Thursday, 15 December 2016
Physicists working at the nanoscale awarded by the RSEF and BBVA Foundation
The Spanish Physics Awards ceremony was celebrated on December 14 in Madrid. Prof. Laura M. Lechuga, Group Leader of the ICN2 Nanobiosensors and Bioanalytical Applications Group, received the Physics, Innovation and Technology RSEF-FBBVA Award. Other awardees develop their work in the field of nanoscience or devote their careers to motivate younger scientists and foster the relationship between physics and education and business.
The Spanish Physics Awards recognize the most prominent scientific achievements in Spain. The award ceremony of this recognition created by the Royal Spanish Society of Physics (RSEF) and the BBVA Foundation was celebrated on December 14 in Madrid. The awards recognise the achievements of top-level researchers and the tasks to motivate younger scientists and foster the relationship between physics and education and business. The ceremony was presided by Dr Carmen Vela, Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation (Spanish Government), and Francisco González, president of the BBVA Foundation.
The winners of the 2016 Spanish Physics Awards include Prof. Laura M. Lechuga, Group Leader of the ICN2 Nanobiosensors and Bioanalytical Applications Group, who received the Physics, Innovation and Technology RSEF-FBBVA Award. The jury remarked on her career as a researcher of biosensors and how she has been able to walk the “path from idea to product extremely successfully. Her work combines high-quality science with the development of productive technologies and their transfer to the business system.”
Dr Ángel Rubio Secades won the Medal given by the Royal Spanish Society of Physics (RSEF) for his work regarding the study of matter at the nanoscale. The Young Researcher in Theoretical Physics and Young Researcher in Experimental Physics Awards recognized the works of Alejandro Manjavacas Arévalo in Theoretical Physics and Andrés Castellanos Gómez in Experimental Physics. The Awards for Teaching and Disseminating Physics at the University and High School Levels have been given to Rafael García Molina (University) and Fernando de Prada Pérez de Azpeitia (High School). Andrés Redondo Cubero from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid won the Award for Best Dissemination Paper in RSEF publications. All of them will keep developing all kinds of innovative solutions.
Information via: BBVA Responsible Banking