Novel Energy-Oriented Materials

Group leader: Pedro Gómez-Romero



  • Hybrid Materials for Hybrid Energy Storage, International Webinar on “Advanced Materials for Functional and Sustainable Applications” Department of Physics, Electronic and Computer Science, SM Joshi College, Hadapsar, 29/06/2020, Pedro Gómez-Romero (Keynote).
  • Nanopipes: From Polymers to Nanocarbons. From 1D to 2D Hybrid Electrode Materials, 1+2D Materials Conference and Exhibition, , 28-29/1/20, Pedro Gómez-Romero (Keynote).
  • Graphene and other nanocarbons for Energy Storage, NANOTECH 2020 Exhibition Fair, , 29-31/1/20, Pedro Gomez-Romero (Invited).
  • Hybrid Nanomaterials for Energy Storage at ICN2. NANOTECHNOLOGIES FOR 21st CENTURY - COOPERATION EVENT BETWEEN ALBANIA, JAPAN AND SPAIN, 29/01/2020, Pedro Gomez-Romero (Invited).