Open Knowledge Programme
At the ICN2 we believe that knowledge sharing is fundamental to both scientific advances, and personal and professional growth. Accordingly the ICN2 Open Knowledge Programme was developed as a forum for the exchange of knowledge, experiences and skills among ICN2 colleagues. Coordinated by Human Resources, the individual programmes are created by the various ICN2 groups/departments, and address a broad topic from different angles. The talks tend to be highly specialised, while also offering an overview of the topic for researchers in other fields and advanced science graduates.
The programmes run so far include:
OK Programme 1: How can we use photons to study the properties of condensed matter?
November – December, 2014. Promoted by the former ICN2 Phononic and Photonic Nanostructures (P2N) Group. -
OK Programme 2: From top-down to bottom-up: introductory notes on the preparation of micro and nanostructures
February – March, 2015. Promoted by the former ICN2 Phononic and Photonic Nanostructures (P2N) Group. -
OK Programme 3: Fundamentals of Electronic Excitations and Spin Dynamics in Dirac Matter
May - June, 2015. Promoted by the ICN2 Theoretical and Computational Nanoscience Group. -
OK Programme 4: Nanomaterials-based biosensing systems and applications in diagnostics
September, 2015. Promoted by the ICN2 Nanobioelectronics and Biosensors Group. -
OK Programme 5: Introductory notes on Electron Microscopy
November - December, 2015. Promoted by the ICN2 Electron Microscopy Unit Group. -
OK Programme 6: Overview on nanofabrication processes, tools and facilities
November - December, 2015. Promoted by the ICN2 Nanofabrication Facility Group. -
OK Programme 7: TBtrans and TranSiesta Tutorial
November, 2016. Promoted by the ICN2 Theory and Simulation Group. -
OK Programme 8: Spin-Orbit Coupling in SIESTA: Magnetism and Other Capabilities
June, 2018. Promoted by the ICN2 Theory and Simulation Group. -
OK Programme 9: Meet the ICN2 Research Support Facilities
April, 2021. Promoted by the ICN2 Research Support Division. -
OK Programme 10 - Innovation and Intellectual Property (IP) protection training
December, 2021. Promoted by the ICN2 Business and Innovation team. -
OK Programme 11 - Meet the ICN2 Electron Microscopy Unit
April, 2022. Promoted by the ICN2 Electron Microscopy Unit. -
OK Programme 12 - Nanoscale characterisation techniques
February, 2023. Promoted by the ICN2 Phononic and Photonic Nanostructures Group. -
OK Programme 13 - Nanofabrication Facility (IMB-CNM CleanRoom update)
March, 2023. Promoted by the ICN2 Nanofabrication Facility Group. -
OK Programme 14 - Organic photofunctional nanomaterials and applications
May, 2023. Promoted by the ICN2 Nanostructured Functional Materials Group. -
OK Programme 14 - Organic photofunctional nanomaterials and applications
May, 2023. Promoted by the ICN2 Nanostructured Functional Materials Group. -
OK Programme 15 - So you think you can sell? Starting a company at ICN2
Dic, 2024. Promoted by the ICN2 Office of Business and Innovation.