Nanoscale An interdisciplinary arena

Research at the ICN2 focuses on the physical and chemical properties that arise from the behaviour of matter at the nanoscale.

Nanoscience is an extremely vast and interdisciplinary field of study. As such the ICN2 actively promotes collaboration between groups and disciplines, bringing together physicists, chemists, biologists and engineers with diverse backgrounds to advance the institute's research plan.

NanoscaleMuch of our work is devoted to understanding the physical phenomena associated to state variables as regards electrons, phonons, photons, plasmons, etc.; investigating new properties derived from tailored nanostructures; and establishing new processes for the conception and fabrication of new nanodevices. This work enables functionalisation of nanoparticles, encapsulation of active agents and creation of new nanodevices and nanosensors, through frontier science that has direct implications for various sectors (ITC, health, energy, environment, etc.).