In compliance with Law 19/2014, about "transparency, access to public information and good governance", and Law 21/2014, about "Foundations and verification of activities by public service associations", the ICN2 offers in the following section detailed information about its organisation, management and funding. At the end of the section you will find a link to the procedure which will allow you to exercise your public information access right in case you need any further information.
ICN2 is organised in Research Groups, a Research Support Division and Departments. It is led by its Director who reports to the Board of Trustees and is advised by the Scientific Advisory Board.
Learn more about the Organisational Chart and structure of the ICN2
The foundation of the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology was formally announced in different documents of the Official Journal (Diari oficial) of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan Government):
- RESOLUTION UNI/940/2003, April 9, through which the “Special action for the development of nanoscience and nanotechnology in Catalonia” is created.
get document
- RESOLUTION ECO/2405/2015, October 21, which announces the research centers in Catalonia recognised as CERCA Centers.
get document
- The ICN2 is registered in the Registre de Fundacions de la Generalitat de Catalunya with number 1925.
external link
The Statutes of the ICN2 are available below:
- ICN2 Statutes. The document includes information about the objectives of the ICN2, its structure and organisation (updated in the previous section).
get document
The Mission, Vision and Goals of the ICN2 are updated in the ICN2 website:
- ICN2 Mission Vission and Goals.
visit webpage
Collective Bargaining Agreement. The present agreement, ratified in March 2015, contains the working conditions of the ICN2 personnel. get document
ICN2 provides access to insightful resources, such as specialised facilities and equipment, together with highly qualified technical assistance. The objective is contributing to the development of projects of interest for the industrial sector or the scientific community.
All the available information regarding the Services offered by ICN2 is available in the following section of the website: Services
You can also find updated information at the NanoHUB website
Highest-level positions and public employees
ICN2 does not have any position which can be considered a Highest level position according to the Law 13/2005, December 27. For further information: get document
Law 6/2018, 3 July, of Presupuestos Generales del Estado for the year 2018, Art 19.
Public offer 2017: 5 positions
Public offer 2018: 4 positions
Public offer 2019: 2 positions
Public offer 2020: 3 positions
Public offer 2021: 13 positions
Public offer 2022: 14 positions
Public offer 2023: 4 positions
- Approved, executed and liquidation budget:
The ICN2 budget-related information is periodically informed to the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan Government)external link
- Institutional budget
The following documents offer a detailed information about the ICN2 budget for the last years. - Audited Annual Accounts
All financial information is available in the following document with detailed financial information related to the activity developed at ICN2.
- Public Procurement Registry.
Citizens are invited to access the information shared at the Public Procurement Registry through the website of the Economy and Knowledge Department of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan Government). This portal offers the available data regarding public procurement informed to the registry up to the search date. - The Human Resources Department focuses on the attraction, selection, training, assessment and rewarding of leading scientists and administrative personnel in compliance with employment and labour laws. It is foremost devoted to ensuring the Institute’s mission, vision, values and guiding principles, and promotes that the Institute meets its goals of excellence. Visit our employment portal for available job offers.
- Contractor profile. ICN2, as a public institute funded by the Catalan government, is subject to the law of public sector contracts (LCSP). Learn more about it at the Contractor Profile section.
REPORTS and Plans:
Annual Reports:
Plans and procedures
- Code of conduct. The ICN2 follows the Code of Conduct for CERCA centres approved by the Board of Trustees of the CERCA Institution November 2018 with a broad consensus.
- Human resources strategy for researchers action plan. ICN2 welcomes the Commission Recommendation of 11 March 2005 and commits itself to applying the stated principles in The European Charter for Researchers and The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. Therefore, the Institute develops through its Human Resources Department Action Plan to ensure that the Institute meets its goals of excellence and meets the principles set out in the aforementioned Charter.
Download - Equal Opportunities and Diversity Management Plan. The following document is the result of two years of diagnosis and discussion within the ICN2 Equal Opportunities Committee and aligned with the Severo Ochoa Program objectives. The Plan seeks, among others, to ensure that ICN2 offers equal opportunities for men and women and to promote the development of women in the scientific career.
Download - Procedure for the prevention, detection and treatment of harassment situations. ICN2 has respect for people as a core value. A new example of this institutional compromise is the institutional Procedure for the prevention, detection and treatment of harassment situations. The purpose of this procedure is to foster an environment in which mobbing, harassment or intimidation are acknowledged as unacceptable and are not tolerated by the Institute.
Please send comments, questions, complaints and suggestions about the services offered by the ICN2 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. On the other hand, you can use the following form to exercise your public information access right, according the Law 19/2014, about "transparency, access to public information and good governance": Public information form.
Last update: November 2023