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Saturday, 21 March 2020

The ICN2 community collects personal protective equipment and gives it for medical uses

by Àlex Argemí

The ICN2 research groups responded massively to the call coordinated by our Health and Safety Area. While keeping a minimal stock to protect the researchers still working at the ICN2, all the groups decided to empty their stored stock of gloves, protective glasses, masks and alcohol.

Most of the ICN2 laboratories are empty. Only those where researchers are developing diagnostic tools to fight against the COVID-19 disease are still active. So, how can we make the best of the personal protective equipment that will not be used in the short term?

That is the question posted by the ICN2 Health and Safety Area after discussing the issue with some research Groups who were willing to help. The answer was immediate: the ICN2 Groups are giving their protective material for medical uses. Next Monday the collected material will be handed to the health authorities to protect those who are in direct contact with the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2).

The materials gathered by the groups include at least:

  • 16.000 disposable gloves
  • 3.000 surgical masks, 3 FFP3 protective masks and 3 facial protection masks.
  • 10 sealed protective glasses
  • 15 l. of ethanol
  • 50 l. of isopropanol

The ICN2 faces this challenge with research, by staying at home teleworking and through solidarity. Thank you to all of you!