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Thursday, 03 February 2022

Dr Monica Lira runs for the La Vanguardia Science Award 2021: readers can vote

by Virginia Greco

La Vanguardia and Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera invite readers to choose the Spanish research led by women they consider most important. Dr Mónica Lira Cantu, leader of the ICN2 Nanostructured Materials for Photovoltaic Energy has been selected as one of the eight contestants.

Eight scientific works in the fields of biomedicine, nanotechnology, palaeoanthropology and the environment have been selected by an interdisciplinary scientific committee as candidates for the La Vanguardia Science Award 2021, which this year celebrates its eleventh edition. Dr Mónica Lira Cantu, leader of the ICN2 Nanostructured Materials for Photovoltaic Energy, with her work to develop more efficient solar panels, has been selected as one of the eight contestants.

The final verdict of the award will depend on the readers, who will be able to choose the research they consider most relevant out of the eight. It is not necessary to have a background in science to vote; it is enough to be curious and want to express an opinion. Voting will be open until Monday 28 February at midnight. Vote here.