Severo Ochoa Programme 2018-2022 Pillar 1: APPLICATION DOMAINS - HEALTH

Health-related research at the ICN2 sees innovative science and technologies developed from fundamental research to prototyping. It covers the development of smart nanomaterials and devices to: a) make the diagnostic process simpler, faster, less invasive and less costly; b) allow therapeutic approaches to be targeted and monitored more precisely.


To ensure the relevance of research outcomes, the ICN2 promotes collaboration with the biotech and health sectors. The result of this strategy so far has been an increase in technology transfer actions, including spinoff creation and patent licence agreements. The objective is to build on this track record and earn recognition as a technology innovator in biomedicine, translational research and related fields.

The key research priorities established for the 2018-2022 period are the development of targeted nanodiagnostics and nanotherapies, as well as their combination under the concept of nanotheranostics.

Specific actions that will be taken to meet these objectives include: stimulating collaboration between basic research and clinical practice; organising two international workshops on personalised medicine; and hiring a technician to run the newly created ICN2 BioLab.


The ICN2 Severo Ochoa Programme and the Coronavirus Disease 2019

The ICN2 has reacted quickly to the new unpleasant situation created by the rapid spread of the COVID-19, an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.

Its researchers and other personnel have reoriented their efforts towards mitigating the impact of this disease. Drawing on the extensive experience of the research groups working in the Health area, the ICN2 is now focusing on developing diagnostics technologies for the COVID-19 and possible future mutations of this dangerous virus. Thanks to the Severo Ochoa Programme, we have the capability to immediately redirect funds to support and foster research projects tackling this pressing societal challenge. Find more and updated information on the dedicated web section.