“Green Lab = Cleaner World” is the awareness campaign launched by BIST in October 2021 to promote best practices for more sustainable research.
BIST has launched a campaign to increase awareness of the potentially negative impacts of the work done by our community of researchers and science professionals, and to promote good practises to reduce them. The Green Lab = Cleaner World awareness campaign is meant to encourage people to take individual and collective actions to save energy, reduce and manage waste properly, and diminish our carbon footprint, ultimately working together for a cleaner and more sustainable world.
BIST has made an explicit commitment to sustainable research, thus we are working together to establish measures and protocols across all centres to minimise the environmental impact of our activities. This means for example, that we prioritise sustainability and the reduction of environmental impact when making decisions about the management of our premises and research facilities, or the construction of new ones.
A Sustainable Research Working Group has been created to lead the work in this area and to become a permanent forum for sharing good practices among all BIST centres.
Learn more by visiting the page of the campaign.