Technical Management Support Area

Coordinator: Estefanía Latorre
In September 2019, a new unit was created within ICN2's administration: Technical Management Support Area, Public Tenders and Management, which reports directly to ICN2's General Manager. The activity performed by this unit is divided into two distinct areas.
On the one hand, this unit provides technical and management support to the ICN2 General Manager. It includes advising on legal issues, preparing the ICN2 compliance procedure or anti-corruption guide, coordinating and managing the signing of documentation, collecting data and preparing reports for internal purposes and to be provided to external bodies, such as the Generalitat de Catalunya.
On the other hand, it is in charge of the management of ICN2's public contracting of services, supplies and works, through public tenders and minor contracting files, based on Law 9/2017 of 8 November, on Public Sector Contracts.