The visit of two young journalists last February has resulted in a video describing BrainCom and a story on the TOCHA project. The first project works on brain-computer interfaces to restore the ability to speak and the second works on the next generation of electronic, photonic and phononic devices. Those are European projects led by the ICN2, but the visit also involved researchers from ICMAB.
This past February, during two days, the ICMAB and the ICN2 received two young journalists in the framework of the Journalist-in-the-Lab programme. They learned about two projects being developed at each institution: E-Magic and CARBAT in ICMAB, and BrainCom and TOCHA in the ICN2.
Now, the FETFX project, which promotes the Journalist-in-the-Lab programme, has released the dissemination materials produced. The pieces include a story describing the TOCHA project and a video on the BrainCom project.
The story on TOCHA has quotes of the several researchers that interacted with the journalists: PhD student Iván Fernández, Dr Adriana Figueroa and Dr Lorenzo Camosi, of the Physics and Engineering of Nanodevices Group, and Dr Pedro David García, of the Phononic and Photonic Nanostructures Group. On the other hand, the video about the BrainCom project stars PhD students Ramón García and Christian Schäfer, from the Advanced Electronic Materials and Devices Group. You can also read a story about CARBAT and an article with an infographic on E-Magic.
Get into these engaging stories to learn about our research at the nanoscale:
- TOCHA: Fantastic particles and where to find them, by Giulia Fabriani
- BrainCom: Brain implants to speak again, by Arianna Ricchiuti
- E-Magic: The future of batteries is (E)magic, by Arianna Ricchiuti
- CARBAT: If batteries are the question, calcium could be the answer, by Giulia Fabriani