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Thursday, 03 December 2020

BrainCom project awarded at the International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems for Best Paper

by Joana Pi Suñer

The 27th International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems (ICECS 2020) was held virtually between 23rd and 25th November 2020. The European project BrainCom has received an award for the Best Paper for a work carried out by the ICN2 Advanced Electronic Materials and Devices group in collaboration with CSIC Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona.

ICECS 2020, the 27th edition of the International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems, organized by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), was held online from 23rd and 25th November. Co-chaired by Dr Hadi Heidari and Prof. Elena Blokhinaina from the University of Glasgow, Scotland, the conference included oral and poster sessions, tutorials given by experts on state-of-the-art topics, and special sessions.

This year’s Best Paper Award was assigned to a scientific article entitled “A 1024-Channel GFET 10-bit 5-kHz 36-uW Read-out integrated Circuit for Brain uECoG”, a collaborative work by PhD student Ramón García Cortadella, former Dr Nathan Schäfer and group leader ICREA Prof. José Antonio Garrido, from the ICN2 Advanced Electronic Materials And Devices group, and Dr. Anton Guimerà-Brunet, Dr. José Cisneros Fernández, Dr Lluís Terés and Prof. Francesc Serra-Graells from the CSIC Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM).

This work, presenting a multichannel read-out chip for brain massive digital micro-electrocorticography, based on a liquid-gate GFET as an active sensor, is part of the BrainComEU project, coordinated by Prof. José Antonio Garrido. BrainComEU brings together experts from neurotechnology, neuroscience and ethics to develop novel technologies capable of overcoming limitations of neural sensing interfaces and shed light on the working mechanisms of the brain. 

Congratulations to the BrainCom project members!