This year's edition of the 10alamenos9 Festival (10totheminus9) is taking place between March and June 2021. Many activities are scheduled to take place in many countries such as the series of webinars "Vermú de la Nanociència", the writing contest of nanostories and a lot more educational workshops and activities.
This year's edition of the 10alamenos9 Festival (10totheminus9), an international dissemination event, will take place between March and June 2021. Many activities are scheduled to be held online in many different countries, such as Spain, México, Costa Rica, Portugal, Argentina, and Guatemala. Since last year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this festival had to adapt to a remote version, which actually turned out bringing higher worldwide participation. The festival kicked off with the first online seminar “Vermú de Nanociència” streamed last 12 of April, a format where experts share a 20-min fun talk about their research. These webinars are presented daily each week from April to June 2021. This year we are glad to announce that Prof. Pedro Gómez, group leader of the ICN2 Novel Energy-Oriented group, is participating with a seminar on the next 28 of May.
On Thursday 22 of April, the Science Faculty of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) organized an online format activity with the UAB Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Alumni and some neighbouring research centres, within the framework of this year’s festival. Almost 800 high school students joined the event and discovered different areas of applications of nanotechnology. The event was very dynamic and interactive. Some of the Alumni talked about their experience working in different areas related to their studies and their talks were alternated with those of members of three research centers, who presented some topics related to applications of nanotechnology. The event comprised two sessions of 90 minutes each: the first session held from 10.00 am to 12.30 pm, and the second session from 12.30 pm to 2.00 pm.
From the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), senior researcher Dr Maria Soler presented her work within the NanoBiosensors and Bioanalytical applications group, via direct online streaming coordinated by Àlex Argemí, head of the Communication and Marketing Department. This innovative format brings the laboratory closer to the classroom through a vivid experience. The Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB, CSIC) took the stage to talk about electron microscopy, presented by Anna May Masnou, ICMAB’s Head of Communication, and Dr Judith Oró, ICMAB Responsible for the Scientific and Technical Services. Then, from the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM, CSIC), Sabela Rey, Science Communication Manager at the CNM, and Dr Gemma Rius, CNM nanolithography engineer, presented the Clean Room and explained nanofabrication to the students.
On the other hand, the nanostories contest, also part of the festival, aims to bring science closer to young audiences through literature. To this year’s competition a total of almost 100 stories related to nanotechnology and nanoscience were submitted by 37 secondary students and 52 high school students from all over Catalonia. After three phases of evaluation by the official jury, this week we will celebrate the delivery of the award. The event will be held online from the Vil·la Urània, a civic centre in Barcelona, this Friday 30 of April at 06.30 pm.
Click here for attending the nanostories event.
For more information on the 10alamenos9 Festival: