New projects & Milestones
The NMPE group research objectives are focused on the synthesis of novel nanomaterials and the control of their optoelectronic properties through their manipulation at molecular level, with the aim of developing highly stable and highly efficient perovskite solar cells. Specifically, our contribution is in the area of solution processable metal oxides (classical and complex), halide perovskites (Pb-free, 2D and 3D) and, more recently, 2D materials and MXenes. We aim at the development of highly stable solar cells for industrial applications (e.g. building integration PV) and novel self-powered photovoltaic-based devices for Internet of things (IoT) applications (e.g. sensors, wearables, printed electronics). The group, with more than 15 year of experience in the field, is internationally recognized for its involvement in the enhancement of the operational stability of emerging photovoltaics and the development of ISOS protocols.
Fundamental Research Lines. Various of our lines of study are related to highly innovative and fundamental research within technology readiness levels (TRLs) below 2. We aim at the synthesis of materials as absorbers, transport layers and interfaces in solar cells. This line includes the synthesis of novel materials such as Pb-free halide perovskites, 2D materials and halide perovskites, novel anti-perovskites. More recently, we have initiated the development of novel MXenes and 2D materials. One of the objectives of this research is the manipulation of materials properties to enhance solar cells stability and the understanding of the mechanisms that permit their stability. We focus on the study and passivation of point defects of materials and interfaces.
Another major goal of the group is the synthesis of nanostructured materials, especially those involving transition metal oxides (TMOs), via the application of low-cost and solution processing methods. They have many possible applications as main active materials or barrier layers, but also as materials for external light management. The use of low-temperature synthesis methods (sol gel, hydrothermal, SILAR, among many others) permits tuning and controlling the properties of the final device. These oxides are being applied in our group as nanostructured materials (nanorods, nanowires, nanotrees, core-shell, etc.) and dense thin films in the various next-generation solar cells, offering excellent performance in term of efficiency and lifetime. We are now functionalising these oxide surfaces by anchoring self-assembled monolayers with selected anchoring groups to interact simultaneously with the oxide and the active light harvesting material.
Applied Research Lines. Our applied research lines are dedicated to the development of novel and innovative devices whose technology readiness levels (TRLs) can be up to 7. We are working on high-efficiency perovskite solar cells and novel printed electronic devices, which can allow the group to collaborate with industry and to obtain intellectual property rights. We are also collaborating with top laboratories for the development of protocols and standards, which can help the perovskite solar cell technology to reach the market.
The group also works on the development of self-powered electronic and optoelectronic devices, as well as flexible and transparent devices for ICT and electronic applications.