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Outreach News

Thursday, 26 November 2020

The ICN2 at the Science Week and the Researchers’ Night

by Joana Pi Suñer

This morning, under the umbrella of the 25th Science Week celebrated between the 14th and 29th of November in Catalunya, ICN2 held its first virtual visit to a school in Barcelona. Dr Maria Soler and Dr Belén Ballesteros participated in the telematic conference and, after a virtual visit to their facilities, held an interesting conversation with the students. Tomorrow night, at the European Researcher’s Night, the ICN2 will be involved in many talks and interactive workshops. Join us!

The ICN2 participated in the 25th Science Week offering today an online talk for high school students to students from Claret Institute. The activity began with an interactive introduction to the nanoscale by the head of the ICN2 Marketing and Communication Department Àlex Argemí and Communication Officer Joana Pi-Suñer. With the active participation of the students in a quizz contest through their mobile phone, students learnt about facts, wonders and applications, and played a game with microscopy images from the nanoscale.

Two scientists of ICN2 led a "live" tour to the lab that was a success. Dr. Maria Soler, Postdoctoral Researcher at the ICN2 NanoBiosensors and Bioanalytical Applications Group, and Dr. Belén Ballesteros, Leader of the ICN2 Electron Microscopy Unit, shared some time with students to present their research and techniques. Dr Belén Ballesteros did a visual demonstration of the SEM and TEM electron microscopes and explained their applications. Students were able to observe gold nanoparticles in both microscopes. After that, Dr Maria Soler offered a lab tour during which she explained how they worked to design nanobiosensors. She presented the CoNVaT project, devoted to developing a fast and precise diagnosis for Covid-19, but also other research lines devoted to cancer diagnosis and other applications. During the event, there was time to talk about their careers and the multiple paths that can end up with students working in a science-related job.

Tomorrow night there are new outreach events open to everyone. In the context of the European Researchers’ Night, an Europe-wide initiative to bring science closer to society, the ICN2 will be offering a series of talks and a workshop about the nanoscale and how the knowledge generated at centers such as ICN2 can have a positive impact in our everyday life. 

These are the ICN2 events you will find in the programme: 






You can register to attend the activities through the event website (https://lanitdelarecerca.cat/) or connecting through their YouTube Channel.