Novel Energy-Oriented Materials
Group Leader: Pedro Gómez-Romero
Group Leader
Prof. Pedro Gómez-Romero completed his BS and MS in Chemistry at the Universitat de València (Spain), before going on to earn his PhD in chemistry with distinction at Georgetown University (USA) in 1987. A CSIC researcher since 1990, he worked at the Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB) from 1990 to 2007, spending a sabbatical year as a NATO Senior Research Fellow at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (USA) in 1998-99. In 2007 he moved to the former Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research Centre (CIN2) as group leader of the NEO-Energy lab. When CIN2 became ICN2 in 2013, Prof. Gómez-Romero became group leader of the Novel Energy-Oriented Materials Group, heading up projects on hybrid organic-inorganic nanostructures, nanocomposite materials for energy storage and conversion.
CSIC Full Professor since 2006, Prof. Gómez-Romero is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK) since 2014 and was the vice-director of MATGAS between 2010 and 2013. In 2017 he received the CIDETEC prize for research in electrochemistry. He has authored over 250 scientific publications in international peer-reviewed journals (> 18500 cit. h=66 Google scholar). He is the scientific editor of the books Functional Hybrid Materials (P. Gómez-Romero, C. Sánchez (Eds.) (Wiley-VCH 2004)) and Metal Oxides in Supercapacitors (D.P. Dubal, P. Gomez-Romero (Eds.) (Elsevier, 2017)).
He is co-founder of the start-up Napptilus Battery Labs (2021-) for the production of fast-charging (and long-lasting) energy storage devices.
Prof. Gómez-Romero is also the author of four award-winning popular science books (Metaevolución. La Tierra en el espejo, Celeste, 2001; Un planeta en busca de energía, Síntesis, 2007; Creadors de futur, Bromera, 2016; and Nanomundo, Materia/ El País, 2016). Editor of and the creator of the Youtube science channel TECNOSFERA.
Polysaccharides: The Sustainable Foreground in Energy Storage Systems
Thomas, Sharin Maria; Gómez-Romero, Pedro; González-Gil, Rosa M. Polysaccharides; 6 (1): 5. 2025. 10.3390/polysaccharides6010005.
Hybrid Materials: A Metareview
Gomez-Romero, Pedro; Pokhriyal, Anukriti; Rueda-Garcia, Daniel; Bengoa, Leandro N; Gonzalez-Gil, Rosa M Chemistry Of Materials; 36 (1): 8 - 27. 2024. 10.1021/acs.chemmater.3c01878. IF: 7.200
In situ Raman analysis of reduced-graphene oxide-based electroactive nanofluids
Parpal, Monica; El Sachat, Alexandros; Torres, Clivia M Sotomayor; Gomez-Romero, Pedro; Rueda-Garcia, Daniel; Chavez-Angel, Emigdio Diamond And Related Materials; 141: 110541. 2024. 10.1016/j.diamond.2023.110541. IF: 4.300
Kinetic insights into the integration of polyoxometalate clusters on reduced graphene oxide for enhanced electrochemical performance in energy storage applications
Cesario, Serena Nogueira; Ferreira, Bianca Taina; Gomez-Romero, Pedro; Huguenin, Fritz Journal Of Solid State Electrochemistry; 2024. 10.1007/s10008-024-06131-x. IF: 2.600
Platinum Electrodeposited onto MoSx for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction: A Kinetic Model under Diffusive-Convective Transport Influence
Bianca Tainá Ferreira; Rosa M. González-Gil; Pedro Gómez‐Romero; Fritz Huguenin Journal Of Physical Chemistry. C./Journal Of Physical Chemistry. c; 2024. 10.1021/acs.jpcc.4c00071.
Understanding the Role of Additives on The Electrochemistry and Performance of Zn Energy Storage Devices
Bengoa, L N; Gonzalez-Gil, R M; Gomez-Romero, P Chemelectrochem; 11 (6) 2024. 10.1002/celc.202300517. IF: 3.500
Interlaboratory study assessing the analysis of supercapacitor electrochemistry data
Gittins, JW; Chen, Y; Arnold, S; Augustyn, V; Balducci, A; Brousse, T; Frackowiak, E; Gómez-Romero, P; Kanwade, A; Köps, L; Jha, PK; Lyu, D; Meo, M; Pandey, D; Pang, L; Presser, V; Rapisarda, M; Rueda-García, D; Saeed, S; Shirage, PM; Slesinski, A; Soavi, F; Thomas, J; Titirici, MM; Wang, HX; Xu, Z; Yu, AP; Zhang, MW; Forse, AC Journal Of Power Sources; 585: 233637. 2023. 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2023.233637. IF: 9.200
Nanostructured Thick Electrode Strategies toward Enhanced Electrode-Electrolyte Interfaces
Pokhriyal, A; Gonzalez-Gil, RMN; Bengoa, LNM; Gomez-Romero, P Materials (Basel); 16 (9): 3439. 2023. 10.3390/ma16093439. IF: 3.400
Polyoxometalate-Stabilized Silver Nanoparticles and Hybrid Electrode Assembly Using Activated Carbon
Goberna-Ferrón, S; Cots, L; Perich, MP; Zhu, JJ; Gómez-Romero, P Nanomaterials; 13 (15): 2241. 2023. 10.3390/nano13152241. IF: 5.300
To flow or not to flow. A perspective on large-scale stationary electrochemical energy storage
Pokhriyal, A; Rueda-García, D; Gómez-Romero, P Sustainable Energy & Fuels; 7 (23): 5473 - 5482. 2023. 10.1039/d3se00955f. IF: 5.600
Coherent Integration of Organic Gel Polymer Electrolyte and Ambipolar Polyoxometalate Hybrid Nanocomposite Electrode in a Compact High-Performance Supercapacitor
Zhu J.-J., Martinez-Soria L., Gomez-Romero P. Nanomaterials; 12 (3, 514) 2022. 10.3390/nano12030514. IF: 5.076
Controlling the electrochemical hydrogen generation and storage in graphene oxide by in-situ Raman spectroscopy
Pinilla-Sánchez A., Chávez-Angel E., Murcia-López S., Carretero N.M., Palardonio S.M., Xiao P., Rueda-García D., Sotomayor Torres C.M., Gómez-Romero P., Martorell J., Ros C. Carbon; 200: 227 - 235. 2022. 10.1016/j.carbon.2022.08.055.
Correction: Energy harvesting in the course of acid solution neutralization
Ferreira, BT; Rueda-Garcia, D; Gomez-Romero, P; Huguenin, F Journal Of Electroanalytical Chemistry; 928: 117042. 2022. 10.1016/j.jelechem.2022.117042. IF: 4.598
Dramatic Drop in Cell Resistance through Induced Dipoles and Bipolar Electrochemistry
Fuentes-Rodríguez L., Abad L., Pujades E., Gómez-Romero P., Tonti D., Casa-Pastor N. Journal of the Electrochemical Society; 169 (1, 016508) 2022. 10.1149/1945-7111/ac492d. IF: 4.316
Energy harvesting in the course of acid solution neutralization
Ferreira, Bianca Taina; Rueda-Garcia, Daniel; Gomez-Romero, Pedro; Huguenin, Fritz Journal Of Electroanalytical Chemistry; 927: 116957. 2022. 10.1016/j.jelechem.2022.116957. IF: 4.598
Facile preparation of glycine-based mesoporous graphitic carbons with embedded cobalt nanoparticles
Wang W., Tesio A.Y., Olivares-Marín M., Gómez Romero P., Tonti D. Journal of Materials Science; 57 (28): 13403 - 13413. 2022. 10.1007/s10853-022-07421-3.
Impact of Battery Energy System Integration in Frequency Control of an Electrical Grid with Wind Power
Pokhriyal, Anukriti; Luis Dominguez-Garcia, Jose; Gomez-Romero, Pedro Clean Technologies; 4 (4): 972 - 986. 2022. 10.3390/cleantechnol4040060.
Polyoxometalate intercalated MXene with enhanced electrochemical stability
Zhu J.-J., Gomez-Romero P. Nanoscale; 2022. 10.1039/d2nr01410f.
Rational design of MXene/activated carbon/polyoxometalate triple hybrid electrodes with enhanced capacitance for organic-electrolyte supercapacitors
Zhu J.-J., Hemesh A., Biendicho J.J., Martinez-Soria L., Rueda-Garcia D., Morante J.R., Ballesteros B., Gomez-Romero P. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science; 623: 947 - 961. 2022. 10.1016/j.jcis.2022.04.170.
MOF-derived conformal cobalt oxide/C composite material as high-performance electrode in hybrid supercapacitors
Hosseinzadeh B., Nagar B., Benages-Vilau R., Gomez-Romero P., Kazemi S.H. Electrochimica Acta; 389 (138657) 2021. 10.1016/j.electacta.2021.138657. IF: 6.901
Optimisation of NiO electrodeposition on 3D graphene electrode for electrochemical energy storage using response surface methodology
Agudosi E.S., Abdullah E.C., Numan A., Khalid M., Mubarak N.M., Benages-Vilau R., Gómez-Romero P., Aid S.R., Omar N. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry; 882 (114992) 2021. 10.1016/j.jelechem.2021.114992. IF: 4.464
Polyoxometalates (POMs): From electroactive clusters to energy materials
Horn M.R., Singh A., Alomari S., Goberna-Ferrón S., Benages-Vilau R., Chodankar N., Motta N., Ostrikov K., Macleod J., Sonar P., Gomez-Romero P., Dubal D. Energy and Environmental Science; 14 (4): 1652 - 1700. 2021. 10.1039/d0ee03407j. IF: 38.532
Sheet-on-sheet like calcium ferrite and graphene nanoplatelets nanocomposite: A multifunctional nanocomposite for high-performance supercapacitor and visible light driven photocatalysis
Israr M., Iqbal J., Arshad A., Gómez-Romero P. Journal of Solid State Chemistry; 293 (121646) 2021. 10.1016/j.jssc.2020.121646. IF: 3.498
Can polyoxometalates enhance the capacitance and energy density of activated carbon in organic electrolyte supercapacitors?
Zhu J.-J., Benages-Vilau R., Gomez-Romero P. Electrochimica Acta; 362 (137007) 2020. 10.1016/j.electacta.2020.137007. IF: 6.215
Dual carbon potassium-ion capacitors: Biomass-derived graphenelike carbon nanosheet cathodes
Dubal D.P., Pham H.D., Mahale K., Hoang T.M.L., Mundree S.G., Gomez-Romero P. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces; 12 (43): 48518 - 48525. 2020. 10.1021/acsami.0c12379. IF: 8.758
Enhancement of organophosphate degradation by electroactive pyrrole and imidazole copolymers
Hryniewicz B.M., Wolfart F., Gómez-Romero P., Orth E.S., Vidotti M. Electrochimica Acta; 338 (135842) 2020. 10.1016/j.electacta.2020.135842. IF: 6.215
Fabrication of 3D binder-free graphene NiO electrode for highly stable supercapattery
Agudosi E.S., Abdullah E.C., Numan A., Mubarak N.M., Aid S.R., Benages-Vilau R., Gómez-Romero P., Khalid M., Omar N. Scientific Reports; 10 (1, 11214) 2020. 10.1038/s41598-020-68067-2. IF: 3.998
Graphene triggered enhancement in visible-light active photocatalysis as well as in energy storage capacity of (CFO)1-x(GNPs)x nanocomposites
Israr M., Iqbal J., Arshad A., Rani M., Gómez‐Romero P., Benages R. Ceramics International; 46 (3): 2630 - 2639. 2020. 10.1016/j.ceramint.2019.09.232. IF: 3.830
Highly Loaded Mildly Edge-Oxidized Graphene Nanosheet Dispersions for Large-Scale Inkjet Printing of Electrochemical Sensors
Nagar B., Jović M., Bassetto V.C., Zhu Y., Pick H., Gómez-Romero P., Merkoçi A., Girault H.H., Lesch A. ChemElectroChem; 7 (2): 460 - 468. 2020. 10.1002/celc.201901697. IF: 4.154
Multifunctional MgFe2O4/GNPs nanocomposite: Graphene-promoted visible light driven photocatalytic activity and electrochemical performance of MgFe2O4 nanoparticles
Israr M., Iqbal J., Arshad A., Gómez‐Romero P., Benages R. Solid State Sciences; 110 (106363) 2020. 10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2020.106363. IF: 2.434
Development of low-melting point molten salts and detection of solid-to-liquid transitions by alternative techniques to DSC
Rodríguez-Laguna M.D.R., Gómez-Romero P., Sotomayor Torres C.M., Lu M.-C., Chávez-Ángel E. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells; 202 (110107) 2019. 10.1016/j.solmat.2019.110107. IF: 6.019
From thermal to electroactive graphene nanofluids
Rueda-García D., Del Rocío Rodríguez-Laguna M., Chávez-Angel E., Dubal D.P., Cabán-Huertas Z., Benages-Vilau R., Gómez-Romero P. Energies; 12 (23, 4545) 2019. 10.3390/en12234545. IF: 2.707
Fully printed one-step biosensing device using graphene/AuNPs composite
Nagar B., Balsells M., de la Escosura-Muñiz A., Gomez-Romero P., Merkoçi A. Biosensors and Bioelectronics; 129: 238 - 244. 2019. 10.1016/j.bios.2018.09.073. IF: 9.518
Metal–Organic Framework (MOF) Derived Electrodes with Robust and Fast Lithium Storage for Li-Ion Hybrid Capacitors
Dubal D.P., Jayaramulu K., Sunil J., Kment Š., Gomez-Romero P., Narayana C., Zbořil R., Fischer R.A. Advanced Functional Materials; 29 (19, 1900532) 2019. 10.1002/adfm.201900532. IF: 15.621
Modification of the raman spectra in graphene-based nanofluids and its correlation with thermal properties
Rodríguez-Laguna M.D.R., Romero P.G., Torres C.M.S., Chavez-Angel E. Nanomaterials; 9 (5, 804) 2019. 10.3390/nano9050804. IF: 4.034
On the Enhancement of the Thermal Conductivity of Graphene-Based Nanofluids
Rodriguez-Laguna M.R., Torres C.M.S., Gomez-Romero P., Chavez-Angel E. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology; 2018-July (8626244) 2019. 10.1109/NANO.2018.8626244. IF: 0.000
Polypyrrole Nanopipes as a Promising Cathode Material for Li-ion Batteries and Li-ion Capacitors: Two-in-One Approach
Dubal D., Jagadale A., Chodankar N.R., Kim D.-H., Gomez-Romero P., Holze R. Energy Technology; 7 (2): 193 - 200. 2019. 10.1002/ente.201800551. IF: 3.163
All nanocarbon Li-Ion capacitor with high energy and high power density
Dubal D.P., Gomez-Romero P. Materials Today Energy; 8: 109 - 117. 2018. 10.1016/j.mtener.2018.03.005. IF: 0.000
Battery and supercapacitor materials in flow cells. Electrochemical energy storage in a LiFePO4/reduced graphene oxide aqueous nanofluid
Rueda-Garcia D., Cabán-Huertas Z., Sánchez-Ribot S., Marchante C., Benages R., Dubal D.P., Ayyad O., Gómez-Romero P. Electrochimica Acta; 281: 594 - 600. 2018. 10.1016/j.electacta.2018.05.151. IF: 5.116
Design and Fabrication of Printed Paper-Based Hybrid Micro-Supercapacitor by using Graphene and Redox-Active Electrolyte
Nagar B., Dubal D.P., Pires L., Merkoçi A., Gómez-Romero P. ChemSusChem; 11 (11): 1849 - 1856. 2018. 10.1002/cssc.201800426. IF: 7.411
Energy harvesting from neutralization reactions with saline feedback
Lima G., Dubal D.P., Rueda-García D., Gómez-Romero P., Huguenin F. Electrochimica Acta; 275: 145 - 154. 2018. 10.1016/j.electacta.2018.04.075. IF: 5.116
Hybrid Graphene-Polyoxometalates Nanofluids as Liquid Electrodes for Dual Energy Storage in Novel Flow Cells
Dubal D.P., Rueda-Garcia D., Marchante C., Benages R., Gomez-Romero P. Chemical Record; 18 (7): 1076 - 1084. 2018. 10.1002/tcr.201700116. IF: 4.891
Mechanisms behind the enhancement of thermal properties of graphene nanofluids
Rodríguez-Laguna M.R., Castro-Alvarez A., Sledzinska M., Maire J., Costanzo F., Ensing B., Pruneda M., Ordejón P., Sotomayor Torres C.M., Gómez-Romero P., Chávez-Ángel E. Nanoscale; 10 (32): 15402 - 15409. 2018. 10.1039/c8nr02762e. IF: 7.233
Synthesis and Caracterization of Mesoporous FePO4 as Positive Electrode Materials for Lithium Batteries
Salamani A., Merrouche A., Telli L., Gómez-Romero P., Huertas Z.C. Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry; 54 (1): 55 - 63. 2018. 10.3103/S106837551801012X. IF: 0.000
Synthesis and characterization of porous sulfur/MWCNTs composites with improved performance and safety as cathodes for Li-S batteries
Fedorkova A.S., Kazda T., Gavalierova K., Gomez-Romero P., Shembel E. International Journal of Electrochemical Science; 13 (1): 551 - 562. 2018. 10.20964/2018.01.67. IF: 1.369
Towards flexible solid-state supercapacitors for smart and wearable electronics
Dubal D.P., Chodankar N.R., Kim D.-H., Gomez-Romero P. Chemical Society Reviews; 47 (6): 2065 - 2129. 2018. 10.1039/c7cs00505a. IF: 40.182
Ultrathin Hierarchical Porous Carbon Nanosheets for High-Performance Supercapacitors and Redox Electrolyte Energy Storage
Jayaramulu K., Dubal D.P., Nagar B., Ranc V., Tomanec O., Petr M., Datta K.K.R., Zboril R., Gómez-Romero P., Fischer R.A. Advanced Materials; 30 (15, 1705789) 2018. 10.1002/adma.201705789. IF: 21.950
Unveiling BiVO4 nanorods as a novel anode material for high performance lithium ion capacitors: Beyond intercalation strategies
Dubal D.P., Jayaramulu K., Zboril R., Fischer R.A., Gomez-Romero P. Journal of Materials Chemistry A; 6 (14): 6096 - 6106. 2018. 10.1039/c8ta00549d. IF: 9.931
Asymmetric Supercapacitors Based on Reduced Graphene Oxide with Different Polyoxometalates as Positive and Negative Electrodes
Dubal D.P., Chodankar N.R., Vinu A., Kim D.-H., Gomez-Romero P. ChemSusChem; 10 (13): 2742 - 2750. 2017. 10.1002/cssc.201700792. IF: 7.226
BiVO4 Fern Architectures: A Competitive Anode for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Dubal D.P., Patil D.R., Patil S.S., Munirathnam N.R., Gomez-Romero P. ChemSusChem; 10 (21): 4163 - 4169. 2017. 10.1002/cssc.201701483. IF: 7.226
Capacitive vs Faradaic Energy Storage in a Hybrid Cell with LiFePO4/RGO Positive Electrode and Nanocarbon Negative Electrode
Cabán-Huertas Z., Dubal D.P., Ayyad O., Gómez-Romero P. Journal of the Electrochemical Society; 164 (1): A6140 - A6146. 2017. 10.1149/2.0211701jes. IF: 3.259
Direct electrodeposition of imidazole modified poly(pyrrole) copolymers: synthesis, characterization and supercapacitive properties
Wolfart F., Hryniewicz B.M., Marchesi L.F., Orth E.S., Dubal D.P., Gómez-Romero P., Vidotti M. Electrochimica Acta; 243: 260 - 269. 2017. 10.1016/j.electacta.2017.05.082. IF: 4.798
Functionalization of Polypyrrole Nanopipes with Redox-Active Polyoxometalates for High Energy Density Supercapacitors
Dubal D.P., Ballesteros B., Mohite A.A., Gómez-Romero P. ChemSusChem; 10 (4): 731 - 737. 2017. 10.1002/cssc.201601610. IF: 7.226
Hurdles to organic quinone flow cells. Electrode passivation by quinone reduction in acetonitrile Li electrolytes
Rueda-García D., Dubal D.P., Hugenin F., Gómez-Romero P. Journal of Power Sources; 350: 9 - 17. 2017. 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2017.03.048. IF: 6.395
Influence of texture in hybrid carbon-phosphomolybdic acid materials on their performance as electrodes in supercapacitors
Palomino P., Suarez-Guevara J., Olivares-Marín M., Ruiz V., Dubal D.P., Gómez-Romero P., Tonti D., Enciso E. Carbon; 111: 74 - 82. 2017. 10.1016/j.carbon.2016.09.054. IF: 6.337
Mimics of microstructures of Ni substituted Mn1−xNixCo2O4 for high energy density asymmetric capacitors
Tamboli M.S., Dubal D.P., Patil S.S., Shaikh A.F., Deonikar V.G., Kulkarni M.V., Maldar N.N., Inamuddin, Asiri A.M., Gomez-Romero P., Kale B.B., Patil D.R. Chemical Engineering Journal; 307: 300 - 310. 2017. 10.1016/j.cej.2016.08.086. IF: 6.216
Nanostructured mixed transition metal oxides for high performance asymmetric supercapacitors: Facile synthetic strategy
Tajik S., Dubal D.P., Gomez-Romero P., Yadegari A., Rashidi A., Nasernejad B., Inamuddin, Asiri A.M. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy; 42 (17): 12384 - 12395. 2017. 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.03.117. IF: 3.582
Ultrahigh energy density supercapacitors through a double hybrid strategy
Dubal D.P., Nagar B., Suarez-Guevara J., Tonti D., Enciso E., Palomino P., Gomez-Romero P. Materials Today Energy; 5: 58 - 65. 2017. 10.1016/j.mtener.2017.05.001. IF: 0.000
Ultrathin Mesoporous RuCo2O4 Nanoflakes: An Advanced Electrode for High-Performance Asymmetric Supercapacitors
Dubal D.P., Chodankar N.R., Holze R., Kim D.-H., Gomez-Romero P. ChemSusChem; 10 (8): 1771 - 1782. 2017. 10.1002/cssc.201700001. IF: 7.226
V2O5 encapsulated MWCNTs in 2D surface architecture: Complete solid-state bendable highly stabilized energy efficient supercapacitor device
Pandit B., Dubal D.P., Gómez-Romero P., Kale B.B., Sankapal B.R. Scientific Reports; 7 ( 43430) 2017. 10.1038/srep43430. IF: 4.259
Ag:BiVO4 dendritic hybrid-architecture for high energy density symmetric supercapacitors
Patil S.S., Dubal D.P., Tamboli M.S., Ambekar J.D., Kolekar S.S., Gomez-Romero P., Kale B.B., Patil D.R. Journal of Materials Chemistry A; 4 (20): 7580 - 7584. 2016. 10.1039/c6ta01980c. IF: 8.262
Aqueous synthesis of LiFePO4 with Fractal Granularity
Cabán-Huertas Z., Ayyad O., Dubal D.P., Gómez-Romero P. Scientific Reports; 6 ( 27024) 2016. 10.1038/srep27024. IF: 5.228
Electroactive graphene nanofluids for fast energy storage
Dubal D.P., Gomez-Romero P. 2D Materials; 3 (3, 031004) 2016. 10.1088/2053-1583/3/3/031004. IF: 9.611
Electrochemical supercapacitive properties of polypyrrole thin films: influence of the electropolymerization methods
Wolfart F., Dubal D.P., Vidotti M., Holze R., Gómez-Romero P. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry; 20 (4): 901 - 910. 2016. 10.1007/s10008-015-2960-2. IF: 2.327
Fern-like rGO/BiVO4 hybrid nanostructures for high-energy symmetric supercapacitor
Patil S.S., Dubal D.P., Deonikar V.G., Tamboli M.S., Ambekar J.D., Gomez-Romero P., Kolekar S.S., Kale B.B., Patil D.R. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces; 8 (46): 31602 - 31610. 2016. 10.1021/acsami.6b08165. IF: 7.145
Growth of polypyrrole nanostructures through reactive templates for energy storage applications
Dubal D.P., Caban-Huertas Z., Holze R., Gomez-Romero P. Electrochimica Acta; 191: 346 - 354. 2016. 10.1016/j.electacta.2016.01.078. IF: 4.803
Hybrid core-shell nanostructured electrodes made of polypyrrole nanotubes coated with Ni(OH)2 nanoflakes for high energy-density supercapacitors
Wolfart F., Dubal D.P., Vidotti M., Gómez-Romero P. RSC Advances; 6 (18): 15062 - 15070. 2016. 10.1039/c5ra23671a. IF: 3.289
Synthetic approach from polypyrrole nanotubes to nitrogen doped pyrolyzed carbon nanotubes for asymmetric supercapacitors
Dubal D.P., Chodankar N.R., Caban-Huertas Z., Wolfart F., Vidotti M., Holze R., Lokhande C.D., Gomez-Romero P. Journal of Power Sources; 308: 158 - 165. 2016. 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2016.01.074. IF: 6.333
3D hierarchical assembly of ultrathin MnO
2 nanoflakes on silicon nanowires for high performance micro-supercapacitors in Li- doped ionic liquidDubal D.P., Aradilla D., Bidan G., Gentile P., Schubert T.J.S., Wimberg J., Sadki S., Gomez-Romero P. Scientific Reports; 5 ( 9771) 2015. 10.1038/srep09771. IF: 5.578
A high voltage solid state symmetric supercapacitor based on graphene-polyoxometalate hybrid electrodes with a hydroquinone doped hybrid gel-electrolyte
Dubal D.P., Suarez-Guevara J., Tonti D., Enciso E., Gomez-Romero P. Journal of Materials Chemistry A; 3 (46): 23483 - 23492. 2015. 10.1039/c5ta05660h. IF: 7.443
An innovative 3-D nanoforest heterostructure made of polypyrrole coated silicon nanotrees for new high performance hybrid micro-supercapacitors
Aradilla D., Gaboriau D., Bidan G., Gentile P., Boniface M., Dubal D., Gómez-Romero P., Wimberg J., Schubert T.J.S., Sadki S. Journal of Materials Chemistry A; 3 (26): 13978 - 13985. 2015. 10.1039/c5ta03435c. IF: 7.443
Asymmetric supercapacitors based on hybrid CuO@reduced graphene oxide@sponge versus reduced graphene oxide@sponge electrodes
Dubal D.P., Chodankar N.R., Gund G.S., Holze R., Lokhande C.D., Gomez-Romero P. Energy Technology; 3 (2): 168 - 176. 2015. 10.1002/ente.201402170.
Diamond-coated silicon nanowires for enhanced micro-supercapacitor with ionic liquids
Gund G.S., Dubal D.P., Aradilla D., Mueller-Sebert W., Bidan G., Gaboriau D., Gentile P., Schubert T.J.S., Wimberg J., Sadki S., Gomez-Romero P. 2015 International Conference on Industrial Instrumentation and Control, ICIC 2015; ( 7150916): 1125 - 1128. 2015. 10.1109/IIC.2015.7150916. IF: 0.000
Hybrid energy storage: The merging of battery and supercapacitor chemistries
Dubal D.P., Ayyad O., Ruiz V., Gómez-Romero P. Chemical Society Reviews; 44 (7): 1777 - 1790. 2015. 10.1039/c4cs00266k. IF: 33.383
Influence of Mn incorporation on the supercapacitive properties of hybrid CuO/Cu(OH)
2 electrodesShinde S.K., Dubal D.P., Ghodake G.S., Gomez-Romero P., Kim S., Fulari V.J. RSC Advances; 5 (39): 30478 - 30484. 2015. 10.1039/c5ra01093d. IF: 3.840
Low-cost flexible supercapacitors with high-energy density based on nanostructured MnO
2 and Fe2 O3 thin films directly fabricated onto stainless steelGund G.S., Dubal D.P., Chodankar N.R., Cho J.Y., Gomez-Romero P., Park C., Lokhande C.D. Scientific Reports; 5 ( 12454) 2015. 10.1038/srep12454. IF: 5.578
Nickel cobaltite as an emerging material for supercapacitors: An overview
Dubal D.P., Gomez-Romero P., Sankapal B.R., Holze R. Nano Energy; 11: 377 - 399. 2015. 10.1016/j.nanoen.2014.11.013. IF: 10.325
SiNWs-based electrochemical double layer micro-supercapacitors with wide voltage window (4V) and long cycling stability using a protic ionic liquid electrolyte
Aradilla D., Gentile P., Ruiz V., Gomez-Romero P., Wimberg J., Iliev B., Schubert T.J.S., Sadki S., Bidan G. Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology; 6 (1, 15004) 2015. 10.1088/2043-6262/6/1/015004. IF: 0.000
The influence of solvents and salts on the properties of high-voltage cathode materials
Kazda T., Vondrák J., Sedlaříková M., Gómez-Romero P., Musil M., Čudek P., Fedorková Straková A., Kašpárek V. International Journal of Electrochemical Science; 10 (8): 6288 - 6301. 2015. . IF: 1.500
Three-dimensional arrays of 1D MnO2 nanocrystals for all-solid-state asymmetric supercapacitors
Dubal D.P., Holze R., Gomez-Romero P. ChemPlusChem; 80 (6): 944 - 951. 2015. 10.1002/cplu.201500054. IF: 3.026
Development of hybrid materials based on sponge supported reduced graphene oxide and transition metal hydroxides for hybrid energy storage devices
Dubal, D.P.; Holze, R; Gomez-Romero, P. Scientific Reports; 2014. 10.1038/srep07349. IF: 5.078
High performance of symmetric micro-supercapacitors based on silicon nanowires using N-methyl-N-propylpyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide as electrolyte
Aradilla, D.; Gentile, P.; Bidan, G.; Ruiz, V.; Gómez-Romero, P.; Schubert, T.J.S.; Sahin, H.; Frackowiak, E.; Sadki, S. Nano Energy; 9: 273 - 281. 2014. 10.1016/j.nanoen.2014.07.001. IF: 10.211
Hybrid energy storage: High voltage aqueous supercapacitors based on activated carbon-phosphotungstate hybrid materials
Suárez-Guevara, J.; Ruiz, V.; Gomez-Romero, P. Journal of Materials Chemistry A; 2 (4): 1014 - 1021. 2014. 10.1039/c3ta14455k. IF: 0.000
Novel hybrid micro-supercapacitor based on conducting polymer coated silicon nanowires for electrochemical energy storage
Aradilla, D.; Bidan, G.; Gentile, P.; Weathers, P.; Thissandier, F.; Ruiz, V.; Gómez-Romero, P.; Schubert, T.J.S.; Sahin, H.; Sadki, S. RSC Advances; 4 (50): 26462 - 26467. 2014. 10.1039/c4ra03192j. IF: 3.708
Stable graphene-polyoxometalate nanomaterials for application in hybrid supercapacitors
Suárez-Guevara, J.; Ruiz, V.; Gómez-Romero, P. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics; 16 (38): 20411 - 20414. 2014. 10.1039/c4cp03321c. IF: 4.198
Fractal porosity in metals synthesized by a simple combustion reaction
Gómez-Romero, P.; Fraile, J.; Ballesteros, B. RSC Advances; 3: 2351 - 2354. 2013. 10.1039/c2ra22441k. IF: 2.562
Incorporation of benzimidazolium ionic liquid in proton exchange membranes ABPBI-H3PO4
Hernández Carrillo, R.; Suarez-Guevara, J.; Torres-González, L.C.; Gómez-Romero, P.; Sánchez, E.M. Journal of Molecular Liquids; 181: 115 - 120. 2013. 10.1016/j.molliq.2013.02.014. IF: 1.684
Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials for Supercapacitors
Ruiz, V. ; Suárez-Guevara, J. ; Gomez-Romero, P. ECS transactions; 50 (43): 117 - 123. 2013. 10.1149/05043.0117ecst. IF: 0.000
Rechargeable Batteries: From Hybrid Materials to Devices .
Gomez-Romero, P. ; Ruiz, V. ; Suarez-Guevara, J. ; Ayyad, O. ; Muñoz-Rojas, D. ECS transactions; 50 (24): 29 - 35. 2013. 10.1149/05024.0029ecst. IF: 0.000
Copper@Polypyrrole Nanocables
Suárez-Guevara, J.; Ayyad, O.; Gómez-Romero, P. Nanoscale Research Letters; 2012. .
Hybrid electrodes based on polyoxometalate-carbon materials for electrochemical supercapacitors
Ruiz, V.; Suárez-Guevara, J.; Gomez-Romero, P. Electrochemistry Communications; 24: 35 - 38. 2012. 10.1016/j.elecom.2012.08.003.
Rechargeable Batteries: From Hybrid Materials to Hybrid Electrodes and Devices
Gomez-Romero, P. ; Ruiz, V. ; Suarez-Guevara, J.; Ayyad, O.; Muñoz-Rojas, D. ECS transactions; 50: B4-0652. 2012. .
Direct synthesis of a macroscopic array of naked Ag nanoparticles
Ayyad, O.; Muñoz-Rojas, D.; Gómez-Romero, P. Chemical Communications; 47: 11285 - 11287. 2011. 10.1039/c1cc13353e.
Electrical and mechanical properties of poly(ethylene oxide)/intercalated clay polymer electrolyte
Moreno, M.; Quijada, R.; Santa Ana, M.A.; Benavente, E.; Gomez-Romero, P.; González, G. Electrochimica Acta; 58: 112 - 118. 2011. 10.1016/j.electacta.2011.08.096.
Polydiphenylamine/carbon nanotube composites for applications in rechargeable lithium batteries
Baibarac, M.; Baltog, I.; Lefrant, S.; Gomez-Romero, P. Materials Science & Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology; 176: 110 - 120. 2011. 10.1016/j.mseb.2010.10.008.
Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells | Pilas de combustible de membrana polimérica
Asensio, J.A.; Peña, J.; Pérez-Coll, D.; Ruiz-Morales, J.C.; Marrero-Lopez, D.; Nuñez, P.; Ballesteros, B.; Canales-Vazquez, J.; Borrós, S.; Gómez-Romero, P. Afinidad; 68: 246 - 258. 2011. .
Shaping hybrid nanostructures with polymer matrices: The formation mechanism of silver-polypyrrole core/shell nanostructures
Muñoz-Rojas, D.; Oró-Solé, J.; Ayyad, O.; Gómez-Romero, P. Journal of Materials Chemistry; 21: 2078 - 2086. 2011. 10.1039/c0jm01449d.
From silver nanoparticles to nanostructures through matrix chemistry
Ayyad, O.; Muñoz-Rojas, D.; Oró-Solé, J.; Gómez-Romero, P. Journal of Nanoparticle Research; 12: 337 - 345. 2010. 10.1007/s11051-009-9620-3.
High-concentration compact agar gels from hydrothermal synthesis
Ayyad, O.; Muñoz-Rojas, D.; Agulló, N.; Borrós, S.; Gómez-Romero, P. Soft Matter; 6: 2389 - 2391. 2010. 10.1039/b926713a.
Hybrid organic-inorganic materials: From child's play to energy applications
Gómez-Romero, P.; Ayyad, O.; Suárez-Guevara, J.; Muñoz-Rojas, D. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry; 14 (11): 1939 - 1945. 2010. 10.1007/s10008-010-1076-y.
Polyfluorinated boron cluster - [B12F11H]2- - based electrolytes for supercapacitors: Overcharge protection
Ionica-Bousquet, C.M.; Casteel Jr., W.J.; Pearlstein, R.M.; GirishKumar, G.; Pez, G.P.; Gómez-Romero, P.; Palacín, M.R.; Muñoz-Rojas, D. Electrochemistry Communications; 12: 636 - 639. 2010. 10.1016/j.elecom.2010.02.018.
Proton-conducting membranes based on benzimidazole polymers for high-temperature PEM fuel cells. A chemical quest
Asensio, J.A.; Sánchez, E.M.; Gómez-Romero, P. Chemical Society Reviews; 39: 3210 - 3239. 2010. 10.1039/b922650h.
Structural and electrochemical studies of PPy/PEG-LiFePO4 cathode material for Li-ion batteries
Fedorková, A.; Nacher-Alejos, A.; Gómez-Romero, P.; Orináková, R.; Kaniansky, D. Electrochimica Acta; 55: 943 - 947. 2010. 10.1016/j.electacta.2009.09.060.
Titanium dioxide/amine hybrid nanotubes. Optical properties and behavior as lithium-ion electrode
Vasquez, J; López, Z; Zuñiga, A; Nacher, A; Lira-Cantú, M; Gómez-Romero, P; Ana, M.A.S; Benavente, E; González, G. Electrochimica Acta; 55 (4): 1373 - 1379. 2010. 10.1016/j.electacta.2009.05.010.
Complementary microstructural and chemical analyses of Sepia officinalis endoskeleton
Florek, M.; Fornal, E; Gómez-Romero, P; Zieba, E; Paszkowicz, W; Lekki, J; Nowak, J; Kuczumow, A. MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-BIOMIMETIC AND SUPRAMOLECULAR SYSTEMS; 29 (4): 1220 - 1226. 2009. 10.1016/j.msec.2008.09.040.
High-Yield preparation of titanium dioxide nanostructures by hydrothermal conditions
Vasquez, J; Lozano, H; Lavayen, V; Lira-Cantu, M; Gomez-Romero, P; Ana, M.A.S; Benavente, E; Gonzalez, G. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology; 9 (2): 1103 - 1107. 2009. 10.1166/jnn.2009.C097.
Spontaneous self-assembly of Cu2O@PPy nanowires and anisotropic crystals
Muñoz-Rojas, D.; Oró-Solé, J.; Gómez-Romero, P. Chemical Communications; : 5913 - 5915. 2009. 10.1039/b910796g.
Surface enhanced Raman scattering studies on poly(3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene)/single-walled carbon nanotubes composites and their application to rechargeable lithium batteries
Baltog, I; Baibarac, M; Lefrant, S; Gomez-Romero, P. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology; 9 (10): 6204 - 6209. 2009. 10.1166/jnn.2009.1548.
Conjugated polymers as part of multifunctional organic/inorganic hybrid materials for photovoltaic applications Symposium on Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials, Apr 9-13, 2007 San Francisco, USA Source: ORGANIC/INORGANIC HYBRID MATERIALS - 2007 Book Series: MATERIALS RESEARCH SOCIETY SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS
Lira-Cantu, M.; Krebs, F.C.; Gomez-Romero, P.; Yanagida, S. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings; 1007: 249 - 257. 2008. .
Facile one-pot synthesis of self-assembled silver@polypyrrole core/shell nanosnakes
Muñoz-Rojas, D.; Oró-Solé, J.; Ayyad, O.; Gómez-Romero, P. Small; 4: 1301 - 1306. 2008. 10.1002/smll.200701199.
From nanosnakes to nanosheets: A matrix-mediated shape evolution
Muñoz-Rojas, D.; Oró-Solé, J.; Gómez-Romero, P. Journal of Physical Chemistry C; 112: 20312 - 20318. 2008. 10.1021/jp808187w.
Improvement in the Ppy/V2O5 hybrid as a cathode material for Li ion batteries using PSA as an organic additive
Boyano, I.; Bengoechea, M.; de Meatza, I.; Miguel, O.; Cantero, I.; Ochoteco, E.; Rodríguez, J.; Lira-Cantú, M.; Gómez-Romero, P. Journal of Power Sources; 166: 471 - 477. 2007. 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2006.12.106.
Influence of acids in the Ppy/V2O5 hybrid synthesis and performance as a cathode material
Boyano, I.; Bengoechea, M.; de Meatza, I.; Miguel, O.; Cantero, I.; Ochoteco, E.; Grande, H.; Lira-Cantú, M.; Gomez-Romero, P.; Gómez-Romero, P. Journal of Power Sources; 174: 1206 - 1211. 2007. 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2007.06.175.
Spectroscopic evidence for the bulk polymerization of N-vinyl carbazole in the presence of single-walled carbon nanotubes
Baibarac Mihaela*; Baltog Ioan; Lefrant Serge; Gomez-Romero Pedro Polymer; 48 (18): 5279 - 5280. 2007. .
Hybrid materials approach in the design of electrodes and electrolytes for energy storage and conversion
Cuentas-Gallegos, K.; Lira-Cantú, M.; Casañ-Pastor, N.; Asensio, J.A.; Gómez-Romero, P. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings; 847 (Article number EE12.4): 431 - 438. 2005. .
Recent developments on proton conducting Poly(2,5-benzimidazole) (ABPBI) membranes for high temperature polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells
Asensio, J.A.; Gómez-Romero, P. Fuel Cells; 5 (3): 336 - 343. 2005. 10.1002/fuce.200400081.