Severo Ochoa Programme 07/2018-06/2022 Grant SEV-2017-0706

In 2014 the ICN2 received the Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence accreditation. It is the highest national award conferred to the Spanish research institutions that stand out for the quality and impact of their research and for their scientific leadership. The award includes dedicated government funding over a four-year period, to support ongoing projects and to foster the opening of new research lines. The ICN2 is proud to have had this status renewed, with the second grant extending until 2022.
Severo Ochoa programme (2018-2022) main impacts

The ICN2’s first priority is to continue to achieve scientific excellence at the international level and to nourish research over the full spectrum of fundamental and applied areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology. The strategic plan established for the 2018-2022 period reflects this intent and is structured around the following interlocking pillars and cross-cutting areas:
Pillar 1:
Application Domains
Research at the ICN2 will focus on four main areas of application, chosen for their relevance to societal challenges and socio-economic growth. They are also fully aligned with the priorities identified by current and future European research and innovation programmes.
Pillar 2:
Enabling Platforms
Three technological platforms work closely with the domains mentioned above to help unlock access to new knowledge, and support the development of materials, techniques and instrumentation as required by ICN2 groups. They also work independently on new techniques and make relevant scientific contributions in their own right.
Pillar 3:
Technology Pipeline
Established to facilitate the transfer of technologies developed at the ICN2 and ensure their impact on society. This pipeline will provide structured guidance at all stages of the development chain, from basic research to the highest technology readiness levels, including commercialisation of ICN2 technologies.
Pillar 4:
Cross-cutting Areas
In addition to the above pillars, four cross-cutting areas support research at ICN2 and help provide an enriching environment for its best development.