Women Talent Programme

The ICN2 Women Talent Programme involves a series of actions aimed at supporting women scientists and promoting visibility of their research activity, both inside and outside ICN2. This initiative is led by the Equal Opportunities Committee and funded through the Severo Ochoa Award as one of its crosscutting actions.

11feb-Int day women in science 2020ICN2 is aware of the challenges that female researchers have to face in their career. It is well known that the progression of women in early stages of their research careers is characterized by a "pipeline" behaviour, which shows a large decrease in women pursuing a postdoc after obtaining a PhD. Fewer still reach senior or leadership positions. This constitutes a major challenge for women scientists in the intermediate stages of their research career who do not hold a permanent position. They are under strong pressure to demonstrate leadership positions, since funding schemes from public sources and competitive calls usually require such leadership skills to be already demonstrated.

The ICN2 Women Talent programme is aimed at overcoming these barriers by conferring the following Awards and Grants:

  • Best Female PhD Thesis Award
  • Best Published Paper - PhD student Award
  • Best Published Paper - Postdoc Award
  • Women Talent Postdoc Grant
  • Women Talent Senior Grant

These actions are expected to have a positive impact in the future of the professional careers of the awarded women, thus contributing to correct the biases that affect female researchers.

Please visit ICN2 Women in Science for more related info