Business and Innovation @ICN2
Engaging with local and global industry
The ICN2 valorises research results through the collaboration with companies, the licensing of technologies and the promotion of spin-offs creation.
The ICN2 Business and Innovation team works to facilitate the connection between ICN2 researchers and external stakeholders and foster the successful transfer of their knowledge and technologies to partners that could develop it, for the benefit of social and economic growth.
Thanks to the high quality of its research and scientific staff, and the support of institutional initiatives such as the Severo Ochoa Programme, ICN2 has woven a wide network of relationships with industrial stakeholders. The Institute can pride itself on a successful track record in translating innovative technologies into commercial opportunities.
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Business and Innovation @ICN2
License Opportunities: innovative technologies for your business
ICN2’s wide and varied portfolio of technologies, including patents and protected IPs, is available to be licensed by companies interested in integrating innovative technologies into their business and gaining competitive advantages.
Services for companies: our expertise at your disposal
We offer to companies a number of customized services, such as advanced material characterization, nano-encapsulation, micro/nano-fabrication and theoretical modelling. Companies and external stakeholders can also benefit from our facilities, including among others a clean room and a bio-lab.
Joint or tailored R&D: we value synergies
Partners can collaborate with ICN2 research groups to bring forward joint R&D projects in a synergistic way. We have over 10 years of experience in collaborating with industries through different modalities: partnership in public funding calls, industrial PhDs, direct sponsoring.
Spin-offs: we encourage researchers’ entrepreneurship
ICN2 fosters the commercial translation of valuable research results by enabling and assisting researchers in the process of creating technology spin-offs. We engage with spin-offs from the very first steps, supporting their growth also with pre-seed funding.
Contact us to start shaping the future together.
Severo Ochoa programme (2018-2022)
B&I main impacts