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Monday, 15 February 2021

A busy Saturday morning: closing of Mad for Physics and UAB’s “Dissabtes de Física” festival.

by Joana Pi Suñer

Saturday 13th of February was a busy morning for the ICN2 Marketing and Communication Department. After a year of a close relation with researchers of "different centres that studies different branches of Physics, we had to say goodbye to the young students of this unusual 2020 edition of “Bojos per la Física” programme. Later on, the ICN2 communication group entered the scene into the “Dissabtes de Física event with over 200 students, where Àlex Argemí and Joana Pi-Suñer shared the importance of nanoscience and nanotechnology in our day-to-day life.

Last Saturday was a busy day for the ICN2 Marketing and Communication Department: it began with the closing event of "Bojos per la Física 2020" and continued with an online didactic activity of "Dissabtes de Física" to which over 200 young high-school students participated. Due to the pandemic, events have been forced to move to the virtual world, innovating the way presentations and conferences are designed. 

Othe one hand, after a year of “Bojos per la Ciència” online sessions, with a lot of highs and downs due to the current global pandemic situation, we had to say goodbye to the 2020 generation of “Mad for Physics” students. It was an emotive closure event where the director of the Catalunya La Pedrera Lluís Farrés, the coordinators of the programme, Ana de la Osa and Àlex Argemí, from the ICN2, and Sebastián Grischpun, from the IFAE Communication Department, made some reflections about the programme and said goodbye to the young students, who worked good on their team building, friendly relationships with each other.  

On the other hand, “Dissabtes per la Física” is a programme organised by the Autonomous University of Barcelona oriented to high school students who are passionate about science. It is an initiative to popularise physics and research. It consists of a series of conferences, followed by more interactive activities, which take place on Saturdays. This year, in its 21st edition, it is being celebrated between the 6th of February and the 6th March 

Dr. Pere Masjuan, postdoctoral researcher in the Group of Theoretical Physics of the UAB Physics Department, started the event with an encouraging and interesting conference about “How Physics can help us to understand the COVID-19 pandemic”. Then Àlex Argemí and Joana Pi-Suñer, from the ICN2 Marketing and Communication group, took the stage to persuade over 200 young students about the importance of nanoscience and nanotechnology in our day-to-day life. After some interactive game quizzes to check the knowledge of the participants, the speakers presented some nanotechnology applications developed by different ICN2 groups.