Advanced Electron Nanoscopy

Group leader: Jordi Arbiol



Main research lines

  • Exploring the limits of physical resolution in advanced electron microscopy and related spectroscopies down to the atomic scale
  • Understanding the behaviour of materials at the nano and atomic scales, from their growth mechanisms to their physical (quantum, electronics, photonics) and chemical ((photo)electrocatalytic) properties
  • Design and study of new nanostructures for energy applications, including the development of in-situ and in-operando TEM experiments to understand the physical and chemical phenomena underlying energy generation
  • Analysis of the strain, relaxation and growth mechanisms in semiconductor/superconductor nanowire-based hybrid heterostructures for quantum technologies
  • Development of automated methodologies based on AI (Machine/Deep Learning) for data analysis, data treatment and 3D atomic modelling

Group leader

Jordi Arbiol

ICREA Research Professor and Group Leader

ICREA Prof. Jordi Arbiol was born in Molins de Rei (Catalonia) in 1975. Having graduated in physics from the Universitat de Barcelona (UB) in 1997, he went on to obtain his PhD in transmission electron microscopy as applied to nanostructured materials from this same university in 2001, earning the “European Doctorate” label in recognition of the project’s European dimension, as well as the university’s extraordinary doctorate award. He then held the position of assistant professor at the UB, before becoming a group leader at the Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona in 2009, as well as the scientific supervisor of this institute’s electron microscopy facility. It was here that he began his personal and professional mission to improve Barcelona’s baseline electron microscopy infrastructure, an endeavour he has continued to pursue at the ICN2, which he joined in 2015 as the leader of the Advanced Electron Nanoscopy Group.

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In 2017 he became the president of the Spanish Microscopy Society (SME), having been its vicepresident from 2013 to 2017 and board member since 2009. In 2019 he became a Member of the Executive Board of the International Federation of Societies for Microscopy (IFSM). He was also appointed by the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) as the scientific supervisor of its strategic multidisciplinary area of Electron Microscopy.

Other recognitions include the FWO Commemorative Medal in 2021, the 2014 EU40 Materials Prize (E-MRS), the 2014 EMS Outstanding Paper Award and being listed in the Top 40 under 40 Power List (2014) by The Analytical Scientist. He currently has more than 380 peer-reviewed publications, h-index 82 GoS (71 WoS), with more than 21500 GoS (16700 WoS) citations.