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Tuesday, 06 April 2021

#NanoJocsFlorals, a contest of poems related to nanoscience and nanotechnology

by Virginia Greco

The Catalan Society of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (SCN2), on the occasion of the Sant Jordi celebration (April 23), organizes #NanoJocsFlorals, a contest of poems related to nanoscience or nanotechnology.

The Jocs Florals, or Floral Games, are a Catalan tradition that consists on a contest of poems that is celebrated the 23rd of April, Sant Jordi, Patron of Catalonia. To celebrate this day, the Catalan Society of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (SCN2) has organized the #NanoJocsFlorals, where the texts entered to compete will have to be related, even not in an obvious way, to nanoscience or nanotechnology. The texts will have to be in Catalan, and the prize will consist in two tickets for the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona.

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