A new cycle of lectures on Condensed Matter Physics organised by GEFES will kick-off soon. The talks of the precious series are available on the GEFES Youtube channel. ICREA Prof. Gustau Catalan discusses the properties of metal oxides.
GEFES, the Condensed Matter Physics Division of the Spanish Royal Physics Society, has just launched the second edition of a series of online talks, titled “Condensed Matter: a universe in your hands”, aimed at undergraduate students. Members of GEFES who carry out theoretical or applied research in Condensed Matter Physics provide lectures about specific topics of this vast field and introduce the students to cutting-edge science.
The calendar of the new cycle of talks will be announced soon on the GEFES website. In the meanwhile, the lectures of the first series are available on the GEFES Youtube Channel. Among them is a talk on metal oxides having perovskite structure by ICREA Prof. Gustau Catalan, leader of the ICN2 Oxide Nanophysics Group. He introduces this class of materials and discusses their numerous outstanding properties. Watch the video: