X-Ray Diffraction Facility
This facility is equipped with two advanced X-ray diffractometers (X’Pert MPD and MRD from PANalytical). It supports the research activities of the ICN2 groups and the surrounding research community by providing X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of nanopowders and thin films. The instruments are quite versatile and allow not only routine powder analysis and phase identification but also more sophisticated measurements, including glancing angle diffraction, X-ray reflectometry, diffuse scattering studies in nanopowders (SAXS), high-resolution analysis and reciprocal space mapping in epitaxial films, in-plane diffraction, as well as diffraction under non-ambient conditions (high temperature, up to 1100°C, and controlled atmosphere). The XRD Facility can also count on a non-ambient chamber to perform X-Ray Diffraction on thin films applying illumination, low temperature (up to 100°C) and controlled atmosphere.