Thursday, 15 April 2021
The new ICN2 Open Knowledge Programme edition is devoted to the ICN2 Research Support Facilities
The ICN2 has relaunched the Open Knowledge Programme with a series of talks entitled “Meet the ICN2 Research Support Facilities”. It started on Thursday 14 April with a talk on X-Ray diffraction, which will be followed by other webinars by technicians and Laboratory Officers of the ICN2 Research Support Division. The OK Programme is coordinated by the ICN2 Human Resources Department.
The ninth edition of the ICN2 Open Knowledge Programme (OK), devoted to the ICN2 Research Support Facilities, held it first session on Thursday 14 April. The talk ‘X-Ray Diffraction Facility at ICN2: Overview on tools and processes’ was delivered by Jessica Padilla, Research Technician of the X-ray Diffraction Facility.
The OK Programme , coordinated by the ICN2 Human Resources Department with the support of the ICn2 Marketing and Communication Department and the scientific community, offers talks with a high scientific level and a global overview suitable for all kinds of researchers and advanced physics students. This year it is fully a fully online event. The talks scheduled for the next three weeks (21 April, 28 April, 5 May) will be carried on by the experts managing relevant ICN2 Facilities within the ICN2 Research Support Division.
Visit the ICN2 Agenda to learn about the upcoming OK Programme lectures:
Register here:
Visit the Open Knowledge Programme section to access all the videos from 2014: