Molecular Spectroscopy and Optical Microscopy
Available techniques
FT-IR spectroscopy
- Detectors available for MIR, NIR and FIR measurements
- Powders, films and surfaces
- Variable temperature (73 K - 500 K)
- Polarization modulation-infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy (PM-IRRAS)
- Vibrational circular dichroism (VCD)
UV-Vis spectroscopy
- Two ranges available: 175 - 900 nm/ 190 - 1100 nm (only for liquid samples)
- Liquids, films, surfaces and powders
- Integrating sphere
- Variable temperature (r.t. - 372 K)
- FTIR and Vis-NIR measurements
- Solids, films and surfaces
- Objectives
- 15x reflection/transmission
- 36x (only reflection)
- Grazing angle
- Vis and IR polarizers available
- Dynamic light scattering and zeta potential
Optical microscopy:
- Fluorescence
- Polarization
- Variable temperature (r.t. - 372 K)
- Software packages: time lapse, Z-stack and extended focus
Contact angle:
- Static and dynamic
- Surface free energy of solids
- Surface and interfacial tension of liquids
- Work of adhesion
- Advancing and receding contact angles and evaluation of a roll off angle by tilting table method