Marketing, Communication & Fundraising
The ICN2 Marketing, Communication & Fundraising Department offers a variety of services to facilitate and optimise the dissemination of knowledge generated at the ICN2. Its objective is to maximise impact across all key stakeholder groups while adhering to the principles of responsible research and innovation (RRI).
Among its responsibilities, the department manages the ICN2 website, social networks, and institutional image. It coordinates graphic design tasks to ensure that the quality of visual support material matches the level of scientific excellence being developed at the ICN2. The department is also responsible for producing written content for public and internal purposes, with a focus on engaging diverse audiences, from the internal community to industry and interested laypeople.
In 2022, the department continued to strengthen its audio-visual services and developments, including hybrid events, high-quality video coverage, and professional editing. These initiatives added a new layer of impact and possibilities to the ICN2’s dissemination capabilities. The What The Física YouTube Channel, curated for a broad audience, showcased recent breakthroughs by young researchers from the ICN2 and neighbouring institutions, further expanding our reach. The Marketing and Communication Department also supports and leads the organisation of high-impact events that elevate the ICN2’s profile in various contexts and delivers a strong focus on education and outreach. NanoEduca, one of the flagship projects promoted by this department with Severo Ochoa funds and in collaboration with partnering institutions, was recognised with the 2018 National Scientific Communication Prize awarded by the FCRi and the Catalan Government. In 2022, NanoEduca received a boost from the involvement of the Societat Catalana de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia, acting as ambassadors of new online content for Catalan schools and beyond. Educational and dissemination activities now incorporate online and hybrid formats, utilising innovative tools to ensure interactive and engaging events.
Our social networks, including YouTube, Twitter, and LinkedIn, have experienced steady growth, positioning us among the most influential national research institutions. In terms of transparency and accountability, the department plays a pivotal role in institutional reporting and meeting Open Access requirements.
Head of Marketing, Communication & Fundraising Department
Anna Rovira