Open Knowledge Programme 7 TBtrans and TranSiesta Tutorial
OK Program 7:
TBtrans and TranSiesta Tutorial
November, 2016. Promoted by the ICN2 Theory and Simulation Group.
This edition of the Open Knowledge Program (OKP) consisted on a 3-day workshop which concentrated on the TBtrans/TranSiesta implementation of the nonequilibrium Green function techniques. The focus was be tutorials and hands-on experience with the transport utility TBtrans and the self-consistent method TranSiesta.
Upon completing the tutorial the attendee had obtained knowledge on how to conduct tight-binding calculations as well as self-consistent non-equilibrium Green function calculations.
The following video contains the theoretical session that triggered this series of interactive workshops. The event was held in the context of the MaX Center of Excellence in "Materials Design at the Exascale" and the Nanoscience Foundries and Fine Analysis – Europe (NFFA-Europe) programs.
- Non-equilibrium green functions, from tight-binding to self-consistency
Speaker: Nick R. Papior, ICN2 Theory and Simulation Group.