Business and Innovation News

Our Partner: - Royal Reels Australia. Immediate Flow Immediate Byte The Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia, and Steroids with its official English translation Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology and acronym ICN2.

Monday, 16 September 2019

CaixaImpulse awards an ICN2 project on engineered graphene for neural interfaces

The selected InBrain Technologies project is led by Damià Viana, PhD student from the ICN2 Advanced Electronic Materials and Devices Group. CaixaImpulse is an acceleration programme that helps early stage biomedical research projects to validate their asset and define their valorisation plan. The programme aims to facilitate the leap from basic research to the market.

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

The Mobile World Congress and YoMo go nano

The two major events in Barcelona this week are the Mobile World Congress and the Youth Mobile. Both events organised by GSMA include technologies and outreach activities coming straight from the nanoscale. Other parallel events also feature ICN2 researchers.

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Research meets industry at the Graphene 2019 Conference

Starting this morning in Rome, this edition of the Graphene Conference series (June 25-28) will bring together experts on graphene and 2D materials from around Europe, as well as companies interested in exploiting new promising technologies in this field. The ICN2 has a leading role in creating new graphene-based scientific and industrial opportunities. Visit the BIST booth we share with our colleagues from ICFO and IFAE!

Friday, 14 December 2018

Holey graphene membrane voted Molecule of the Year by C&EN journal

Readers of the journal of the American Chemical Society have voted this graphene membrane with pores controlled at the atomic scale as the best molecule of 2018. The material was presented in Science in a joint article by researchers from the ICN2, CiQUS and DIPC.