take part!2021 Topological Matter Conference
The first edition of a new conference dedicated to topological quantum system was held between June 28 and July 1, 2021.Prof. Laura Lechuga new Associated Editor of "Analytical Chemistry"
A new recognition of the outstanding career of Prof. Lechuga, who has accepted the position of Associated Editor, effective 1 June.INBRAIN Neuroelectronics collaborates with Merck to develop the next generation of bioelectronic therapies
The ICN2 and ICREA's spin-off INBRAIN Neurolectronics starts a collaboration with the leading biotechnology company Merck. They will develop novel graphene bioelectronics devices for vagus nerve therapies, targeting severe chronic diseases.Four projects selected in the second call of the ICN2 SO Seed Funding
The awardees of this call are Dr Juan Sierra, Dr Jose Hugo García, Dr Alexander Block, Dr Sara Martí, Dr Salvio Suarez, Dr Giulio Rosati, Dr Mónica Lira and Dr Klaas-Jan Tielrooij.UAB Extraordinary Doctorate Prizes 2018-2019
Dr Civan Avci, Dr Ceren Çamur and Dr Javier Ivan Patarroyo Rengifo, former doctoral students at the ICN2 and the UAB, received this award for their theses, defended in the academic year 2018-1019.Winners of the second edition of ART meets NANO
ART meets NANO is a contest aiming to engage the ICN2 community in the act of connecting art and science. Our goal is to encourage art as an attractive tool for communicating our nanoscience.A review on nanoparticles for in situ remediation of soils and groundwater
The unique properties of materials at the nanoscale offer opportunities for developing novel techniques to decontaminate polluted areas, which would reduce the impact of the process, while increasing its efficacy and penetrability. The state-of-the art and future perspectives of research in nano-remediation, balancing risks and benefits, is presented in a review recently published in "Science of Total Environment"."Science in Memes" is back: take part!
Does science have a funny side? Can memes make us smile with research? That's the aim of Science in Memes! A fresh initiative to pass the (scientific) time in summer.ICN2 collaborates with NanoExplore to study potential adverse effects of nanoparticles
Volunteers among the ICN2 members are taking part in a pilot study, which is part of the EU funded NanoExplore project. The main goal of this research is to investigate potential health adverse effects caused by exposure to nanoparticles and to promote policies for the safe use of these materials.A review on engineered van der Waals systems for (opto-)spintronic applications
In a review just published in Nature Nanotechnology, the recent progress and enormous potential of van der Waals heterostructures are highlighted. These artificial materials, made up of layers of different 2D crystals, can be designed to exhibit specific functionalities to be harnessed in spintronic and opto-spintronic devices.The new BIST building designed by the Barozzi Veiga studio
The jury of the competition organised by BIST recommended Barozzi Veiga for the originality of their proposal and its compliance with the requirements. Construction work will start in 2022.ICN2 signs the DORA declaration
The Declaration on Research Assessment is a worldwide initiative aiming at improving practices and procedures of research assessment.Space laboratories conditions simulated on Earth allow synthesising high-quality 2D crystalline materials
A team of researchers demonstrated that 2D porous crystalline molecular frameworks can be grown with excellent control over their morphology and homogeneity by using a custom-made microfluidic device. This approach recreates on Earth the microgravity environment of laboratories on the International Space Stations.Three stay proposals funded via the Severo Ochoa Outbound Mobility Programme
ICN2 researchers Dr Thomas Guillet, Christian Schäfer, and Peng Xiao will be able to complete a short stay at internationally renowned centres to develop part of their research and acquire new expertise. Applications for the Severo Ochoa Outbound Mobility Programme, which covers expenses up to 3000 euros, will be open until the end of September 2021.Dr Jorge Albalad awarded the UAB Extraordinary Doctorate Prize in Chemistry
Former PhD student at the ICN2, in Prof. Maspoch's group.Dr Luis Pires awarded the UAB Extraordinary Doctorate Prize in Biotechnology
Former PhD student at the ICN2, in Prof. Merkoçi's group.Giant and tuneable thermal diffusivity observed in the Dirac-fluid regime in graphene devices
The study of heat transport in graphene at room temperature, in both the diffusive and the hydrodynamic regime, is described in a paper recently published in "Nature Nanotechnology". The very high and controllable thermal diffusivity revealed using ultrafast spatiotemporal thermoelectric microscopy can find application in heat management of nanoscale electronic devices.Electrochromic materials for new point-of-care and wearable biosensors: a review
A scientific paper recently published in "Materials Today" highlights the potentialities offered by electrochromic materials for the development of portable and easy-to-use bio-sensing platforms. This work, coordinated by ICREA Prof. Arben Merkoçi, provides a comprehensive description and discussion about these materials, their properties, state-of-the art applications as biosensors and new opportunities and challenges in this field.JPhD 2021 open for registration
The 6th edition of the scientific meeting of PhD students of the Barcelona Nanocluster-Bellaterra will take place on November 25-26 at the UAB Campus. Registration open until October 15.GraphCAT and Cooling Photonics on stage at Expoquimia 2021
Expoquimia 2021, an international industrial event dedicated to innovation in chemistry and related technologies, is taking place these days (14-17 September) in Barcelona. The ICN2 and GraphCAT, the Graphene Community of Catalonia, are participating in the event, which has also been the occasion to present the newly-created spin-off company Cooling Photonics.Dr Liang Zhifu receives the Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad
The award was conferred to Dr Zhifu for his PhD thesis work at the ICN2, in the Advanced Electron Nanoscopy Group, and at IREC.Dr Daniel Quesada awarded the UAB Extraordinary Doctorate Prize in Chemistry 2018-2019
Former PhD student at the ICN2, in Prof. Merkoçi's group.Celebrating nanoscience at the European Researchers' Night
Every year the European Researchers' Night brings researcher's closer to society, through talks, workshops, and activities. The aim is to share their scientific and technological knowledge with general public. This year, the ICN2 participated in some of the outreach events, organized across Europe, all week, celebrating the last Friday of September 2021.A bimetallic single atom catalyst enhances the efficiency and selectivity of CO2 reduction reaction
The use of a double-metal catalyst, presenting nearby nickel and iron active sites, improves both efficiency and selectivity of the carbon dioxide (CO2) reduction reaction, a process increasingly used to diminish the concentration of this greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. This study, published in and highlighted on the cover of Energy & Environmental Science, has been led by ICN2 group leader Prof. Jordi Arbiol.International Workshop on Advanced Materials-to-Device Solutions for Synaptic Electronics
This event, organized within the framework of the INTERSECT project, will be held in Barcelona, November 10-12. Remote attendance will also be available. Prof. Pablo Ordejón, Director of the ICN2 and Group Leader, is participating as a member of both the Scientific and the Organizing Committee."Trends in Nanotechnology" lands in Albania with great participation from ICN2
TNT2021, this year's edition of the international conference series dedicated to new trends in nanotechnology, is being held in Tirana (Albania). The ICN2 participated in the organization of this event, which is co-chaired by group leader ICREA Prof. Arben Merkoçi, and is contributing many presentations.New study opens the way to tailoring the magnetic anisotropy of lanthanides on surfaces
In a study recently published in "Small" and highlighted on its cover, a team of scientists including some ICN2 researchers demonstrates a sharp increase in the magnetic anisotropy of dysprosium (an element of the lanthanide group) in metal-organic frameworks on a metallic surface. These results are relevant for future applications in information technology."A home for women's voice": a viewpoint by Dr Zakya Kafafi and Dr Mónica Lira-Cantú
The founders of Women in Renewable Energy discuss about the importance of creating a gender-inclusive environment in scientific research on the pages of "Nature Energy"."A scientist jumping over fences" hits the bookshelves
Prof. Laura Lechuga reflects on the hustles and hurdles of her career in research and on what it means to be a woman in the scientific arena, in her book now available in bookstores.AGAUR FI prioritisation criteria for early-career research staff contracts in 2022
The shared document outlines how contracts will be prioritised. The shared document outlines how contracts will be prioritised.Nanoday virtual conference: nanotechnological innovation in Catalonia
On October 14, a week after the official US National Nanotechnology Day, a Nanoday virtual conference was held to discuss about research and innovation in Catalonia in the field of nanotechnology, with particular focus on its application and impact on food, health, cosmetics and water.SO Outbound Mobility Programme: new awardees and last call
The ICN2 Internationalisation Committee has granted funds to five applicants who will spend a short period (between 7 weeks and 3 months) in an international research centre. Two internal competitive calls (Outbound Mobility and Visiting Scientist) have been reopened, with deadline November 5.Quantum material to boost terahertz frequencies
A study recently published in "NPJ Quantum Materials" provides new insight into the properties of topological insulators, materials that conduct electricity in a special way and hold the promise of novel circuits and faster mobile communications. This work was carried out by a research team led by Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) and involved ICN2 group leader Dr Klaas-Jan Tielrooij.ICN2 and GraphCAT share new developments in graphene technologies at Graphene 2021
The graphene community meets again in person at the Graphene 2021 conference, this year held in Grenoble on October 26-29. The ICN2 is taking part as part of the organization, with many presentations and as one of the members of GraphCAT.Dr Luis Miguel Arellano receives Second Best PhD Thesis Award from GENAM
Dr Arellano is currently a postdoctoral researcher in the Nanomedicine Group.Dr Amadeo Sena-Torralba receives Best PhD Thesis Award from GECI
Former PhD student at the ICN2, in the Nanobioelectronics and Biosensors Group.BIST commits to making research more sustainable
"Green Lab = Cleaner World" is the awareness campaign launched by BIST in October 2021 to promote best practices for more sustainable research.NanoEduca: teacher training to bring nanoscience and nanotechnology into the classroom
The second NanoEduca training took place yesterday at the ICN2. This course, aimed at secondary and high school teachers, is part of the NanoEduca programme, aimed at facilitating the inclusion of nanoscience and nanotechnology topics in school educational programme. Around 20 assistants got the opportunity to discover the NanoKit experimental tools and a new virtual educational experience, NanoEduca 2.0.2021 BIST Conference: Quantum Technologies, Present and Future
This year's edition of the BIST annual conference discussed the current state of quantum technologies and the future plans for their development and application, with a special focus on projects ongoing in Catalonia. Representatives of research centres (including the ICN2) and the industrial sector were invited to contribute to the debate.Writing ferroelectric memories: the wetter, the better
A study published in "Advanced Electronic Materials" demonstrates that humidity increases the maximum speed at which ferroelectric film-based memories can be written, thanks to the capability of water to stabilise polarisation domains.New understanding of heat dissipation in 2D materials can lead to better thermal management of electronic devices
A study led by the ICN2 Phononic and Photonic Nanostructures Group (P2N) and recently published in ACS Nano Letters investigates thermal properties of crystalline films of SnSe2 (a two-dimensional material). This work provides new information on heat transport in 2D materials, useful for the design of electronic devices with improved heat control.Mysterious graphene: an intriguing non-local phenomenon calls for further investigation
Almost twenty years after its discovery, graphene keeps surprising researchers. Prof. Luis Fo? Torres and Prof. Sergio O. Valenzuela discuss an unclear phenomenon observed in graphene on the pages of "Physics World".International Workshop on Advanced Materials-to-Device Solutions for Synaptic Electronics
The INTERSECT workshop, organised by the ICN2 in collaboration with CNR Nano (Italy), is ongoing at the Casa de Convalescencia in Barcelona.ICN2, BIST and GRAPHCAT push novel technologies at PUZZLE X, fair on frontier materials
PUZZLE X, a forum for entrepreneurs, researchers, investors and deep tech professionals to discuss ground-breaking ideas, share their vision and promote new technologies and inventions, closed its doors today. Held on November 16-18 together with the Smart City Expo World Congress, the event registered a high participation of attendees and proved very successful. The ICN2 was among the exhibitors with a booth which attracted a huge attention, shared with GraphCAT and BIST and the spin offs FutureChromes, GraphenicaLab and Cooling Photonics.Dr Marc Vila's PhD thesis selected for publication by Springer
His theoretical study on spin dynamics in 2D quantum materials, developed within the ICN2 Theoretical and Computational Nanoscience Group, will be published in the Springer Theses series.Celebrating 40 years of STM and 35 of AFM at the UAB
This meeting commemorates the beginning of the Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM), the Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), and its pioneers in Catalonia. Within the framework of Science Week, this event celebrated 40 years since the inventions of the STM and the 35 years of the AFM. The event took place on Tuesday, 16 November, at the UAB Science Faculty and was co-organized by the Barcelona Nanocluster (ICN2, ICMAB, and IMB-CNM) and the UAB Science Faculty.Researchers find a substance that facilitates natural cell suppression in aggressive brain cancer
A research team coordinated by Dr. Víctor J. Yuste of the Universitat Aut?noma de Barcelona (UAB) demonstrated that the administration of a substance called "gossypol" to cells of glioblastoma, an incurable type of brain cancer, facilitates their death through the natural apoptosis mechanism. This study, in which took part members of the ICN2 Nanostructured Functional Materials Group, opens up a new avenue in the search for a treatment for glioblastoma.Moiré materials: new understandings unlock the gateway to future nanoelectronics applications
A new research on electron conduction in double-wall carbon nanotubes finally offers an explanation for a long-ununderstood phenomenon about interlayer conductance and provides a predictive model to simulate the behaviour of such structures. A class of "switchable" nanotubes is also identified. This work, recently published in "Carbon", was carried out in collaboration by members of the ICN2, Utrecht University and the University of Li?ge.The new Quantum International Conference series launched in Bilbao
Experts in quantum science and technology coming from academy and industry met in Bilbao on the occasion of Quantum 2021, a three-day event meant to become the first of a new series of international conferences dedicated to this emerging and promising field of research. The ICN2 is among the organizers.PHITBAC project starts activities to develop nanophotonic biosensors for the diagnosis and management of bacterial infections
The kick-off meeting of the PHITBAC project, led by group leader Prof. Laura Lechuga, took place at the ICN2 on Friday 26 December. The project aims to develop point-of-care devices for fast and reliable diagnosis of bacterial infectious diseases and identification of potential antibiotic resistance.Prof. Laura Lechuga on open access and pre-print sharing during pandemics
In an interview published in the CSIC Open Newsletter, ICN2 group leader Prof. Laura Lechuga discusses the evolution of scientific publication dynamics over the COVID19 pandemics and highlights advantages and some critical aspects of the Open Science system.Mental health within the research community: a neglected issue?
Researchers from various institutions, experts and representatives of concerned groups discussed mental well-being in the world of research, during a roundtable which took place on December 3. Julio Gómez, ICN2 Head of Human Resources, participated in the debate.Condensed Matter: a universe in your hands
A new cycle of lectures on Condensed Matter Physics organised by GEFES will kick-off soon. The talks of the precious series are available on the GEFES Youtube channel. ICREA Prof. Gustau Catalan discusses the properties of metal oxides.Former "crazy for physics" student awarded for Bachelor's thesis developed in Prof. Lechuga's group
She was involved in some of the activities of the CoNVat project.Dr Eduard Masvidal Codina wins a CERCA Pioneer Award 2021 for his doctoral thesis
His research on graphene microtransistors for neural interfaces was directed by ICN2 group leader ICREA Prof. José Garrido and by Dr Anton Guimerá (IMB-CNM, CSIC).Dr Patricia Ramírez Priego wins a CERCA Pioneer Award 2021 for her doctoral thesis
Her research on point-of-care biosensor devices for clinical diagnosis in developing countries was directed by ICN2 group leader Prof. Laura Lechuga.Dr Dami? Viana wins a CERCA Pioneer Award 2021 for his doctoral thesis
His research on porous graphene-based neural interfaces was directed by ICN2 group leader ICREA Prof. José Garrido.Photochromeless photochromic nanomaterials emitting multicolour light for smart displays and inks
A paper in "Materials Horizons" introduces a novel approach, based on solid lipid nanoparticles and nanostructured composites, to produce multicolour-emissive materials responding to temperature changes. Cost-effective, high-tuneable and easily integrable into devices, they can be applied in smart displays and in anti-counterfeiting inks. Dr Claudio Roscini, from the ICN2 Nanostructured Functional Materials Group, is one of the corresponding authors.MP Food Watching wins the 12th edition of the UAB Idea Generation Programme
The project submitted by Dr Begonya Marcos, researcher at IRTA, and Oscar Hernando Moriones, PhD student in the ICN2 Inorganic Nanoparticles Group, proposes a novel methodology based on hyperspectral vision to analyse food and detect the presence of microplastics.ICN2 Severo Ochoa Workshop on Environmental Monitoring and Remediation
The Severo Ochoa Workshop dedicated to Environment, one of the four areas of applications of the current ICN2 SO Programme, took place in Barcelona on 16-17 December. It comprised three sessions of talks having a different focus and a round table with industrial partners.New graphene-based neural probes improve detection of epileptic brain signals
A study published in Nature Nanotechnology shows that flexible brain probes made of graphene micro-transistors can be used to record pathological brain signals associated with epilepsy with excellent fidelity and high spatial resolution. This research was led by the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM-CSIC) and the University College London Queen Square Institute of Neurology (UK).Prof. Laura Lechuga receives the International Foundation Olof Palme Medal
The award was celebrated at the Saló de Cent of the Ajuntament de Barcelona (Barcelona City Hall). Different personalities of the national Health system were also awarded, together with an in memoriam award for the activist and feminist Núria Gispert.AGAUR FI prioritised applicants for early-career research staff contracts in 2022
The document announces the prioritised applicants.