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Tuesday, 20 April 2021

ICN2 joins the network ARIE, devoted to providing instruments and services to researchers

by Oriol Roig

ICN2 recently joined Analytical Research Infrastructures in Europe (AIRE) as a founding member of the e-DREAM network. ARIE aims at connecting research centres around Europe that provide highly-specialized instruments and services to researchers.

The ICN2 has become a member of the Analytical Research Infrastructures in Europe (ARIE), a network of high-level facilities that provide instruments and services to enable European researchers to address the Horizon Europe Missions. The centres involved, in turn, are grouped in seven different networks, including the European Distributed Research Infrastructure for Advanced Electron Microscopy (e-DREAM), of which the ICN2 is one of the founding members. Another of these networks is the League of European Accelerator-based Photon Sources (LEAPS), which includes the ALBA Synchrotron.
ICREA Prof. Jordi Arbiol, head of the ICN2 Advanced Electron Nanoscopy group, is currently leading the Data Policy working group --which addresses data management, storage, access and file formats, with a focus on open science-- and co-leading the Hardware working group within e-DREAM. He is also the coordinator of the METCAM-FIB project (ERDF funds), aiming at creating a platform for microscopy at the ALBA Synchrotron.