The Journalist-in-the-Lab initiative has chosen these two centres to develop their programme. Two journalists will discuss today and tomorrow with ICN2 and ICMAB researchers involved in FET projects. They will produce dissemination materials related to BrainCom, TOCHA (ICN2), E-Magic and CARBAT (ICMAB).
Today the ICN2 has received a singular visit. Two young journalists benefiting from the Journalist-in-the-Lab initiative have come to the ICN2 and the ICMAB to learn more about the research being developed in these centres. This initiative happens in the frame of FETFX (FET “effects”), a cross-media communication platform which connects science, industry and society, in order to tell stories on Future and Emerging Technologies.
The journalists, Arianna Ricchiuti and Giulia Fabriani, have not arrived alone. They are accompanied by Fondazione Icons project manager Giulio Mazzolo and FETFX editorial manager Arran Frood. Both the journalists and some researchers from the ICN2 and the ICMAB have enjoyed a practical workshop on science communication carried out by Arran Frood this morning in the ICN2 premises. After that, the journalists started to mingle with the researchers to get to know the science behind their projects.
As they will work with FET projects, we will see them around today and tomorrow discussing with ICN2 researchers related to BrainCom and TOCHA projects, as well as ICMAB researchers involved in E-Magic and CARBAT. After this short but intense interaction, the journalists will produce different dissemination materials (possibly infographics, videos, etc.) that will be available to use by the researchers.