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04 July

14th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies, NN17

04 July 2017 - 07 July 2017

Thessaloniki, Greece

NN Conference is an internationally established world-class event in Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies (N&N) since 2004. Its main objectives focus mainly on the latest advances on N&N by promoting profound scientific discussions between experts from different disciplines and market leaders. Front-line experts from multidisciplinary research and application areas are encouraged to join this conference and discuss their R&D efforts, advancing the networking and collaborating with different academia, research and industry players in the field and stimulating the exchange of educational concepts.

  • Abstract Submission Deadline - March 24, 2017
  • Early Bird Discount! Register before May 15th and benefit from the Early Registration rates! Check out the Registation Options here.

 ICN2 Researcher involved: CSIC Research Scientist Jordi Fraxedas - Invited Speaker