Human Resources

Head: Julio Gómez
The ICN2 Human Resources Department focuses on the people of the ICN2, providing effective talent attraction, selection, development and assessment processes, as well as a set of user-friendly guidelines and tools. Its mission is to support growth and career development through the nurturing of an appealing institutional environment.
The department’s policies contribute to making the ICN2 a workplace where people can thrive, share their experience and exchange new ideas. The institute was awarded the European Commission’s HR Excellence in Research logo in recognition of its commitment to career development, equal opportunities, transparency and favourable working conditions.
2020 has been a hard and very strange year for everybody and obviously for the HR department too. We took part in the ICN2 Contingency Committee, which has been promoting and following the measures related to the COVID-19, trying to assure the best working conditions in a pandemic situation. We had to transform our procedures (interviews, trainings, welcomes, signatures) into fully-online processes.
Another action relevant in the times of COVID-19 was creating a new section in the Intranet to inform about the new members, leavers and other changes in the list of members of the ICN2. It has been developed by the IT Department and it is daily updated with information from the HR Department management tools. A link to the refreshed list is included in the weekly internal Newsletter “Inside ICN2”. This action is part of the Severo Ochoa Programme and aimed to facilitate connections within the ICN2 community while informing about the members who join or leave the institute. The pandemic situation has made this tool more important than ever.