Health and Safety Area

Officer: Jose Antonio Pérez
2020 has been very challenging for the Health and Safety (H&S) Area, aiming to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of the ICN2 community. In the pandemic context, the constantly evolving conditions translated to a regularly updated COVID-19 contingency plan and a continuous safety measures communication campaign. All required safety measures to prevent the spread of the infection were adopted and related equipment made available to all ICN2 staff, such as ensuring social distance in every places inside our premises, providing employees with disposable masks and gloves and reusable face cloth masks, and encouraging frequent use of hand sanitiser stations.
A number of COVID-19 related posters were created and distributed throughout the ICN2 with information, advice and procedures, and common areas were reorganised to guarantee everyone’s safety. In that frame, Columba Severa and Columba No-Ochoa, the Health and Safety mascot and her nemesis respectively, were born to guide all present and future safety related communications within the ICN2 community.
Although 2020 will be remembered for the coronavirus-caused challenges, the H&S Area performed nine risk assessments, produced and updated informative material about hazards related to every professional role and provided over 350 safety-related courses. On top of that, 2020 saw the release of the ICN2’s Biolab training and the execution of more First Aid and Emergencies trainings. However, due to the increase of remote working, Ergonomics trainings were given the upmost relevance.
Following up on last year’s psychosocial assessment among the ICN2 community, all data extracted from it was processed and we proceeded with the creation of a working group aiming to improve the aspects which received a lower rate. The H&S Area has also updated the Waste Management procedure, promoting better environmental practices and safer disposal of the hazardous materials produced in our premises. As well, a recycling point has been created for a more efficient waste management, reducing the associated risks and procuring a safer clearance of solid waste.

Columba Severa has been a tool to share Health and Safety tips internally