Severo Ochoa Programme 2018-2022 Pillar 4: Cross-cutting Areas - Internationalisation

In order to boost its presence and recognition on the international stage, the ICN2 will reach out to international research institutions through different programmes aimed at facilitating mobility, strengthening scientific collaboration and increasing participation.

  • International Visiting Scientist Programme

    This Programme, aimed at attracting top-class international researches for few-months stays at ICN2, was launched in 2020. Due to the COVID-19 emergency, all visits have been postponed until 2021.

  • Outbound Mobility Programme

    This Programme, meant to fund short stays abroad of ICN2 PhD students and young researchers, was launched in 2019. So far, 8 students, 3 postdocs and 1 technician have been granted with SO funding to spend short stays (between 2 weeks and 3 months) in various international laboratories, to access singular experimental facilities and to initiate scientific collaborations.

  • Collaboration with key International partners

    Collaborations have been increased with a number of institutes, in particular with: CEA (France), NUS/CA2DM (Singapore), University of Cambridge (UK), EPFL (Switzerland), VTT (Finland), and RMIT (Australia).

  • Collaboration with Microsoft Quantum Labs in Delft and Copenhagen

    This important collaboration will allow developing scalable hybrid nanowire-base circuits for quantum computing applications; connected to this collaboration is the generous donation by Microsoft of several hundreds of k€ to contribute to the purchase of a new aberration-corrected Transmission Electron Microscope.

  • Collaboration with other local institutes

    Two projects, led by the ICN2, have been established with the Hospital Clinic in Barcelona: a) PROMECeAN: a project aiming to apply nanoparticles to the treatment of liver cancer and b) CONCORD: a project aiming to improve the immunotherapy of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia thanks to nanomedicine.

    A project in collaboration with the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) in Barcelona has received funding from the BBVA Foundation: NANO-ERT: aiming at applying nanotechnology to the development of a novel therapy against Parkinson’s disease.

    A joint research project with the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP) in Badalona (Barcelona) led to the creation of a spin-off, called Ahead Therapeutics SL.

Specific funds will be allocated to allow inviting international scientists for short stays at our institute and to enable ICN2 researchers (in particular Ph.D. students and postdocs) to spend a period at some prominent international centres.

During this Severo Ochoa, a number of seminars by internationally renowned scientists will be held at the ICN2 and seven thematic workshops will be organized in collaboration with the research application domains and the other cross-cutting areas.

The ICN2 Strategy Development Office will also incentivise participation in H2020 and other international funding calls. It will support our researchers during the project preparation phase and will help them in identifying relevant calls.

Action Managers

Prof. Stephan Roche
Leader of the ICN2 Theoretical and Computational Nanoscience Group

Prof. Jose Antonio Garrido
Leader of the ICN2 Advanced Electronic Materials and Devices Group