Instrumentation Unit
Unit Leader: Gustavo Ceballos
Gustavo Ceballos
Head of Research Support Division - Instrumentation Unit
- ORCID: 0000-0002-6713-7963
Unit Leader
Dr Gustavo Ceballos earned his degree in chemistry at the Universidad Central de Venezuela in 1989. He obtained his PhD in 1996 at the Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie der Universität Bonn (Germany).
In 1997 he moved to the Institut für Experimentalphysik der Freie Universität Berlin to complete his postdoctoral studies, and from 2001 to 2002 he worked at the Low-Temperature Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy Group at the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, also in Berlin. From 2002 to 2006 he was a research scientist at the XSTM and Low-Temperature STM of Nanostructures Division at the Laboratorio Nazionale TASC-INFM (Trieste, Italy). In 2006 he joined the then ICN as a senior scientist and eventually created the ICN2 Instrumentation Unit. He actively participates in the research led by the ICN2 Atomic Manipulation and Spectroscopy Group.
Throughout his career Dr Ceballos has made modifications to existing instruments or experimental setups, as well as developing new ones to meet the needs of the new experiments he has devised.
Stabilizing Edge Fluorination in Graphene Nanoribbons
Panighel M., Quiroga S., Brandimarte P., Moreno C., Garcia-Lekue A., Vilas-Varela M., Rey D., Sauthier G., Ceballos G., Peña D., Mugarza A. ACS Nano; 14 (9): 11120 - 11129. 2020. 10.1021/acsnano.0c01837. IF: 14.588
Critical Role of Phenyl Substitution and Catalytic Substrate in the Surface-Assisted Polymerization of Dibromobianthracene Derivatives
Moreno C., Panighel M., Vilas-Varela M., Sauthier G., Tenorio M., Ceballos G., Peña D., Mugarza A. Chemistry of Materials; 31 (2): 331 - 341. 2019. 10.1021/acs.chemmater.8b03094. IF: 10.159
Bottom-up synthesis of multifunctional nanoporous graphene
Moreno C., Vilas-Varela M., Kretz B., Garcia-Lekue A., Costache M.V., Paradinas M., Panighel M., Ceballos G., Valenzuela S.O., Peña D., Mugarza A. Science; 360 (6385): 199 - 203. 2018. 10.1126/science.aar2009. IF: 41.058
On-surface synthesis of superlattice arrays of ultra-long graphene nanoribbons
Moreno C., Paradinas M., Vilas-Varela M., Panighel M., Ceballos G., Peña D., Mugarza A. Chemical Communications; 54 (68): 9402 - 9405. 2018. 10.1039/c8cc04830d. IF: 6.290
Inorganic Photocatalytic Enhancement: Activated RhB Photodegradation by Surface Modification of SnO2 Nanocrystals with V2O5-like species (vol 7, 44763, 2017)
Epifani, Mauro; Kaciulis, Saulius; Mezzi, Alessio; Altamura, Davide; Giannini, Cinzia; Diaz, Raul; Force, Carmen; Genc, Aziz; Arbiol, Jordi; Siciliano, Pietro; Comini, Elisabetta; Concina, Isabella Scientific Reports; 7 2017. 10.1038/srep46855. IF: 4.259
Symmetry forbidden morphologies and domain boundaries in nanoscale graphene islands
Parreiras S.O., Gastaldo M., Moreno C., Martins M.D., Garcia-Lekue A., Ceballos G., Paniago R., Mugarza A. 2D Materials; 4 (2, 025104) 2017. 10.1088/2053-1583/aa70fa. IF: 6.937
Substrate-induced stabilization and reconstruction of zigzag edges in graphene nanoislands on Ni(111)
Garcia-Lekue A., Olle M., Sanchez-Portal D., Palacios J.J., Mugarza A., Ceballos G., Gambardella P. Journal of Physical Chemistry C; 119 (8): 4072 - 4078. 2015. 10.1021/jp511069y. IF: 4.772
Atomic monolayer deposition on the surface of nanotube mechanical resonators
Tavernarakis, A.; Chaste, J.; Eichler, A.; Ceballos, G.; Gordillo, M.C.; Boronat, J.; Bachtold, A. Physical Review Letters; 2014. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.196103. IF: 7.728
Spin tuning of electron-doped metal-phthalocyanine layers
Stepanow, S.; Lodi Rizzini, A.; Krull, C.; Kavich, J.; Cezar, J.C.; Yakhou-Harris, F.; Sheverdyaeva, P.M.; Moras, P.; Carbone, C.; Ceballos, G.; Mugarza, A.; Gambardella, P. Journal of the American Chemical Society; 136 (14): 5451 - 5459. 2014. 10.1021/ja501204q. IF: 11.444
Spin-dependent electron scattering at graphene edges on Ni(111)
Garcia-Lekue, A.; Balashov, T.; Olle, M.; Ceballos, G.; Arnau, A.; Gambardella, P.; Sanchez-Portal, D.; Mugarza, A. Physical Review Letters; 2014. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.066802. IF: 7.728
A nanomechanical mass sensor with yoctogram resolution
Chastem J. ; Eichler, A.; Moser, J.; Ceballos, G.; Rurali, R.; Bachtold, A. Nature Nanotechnology; 7: 301 - 304. 2012. .
Yield and Shape Selection of Graphene Nanoislands Grown on Ni(111)
Olle, M. ; Ceballos, G.; Serrate, D.; Gambardella, P. Nano Letters; 12(9): 4431 - 4436. 2012. DOI: 10.1021/nl300897m.
Localization, splitting, and mixing of field emission resonances induced by alkali metal clusters on Cu(100)
Stepanow, S.; Mugarza, A.; Ceballos, G.; Gambardella, P.; Aldazabal, I.; Borisov, A.G.; Arnau, A. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics; 83 2011. 10.1103/PhysRevB.83.115101.
Mixed-valence behavior and strong correlation effects of metal phthalocyanines adsorbed on metals
Stepanow, S.; Miedema, P. S.; Mugarza, A.; Ceballos, G. ; Moras, P. ; Cezar, J. C.; Carbone, C. ; de Groot, F. M. F.; Gambardella, P. Physical Review B; 2011. .
Spin coupling and relaxation inside molecule-metal contacts.
Mugarza, A.; Krull, C.; Robles, R.; Stepanow, S.; Ceballos, G.; Gambardella, P. Nature Communications; 2 2011. 10.1038/ncomms1497.
Giant spin and orbital moment anisotropies of a Cu-phthalocyanine monolayer
Stepanow, S.; Mugarza, A.; Ceballos, G.; Moras, P.; Cezar, J.C.; Carbone, C.; Gambardella, P. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics; 82 2010. 10.1103/PhysRevB.82.014405.
Orbital specific chirality and homochiral self-assembly of achiral molecules induced by charge transfer and spontaneous symmetry breaking
Mugarza A., Lorente N., Ordejón P., Krull C., Stepanow S., Bocquet M.-L., Fraxedas J., Ceballos G., Gambardella P. Physical Review Letters; 105 (11, 115702) 2010. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.115702.
Insulating ground state of Sn/Si(111)-(¿30 x¿30)R30°
S. Modesti; L. Petaccia; G. Ceballos; I. Vobornik; G. Panaccione; G. Rossi; L. Ottaviano; R. Larciprete; S. Lizzit; A. Goldoni Physical Review Letters; 2007. .
Role of the electric field in surface electron dynamics above the vacuum level
J. I. Pascual; C. Corriol; G. Ceballos; I. Aldazabal; H.-P. Rust; K. Horn; J. M. Pitarke; P. M. Echenique; A. Arnau Physical Review B; 2007. .