Institutional Identity and Logo

The ICN2 logo is our institutional signature and must be present in all official ICN2 documentation. The logo includes a corporate symbol which represents an Atomic Force Microscope, with the 'R' on a black box symbolising our affiliation with the CERCA network of public research centres in Catalonia.

ICN2 Logo

Please feel free to download the logo in various formats and official versions. All files have transparent background. The horizontal version of the logo is the standard recommended version for use whenever possible.

The vertical version of the logo is best utilised when the ICN2 logo is appearing alongside other logos. The corporate symbol, comprised of three blue circles, should be visually centred on the acronym. Please note, these restrictions are flexible and can be adapted based on the shape, format of the available space, and sizing of adjacent logos. When the ICN2 brand should appear next to other logos, visual weight should be proportional to the different brands.

Pantone codes:

Pantone codes for the colours in our logo are: Blue - Pantone 2935C (CMYK 100_46_ 0_0), Black - CMYK 0_0_0_100. In cases where the background or printing system makes using the colour version impractical, the logo can be displayed in white or black.

Complementary identifying logos

ICN2 community members can download all the institutional logos in the ICN2 Intranet.

In all corporate communication, the ICN2 logo should be accompanied by the Severo Ochoa emblem under the title “Distinctions:”, including the specifics of the periods in which the centre has been accredited as a centre of excellence. When possible, this logo should be accompanied by the Human Resources Excellence in Research award logo.

SO Logo

All official communication should specify that ICN2 is a CERCA centre (Centre of: CERCA logo) and a member of BIST (Member of: BIST logo). Whenever possible, the BIST logo should be accompanied by the SOMM Alliance logo.


Adjacent to the Severo Ochoa emblem, the logos of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the State Research Agency should be located under the title "With the support of:". Whenever possible, these logos should be accompanied by the logos of ICREA and FEDER.


Whenever possible, the ICN2 logo should be accompanied in a prominent place by the logos of our Board of Trustees.

Board of Trustees

The correct application of the institutional logo should include all the logos mentioned above. Only when space restrictions do not allow it will it be possible to dispense with those that are optional. A particular activity or publicity may involve acknowledgement of additional sponsors or supporters.

If you require any other file formats, or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..