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16 June

Nanotechnology approaches to Biology and Medicine

Tuesday 16 June 2020, 05:00pm


By Prof Paul S. Weiss, UC Presidential Chair Distinguished Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Bioengineering, and Materials Science & Engineering University of California, Los Angeles

Abstract: Biology functions at the nanoscale. Thus, there are special opportunities not only to make biological measurements using nanotechnology, but also to interact directly in order to influence biological outcomes. Nanoscience and nanotechnology developed from chemistry, physics, biology, engineering, medicine, toxicology, and a host of other fields. Along the way, we taught each other our problems, challenges, and approaches. The interdisciplinary communication skills that were developed and are now part of our training remain unique to the field. As a result, nanoscience contributes to a wide range of other fields, such as neuroscience and the microbiome.

Invited by Prof. Arben Merkoçi NanoBioelectronics and Biosensors Group Leader, ICN2