Electron Microscopy Unit

Group leader: Belén Ballesteros


New projects & Milestones

The electron microscopy unit focuses on the use of electron microscopy techniques for nanoscience and nanotechnology research and applications. The Unit’s main objective is to provide scientific-technical support to the ICN2 research groups and to other research centres and companies, as well as to develop and implement novel techniques.

During 2021, the Unit was involved in the acquisition of a new Double Aberration-Corrected Transmission Electron Microscope with monochromator and a Focused Ion Beam. This equipment will be integrated in the Electron Microscopy Unit in 2022, thus allowing the Unit to provide the local scientific community with even more electron microscopy tools.

In 2021, Dr Ballesteros started a position as a CSIC Research Scientist, which she had secured in 2020. The Unit also hosted Sergi Valero, a visiting undergraduate student from the UAB.

Aside their daily fundamental activities, during 2021 the members of the Unit were involved in the organization of the third edition of the ICN2 ArtMeetsNano Image Contest. Also, Dr Ballesteros took part in the organization of the LeaderSHE seminars, a new series of lectures given by outstanding women who succeeded in reaching leadership positions in different professional fields. This initiative, promoted by the Equal Opportunities Committee, aims at inspiring young female researchers and professionals to pursue leading roles in academia, industry or any other work environment. Dr Ballesteros was also part of the scientific committee of the XXXVI Trobades Científiques de la Mediterrània.

As in previous years, the team actively participated in the BIST Winter School on Microscopy and Imaging Sciences, which is part of the BIST-UPF Master of Multidisciplinary Research in Experimental Sciences. Moreover, the Unit participated in the outreach activities organised at the ICN2, such as the Bojos per la Física (Crazy for Physics) programme.

The Unit devoted efforts to the NFFA-Europe infrastructure project, providing access to the ICN2 electron microscopy facilities to a number of researchers from other institutions.

Research-wise, the Electron Microscopy Unit continued to focus on the study of functional carbon nanomaterials for biomedical applications and the characterisation of single-layered inorganic nanotubes. For instance, gadolinium-doped carbon nanodots for magnetic resonance imaging were studied.