ART meets NANO is a contest aiming to engage the ICN2 community in the act of connecting art and science. Our goal is to encourage art as an attractive tool for communicating our nanoscience.

Through this contest we aim to promote interaction through the creation and sharing of images. We would also like to use the images to showcase the beauty of our research on the walls of the ICN2.


How to vote

The winning images (one per category), will be selected by popular vote in a process open to all the ICN2 staff. ICN2 members will be able to vote for up to three different images (three in total, not per category). At least one vote must fall in each of the two categories. Voting for an image more than once per person will not be allowed.

Once the voting period starts, to select an image click on the heart-shaped checkbox you will find attached to every image in the image gallery. You can change your selection as many times as you want until you click the "VOTE!" button on the bottom of the page.

You will be asked to enter your ICN2 email address. Only the votes associated to a valid "" address will be considered. Once you submit your selection you are not allowed to vote again.

The winner in each category will be the one that received the most votes in that category.

Contest winners will be announced before the end of the year.