ICN2 representatives will be sharing ideas and knowledge at Expoquimia both as speakers and at an institutional booth shared with members of the Advanced Materials Cluster (Cluster MAV). This event is a leading show and meeting point for the chemical sector nationally and internationally.
Expoquimia gathers at one place and time all the important players for chemical business: opinion leaders, stakeholders, key buyers, specifiers, international suppliers, leading professionals. ICN2 is one of the actors in this huge event taking place every 3 years.
With 2.359 Brands and 37.846 visitors in 2014, Expoquimia offers until 6 October an excellent opportunity to network and share opportunities. Visit the ICN2 booth (Hall 3 GV D 558) shared with other colleagues from the Advanced Materials Cluster (Cluster MAV) and learn about the novelties that nanoscience brings to the chemical industry.
Some members of the ICN2 Community have also participated as speakers in a variety of sessions. Prof. Laura M. Lechuga, Group Leader of the ICN2 Nanobiosensors and Bioanalytical Applications Group, offered an Invited Lecture on "Nanophotonic point-of-care biosensors for precise and portable diagnostics”. Nadia Pons, Bussinness Developer of the ICN2 Strategy Development Office, participated in the 5th Graphene Day with a talk about “Graphene Biomedical Applications at the Nanoscale”. Jordi Reverter, Head of the ICN2 Knowledge and Technology Transfer Department, also offered a talk about the applicatios of nanoscience in the chemical industry.
Do not hesitate to contact us for further information about our services and available knowledge. For more information about the event, please visit: www.expoquimia.com.