X-Ray Diffraction Facility
Available techniques
- XRD of powder materials for the structural analysis of phases in both reflection and transmission geometries
- Capillary measurements in transmission mode for liquid specimens or air sensitive powder materials
- Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) for flat nanopowder samples in transmission geometry
- In-situ powder characterization of the crystal structure in organic and inorganic materials, and pharmaceutical materials. Studies of structural phase transitions as a function of temperature, oxidation states and cell parameters evolution.
- XRD of thin films to identify phases and determine cell parameters, domain orientation and stress on epitaxy and polycrystalline films (at normal and high resolution)
- In-situ thin films characterization applying:
- Gas exchanges at elevated temperatures (redox kinetics, oxide ionic materials).
- Applied voltage bias (piezoelectric, ferroelectric, electrostriction, resistive switching).
- Exchange between wet and dry atmosphere (water uptake, protonic conducting materials).
- Simultaneous atmosphere exchange and electrical conductivity.
- LED illumination at RT and also applying low temperature (up to 100 °C) with controlled atmosphere (photoactivated phase transitions, photostriction, etc.)