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29 October

Debate around the Paywall documentary

Friday 29 October 2021, 11:00am

ICN2 Seminar Hall, ICN2 Building, UAB - Hybrid Event Via Zoom

HYBRID EVENT. Register HERE to attend ONLINE

In the frame of Open Access International Week 2021  Organised by ICN2 Strategy Development

Paywall: The Business of Scholarship is a documentary which focuses on the need for open access to research and science. The film questions the rationale behind the $25.2 billion a year that flows into for-profit academic publishers and examines the 35-40% profit margin associated with the top academic publisher, Elsevier.

Acknowledgement of a situation is part of the solution to any issue. As part of the Open Access Week, the ICN2 invites you to better acknowledge this situation in science and to debate how we, as a research community, can be part of a better distribution of knowledge and the funds devoted to its creation.

Join a discussion about the need for open access to research and science with invited speakers:

  • Miguel A. Benítez, Project Manager, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM) and chair of the SOMMa Open Science working group
  • Ignasi Labastida, Centre de Recursos per a l’Aprenentatge I la Investigació (CRAI-UB)


The event includes:

11:00h – 12:05h Paywall The Business Of Scholarship (documentary screening) / 

12:10h – 13:30h Round table