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Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Dr Cinzia Spinato highlighted in Nature section ‘Where I work’

by Oriol Roig

This week’s section of the journal is dedicated to ICN2 member Dr. Cinzia Spinato, ICN2 Business Developer working to promote the Graphene Flagship biomedical applications. The article explains how her job involves helping researchers, take their inventions out into the market.

Dr. Cinzia Spinato, Business Developer in the ICN2 Business and Innovation Area and for the Graphene Flagship, is the protagonist of an article by Nature on its section ‘Where I work’. This weekly section explains the activity of scientists and people working in areas related to science, including artists who take inspiration from it. In the current issue, Dr, Cinzia Spinato explains her role, which consists in supporting and guiding researchers in the process of introducing into the market technologies and devices based on their inventions, so that they can become tools used in the real world.
In the article, she explains that lately most of the ideas involve graphene and how because of its unique properties it is contributing to revolutionize fields such as biomedical sensing and electronics. For instance, researchers are currently investigating the use of graphene biosensors to detect SARS-CoV-2 or developing novel graphene-based sensing platforms for real-time measuring of brain activity.

Read the full article here: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-00463-8