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Thursday, 02 April 2020

La Vanguardia highlights the diagnostic tests by Paperdrop Dx

by Francisco Paños

Paperdrop Diagnostics is the ICN2 and ICREA spin-off devoted to the development of rapid diagnostic tests based on paper microfluidics. La Vanguardia remarks their new test for ischemic stroke, based on the evaluation of microRNA, and their efforts to produce a Covid-19 test from this technology.

Paperdrop Diagnostics SL is a spin-off company from the ICN2 and ICREA that develops rapid diagnostic tests based on paper microfluidics, dealing with non-covered medical needs and emerging health problems, such as the new Coronavirus pandemic. Their technology is based on lateral flow immunoassays, similar to pregnancy tests, which are optimized to act as a clinical decision tool.

A single drop of patient’s fluid (e.g. blood) is required to carry out the test using a paper sensor. It is a low-cost and easy-to-use tool that presents good sensitivity and specificity saving all the costs related to laboratory facilities. This is one of the aspects that the Dinero (Money) supplement of La Vanguardia highlights about this technology.

The first product of the spin-off is a test able to predict the risk of suffering from an ischemic stroke, developed jointly with Idibell and Mútua de Terrassa. Marc Gallegos, CEO of Paperdrop Dx, also reports that they are working in a test for the diagnostic of the coronavirus disease, Covid-19. The ischemic stroke test is based on the evaluation of microRNA, a technology that could also be useful for the coronavirus case.

La Vanguardia also highlights in this piece the role of ICREA Prof. Arben Merkoçi, Group Leader of the Nanobioelectronics and Biosensors Group and CSO of Paperdrop Dx, providing his expertise on paper biosensors. The ICN2 is portrayed as a “cradle of business initiatives”, mentioning other spin-offs originated in the institute, such as Ahead Therapeutics, Earthdas or FutureChromes.


Read the whole article here:

Paper edition: https://www.lavanguardia.com/edicion-impresa/20200328/48144264187/diagnosticos-mas-rapidos-y-economicos.html

Online edition: https://www.lavanguardia.com/economia/20200402/48144253413/paperdrop-dx-test-ictus-icn2-coronavirus-icrea.html