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06-07-2016 · Γραφείο Διασύνδεσης Δ.Π.Θ.

38 Υποτροφίες στο εξωτερικό (06/07/2016)

Στους παρακάτω συνδέσμους μπορείτε να ενημερωθείτε για Υποτροφίες στο εξωτερικό. Οι θέσεις αυτές αποτελούν ένα μέρος των θέσεων που αναρτώνται καθημερινά σε διάφορους ιστότοπους και κατηγοριοποιούνται σε κύριες ομάδες ανάλογα με το αντικείμενο απασχόλησης.

05-07-2016 · 360doc个人图书馆


新程乐跑 日前,2016全球石墨烯春季大会在意大利热那亚开幕。作为全球石墨烯行业的顶级盛会,全球石墨烯大会已经成功举办过五届。东旭光电作为唯一受邀进行主题演讲

01-07-2016 · Γραφείο Διασύνδεσης Δ.Π.Θ.

30 θέσεις εργασίας σε Ερευνητικούς Φορείς στο εξωτερικό (01/07/2016)

Στους παρακάτω συνδέσμους μπορείτε να ενημερωθείτε για θέσεις εργασίας σε Ερευνητικούς Φορείς στο εξωτερικό. Οι θέσεις αυτές αποτελούν ένα μέρος των θέσεων που αναρτώνται καθημερινά σε διάφορους ιστότοπους και κατηγοριοποιούνται σε κύριες ομάδες ανάλογα με το αντικείμενο απασχόλησης.

29-06-2016 · Γραφείο Διασύνδεσης Δ.Π.Θ.

78 Υποτροφίες στο εξωτερικό (29/06/2016)

Στους παρακάτω συνδέσμους μπορείτε να ενημερωθείτε για Υποτροφίες στο εξωτερικό. Οι θέσεις αυτές αποτελούν ένα μέρος των θέσεων που αναρτώνται καθημερινά σε διάφορους ιστότοπους και κατηγοριοποιούνται σε κύριες ομάδες ανάλογα με το αντικείμενο απασχόλησης.

23-06-2016 · 微头条/微信聚合资讯


曼彻斯特大学研究人员最近发现,在橡胶中添加少量石墨烯能够显著提高橡胶的强度和弹性,相关成果可用于生产理想的安全套。 旭碳新材·06月13日 11:37 东旭

16-06-2016 · Investigación y Desarrollo

Nanocápsulas de virus para tratar infecciones

Científicos de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) y del Instituto Catalán de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología (ICN2) han desarrollado un sistema de nanoencapsulación basado en envoltorios de lípidos, para aumentar la eficacia de los bacteriófagos en la terapia fágica oral.

15-06-2016 · Science Daily

Virus nanocapsules to treat infections

A nanoencapsulation system with a liposome coating has been developed in order to increase the efficacy of bacteriophages in oral phage therapy.

14-06-2016 · Nanowerk

Virus nanocapsules to treat infections

(Nanowerk News) Scientists at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and the Catalan Institute for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) have developed a nanoencapsulation system with a liposome coating in order to increase the efficacy of bacteriophages in oral phage therapy (Applied and

14-06-2016 · Alpha Galileo

Virus Nanocapsules to Treat Infections

Scientists at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and the Catalan Institute for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) have developed a nanoencapsulation system with a liposome coating in order to increase the efficacy of bacteriophages in oral phage therapy.

13-06-2016 · RTV - San Marino

Papa Francesco alla Fao

Il Santo Padre è intervenuto questa mattina all' apertura dei lavori della sessione annuale del World Food Program alla quale era presente anche la Rappresentanza Permanente di San Marino.

13-06-2016 · 微头条/微信聚合资讯


曼彻斯特大学研究人员最近发现,在橡胶中添加少量石墨烯能够显著提高橡胶的强度和弹性,相关成果可用于生产理想的安全套。 旭碳新材·今天11:37 东旭石墨烯

12-05-2016 · 突袭新闻


中国证券网讯(记者 阮晓琴) 8月11日,“2014中国国际石墨烯创新大会”新闻发布会在宁波召开。本次发布会上,中国石墨烯产业技术创新战略联盟秘书长李义春博士以

11-05-2016 · EIN007: iconnect007

Spin Lifetime Anisotropy of Graphene

Related Video Included Reading time ( words) One of the most fascinating puzzles for the graphene and spintronics communities is identifying the main microscopic process for spin relaxation in graphene.

10-05-2016 · Controlled Environments Magazine

Graphene May Be Weaker Than Previously Reported

One of the most fascinating puzzles for the graphene and spintronics communities is identifying the main microscopic process for spin relaxation in graphene. Conventional relaxation mechanisms have yielded contradictory results when applied to single-layer graphene.

05-05-2016 · Agibilis

Científicos valencianos avanzan en la investigación de materiales …

Un equipo de investigación del Instituto de Ciencia de los Materiales de la Universitat de València (ICMUV), en España, ha encontrado un método eficiente para potenciar la flourescencia de un nanomaterial semiconductor bidimensional obtenido a partir de seleniuro de indio (InSe).

04-05-2016 · 中华触摸屏网



04-05-2016 · 中国半导体行业网


关于收购 GE逾1亿收购澳洲物联网新星Daintree 近日,美国通用电器(GE,奇异)旗下的Current公司花了一亿澳元收购了在无线通讯、智慧照明业界的

04-05-2016 · 集微网


关于收购 GE逾1亿收购澳洲物联网新星Daintree 近日,美国通用电器(GE,奇异)旗下的Current公司花了一亿澳元收购了在无线通讯、智慧照明业界的

04-05-2016 · 中国电子市场网


关于收购 GE逾1亿收购澳洲物联网新星Daintree 近日,美国通用电器(GE,奇异)旗下的Current公司花了一亿澳元收购了在无线通讯、智慧照明业界的着名

04-05-2016 · 生意宝


生意宝05月04日讯 华灿光电与澳企合作共探RPCVD技术应用 日前,澳大利亚公司BluGlass有限公司宣布,将与华灿光电合作,探索氮化铝(AlN)低温沉积

03-05-2016 · Epilepsiforening

Kan hjernen sende Sms’er?

Det menneskeskabte materiale grafen giver muligheder for at have elektroder på hjernen, der fx indsamler og sender signaler Prøv at forestille dig, at hjernen kunne sende Sms’er? Når der var et anfald på vej, fik du en sms om at lige om lidt sker det.

03-05-2016 · 洱海新闻网


东旭光电石墨烯迈出全球并购第一步 本报记者 龙昊 东旭光电4月25日早间的一纸公告,意味着该公司在初步完成国内石墨烯产业布局之后,开始迈出海外合作与全球并购

03-05-2016 · SEMI半导体产业


0 出自:阿拉丁新闻中心 关于收购 GE逾1亿收购澳洲物联网新星Daintree 近日,美国通用电器(GE,奇异)旗下的Current公司花了一亿澳元收购

03-05-2016 · 慧聪LED屏网


慧聪LED屏网报道 近日,美国通用电器(GE,奇异)旗下的Current公司花了一亿澳元收购了在无线通讯、智慧照明业界的着名厂商DaintreeNetwork

03-05-2016 · 中国建筑装饰网



03-05-2016 · 中国领先的房地产专业平台



03-05-2016 · 九正建材网


眨眼间,四月的最后一周即将过去,LED圈依然热闹非凡。收购、合作、扩产、辞职、上市……依然是绕不过去的话题,下面透过关键词解读行业的最新动态! 关于收购 G

03-05-2016 · 九正建材网


眨眼间,四月的最后一周即将过去,LED圈依然热闹非凡。收购、合作、扩产、辞职、上市……依然是绕不过去的话题,下面透过关键词解读行业的最新动态! 关于收购 G

29-04-2016 · 生意地


眨眼间,四月的最后一周即将过去,LED圈依然热闹非凡。收购、合作、扩产、辞职、上市……依然是绕不过去的话题,下面透过关键词解读行业的最新动态! 关于收购 G

29-04-2016 · 阿拉丁照明网


摘要: 眨眼间,四月的最后一周即将过去,LED圈依然热闹非凡。收购、合作、扩产、辞职、上市……依然是绕不过去的话题,下面透过关键词解读行业的最新动态! 眨眼间

29-04-2016 · 中国建材信息


浏览:次 摘要: 4月28日晚间,东旭光电披露2016年一季报,报告显示,公司实现营业收入15.82亿元,同比增长164.12%;归属于上市公司股东的净利润3.

29-04-2016 · 光电新闻网


导读: 眨眼间,四月的最后一周即将过去,LED圈依然热闹非凡。收购、合作、扩产、辞职、上市……依然是绕不过去的话题,下面透过关键词解读行业的最新动态!

28-04-2016 · 财经频道-金融界 (Simp.)


来源:证券日报・中国资本证 同比增长119.72% 石墨烯战略成未来看点 本报记者 桂小笋 4月29日,东旭光电发布了一季度报告,报告期内,公司归属于上市

28-04-2016 · 中国资本证券网


同比增长119.72% 石墨烯战略成未来看点 本报记者 桂小笋 4月29日,东旭光电发布了一季度报告,报告期内,公司归属于上市公司股东的净利润约为3.48亿

28-04-2016 · 中国经济网 (繁体)

東旭光電:一季報凈利增120% 石墨烯戰略佈局有“爆點”

中國經濟網北京4月28日訊 今日晚間,東旭光電披露2016年一季報,報告顯示,公司實現營業收入15.82億元,同比增長164.12%;歸屬於上市公司股東的凈利潤3.48億元,同比增長119.72%。 資料顯示,截至2015年底,東旭光電G6代玻璃基板生産線已有5條産線實現量産,第6條生産線也已點火,剩餘産線正在加速投産中。近年來,隨著G6玻璃基板産線陸續達産,東旭光電的玻璃基板主營業務一直保持較高的增長速度,同時公司裝備製造向面板生産線設備延伸取得突破,也已實現批量供應,公司營收連續實現大幅增長。

27-04-2016 · FPDisplay


提要: 国内液晶面板玻璃两大龙头企业之一的东旭光电4月25日上午公告透露,已与西班牙一家顶级的纳米研究所合作,共同推进石墨烯的商业化。分析师认为,这是东旭光电为

26-04-2016 · 好买基金网


本报记者龙昊 东旭光电4月25日早间的一纸公告,意味着该公司在初步完成国内石墨烯产业布局之后,开始迈出海外合作与全球并购步伐。 跨越 据公告,东旭光电与西

26-04-2016 · 财经频道-金融界 (Simp.)


来源:中国经济时报 本报记者 龙昊 东旭光电4月25日早间的一纸公告,意味着该公司在初步完成国内石墨烯产业布局之后,开始迈出海外合作与全球并购步伐。 跨越

26-04-2016 · 北极星电力技术网


北极星储能网讯:东旭光电4月25日早间的一纸公告,意味着该公司在初步完成国内石墨烯产业布局之后,开始迈出海外合作与全球并购步伐。 跨越 据公告,东旭光电与西

26-04-2016 · 光电新闻网


导读: 随着海口石墨烯产业基地建成,可与东旭光电位于北京的石墨烯产业基地相互呼应,一南一北形成东旭光电石墨烯产业发展的重要战略支点,并辐射和连接该公司在全国其他

25-04-2016 · 青岛财经网


永清环保4月25日早间发布公告,公司近日成为2016 年长沙市望城区重金属污染耕地修复整区承包服务项目的供应商,中标金额 7958.9万元。 证券时报网(ww

25-04-2016 · Sogotrade - Barchart.com

Dongxu, ICN2 to Join Hands in Graphene

Dongxu Optoelectronic Technology (SZSE:000413) signed a strategic framework agreement with The Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) to cooperate on the commercial transformation of graphene application technology achievements.

25-04-2016 · 新浪新聞


全景網4月25日訊東旭光電(000413)周一早間公告稱,公司近日與The Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (西班牙加泰羅尼亞納米科學和納米技術研究所)(以下簡稱「ICN2」)簽署了《戰略框架協議》。公司為了能將光電、生物感測器、半導體、儲能、熱管理、石墨烯油墨、製造設備和其他領域的處於研發階段的石墨烯應用技術成果充分向商業化轉化,與西班牙ICN2簽署戰略框架協議,擬建立長期穩定的戰略合作夥伴關係,ICN2將考慮向公司開放其研究人員的一些最新研究進展。

25-04-2016 · 股市360股票网


----本文导读:---- 【东旭光电石墨烯迈出全球并购第一步】东旭光电4月25日早间的一纸公告,意味着该公司在初步完成国内石墨烯产业布局之后,开始迈出海外合作

25-04-2016 · 股票频道-中金在线


【东旭光电与西班牙研究所签战略协议】东旭光电周一早间公告称,公司近日与The Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nano

25-04-2016 · 证券新闻滚动_搜狐资讯-搜狐滚动


全景网4月25日讯 东旭光电(000413)周一早间公告称,公司近日与The Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nano

25-04-2016 · 电池中国网



25-04-2016 · 金米财经


十二届全国人大常委会第十九次会议在京举行 解析*ST行情炒作点 国家队居然也来抢筹码 能源股领跌 美股午盘转跌 中国再生能源去年纯利增逾倍 涨逾28%

25-04-2016 · 蛋蛋赞


东旭光电4月25日早间的一纸公告,意味着该公司在初步完成国内石墨烯产业布局之后,开始迈出海外合作与全球并购步伐。 跨越 据公告,东旭光电与西班牙加泰罗尼亚纳

25-04-2016 · 好你拍网


关键字:东旭光电石墨烯迈出全球并购第一步,东旭光电 【导读】科技新闻 报道【东旭光电石墨烯迈出全球并购第一步】 “双方合作将侧重在研发技术的商业化转化方面。”东

25-04-2016 · 突袭新闻



25-04-2016 · 中国学网



25-04-2016 · 捷利深度数据中心


东旭光电4月25日早间的一纸公告,意味着该公司在初步完成国内石墨烯产业布局之后,开始迈出海外合作与全球并购步伐。 跨越 据公告,东旭光电与西班牙加泰罗尼亚纳

25-04-2016 · 易汇资讯网



25-04-2016 · 经传多盈


【东旭光电石墨烯迈出全球并购第一步】东旭光电4月25日早间的一纸公告,意味着该公司在初步完成国内石墨烯产 【东旭光电石墨烯迈出全球并购第一步】东旭光电4月25

25-04-2016 · 东方财富网



25-04-2016 · 今日头条


东旭光电4月25日早间的一纸公告,意味着该公司在初步完成国内石墨烯产业布局之后,开始迈出海外合作与全球并购步伐。 跨越 据公告,东旭光电与西班牙加泰罗尼亚纳

25-04-2016 · 东方财富网-手机版


大 小 东旭光电4月25日早间的一纸公告,意味着该公司在初步完成国内石墨烯产业布局之后,开始迈出海外合作与全球并购步伐。 跨越 据公告,东旭光电与西班牙加

25-04-2016 · 慧博投研资讯



25-04-2016 · 中國網 - 新聞中心


中國經濟網北京4月25日訊 石墨烯材料與眾不同的材料性能及其在新能源、電子、新材料等新興産業領域的應用潛力,讓包括美國、歐盟在內的主要國家都將石墨烯技術研發及應用實現作為長期戰略給予重點關注。 在全球石墨烯産業化的過程中,越來越多的中國石墨烯企業站到了世界的聚光燈下。一批中國企業昂首走出國門,參與到全球石墨烯産業發展的浪潮中。 全球石墨烯大會響起中國聲音

25-04-2016 · 中国经济网 (繁体)


中國經濟網北京4月25日訊 石墨烯材料與眾不同的材料性能及其在新能源、電子、新材料等新興産業領域的應用潛力,讓包括美國、歐盟在內的主要國家都將石墨烯技術研發及應用實現作為長期戰略給予重點關注。 中國石墨烯産業代表團合影 東旭光電與西班牙ICN2簽署戰略合作協議 在全球石墨烯産業化的過程中,越來越多的中國石墨烯企業站到了世界的聚光燈下。一批中國企業昂首走出國門,參與到全球石墨烯産業發展的浪潮中。 全球石墨烯大會響起中國聲音

23-04-2016 · Investigación y Desarrollo

Grafeno contra el párkinson, la ceguera y la epilepsia

Con un presupuesto de 1.000 millones de Euros, el Graphene Flagship representa una nueva forma de investigación conjunta y coordinada a una escala sin precedentes, constituyendo la iniciativa investigadora más grande de Europa hasta la fecha.

18-04-2016 · Γραφείο Διασύνδεσης Δ.Π.Θ.

LA CAIXA” / Severo Ochoa International PhD Fellowships Program, Spain (2016)

If you would like to study in Universities of Spain, Spain and pursue Full Time Phd Program in Nanodevices for Life, Nanodevices for Energy, Nanodevices for ICT, Theory and Simulation, Characterisation and Metrology, Growth of Nanomaterials and Nanofabrication (Candidates will be asked to select

18-04-2016 · Bergens Tidende

Snart kan hjernen selv be om hjelp

Nye materialer som ligger permanent rett på hjernen og registrerer ulike former for aktivitet, vil kunne hjelpe pasienter med epilepsi, Parkinsons og andre hjernelidelser i

14-04-2016 · Dominicanos Hoy

Implantes de grafeno para el párkinson, ceguera y epilepsia

Con un presupuesto de 1,000 millones de Euros, el Graphene Flagship representa una nueva forma de investigación conjunta y coordinada a una escala sin precedentes, constituyendo la iniciativa investigadora más grande de Europa hasta la fecha.

12-04-2016 · Entorno Inteligente

El grafeno, la nueva alternativa para implantes versátiles

El Observador / La iniciativa Graphene Flagship, en la que participan 150 científicos de una veintena de países europeos, está investigando tecnologías biomédicas usando el grafeno para hacer implantes médicos en cualquier parte del cuerpo humano .

12-04-2016 · El Siglo de Durango

Grafeno para implantes en cualquier parte del cuerpo

La iniciativa Graphene Flagship, en la que participan 150 científicos de una veintena de países europeos, está investigando tecnologías biomédicas usando el grafeno para hacer implantes médicos en cualquier parte del cuerpo humano.

12-04-2016 · El Siglo de Torreón.com.mx

Grafeno para implantes en cualquier parte del cuerpo

La iniciativa Graphene Flagship, en la que participan 150 científicos de una veintena de países europeos, está investigando tecnologías biomédicas usando el grafeno para hacer implantes médicos en cualquier parte del cuerpo

12-04-2016 · Noticia Libre

Usarán el grafeno para hacer implantes en cualquier parte del cuerpo

Barcelona.- La iniciativa Graphene Flagship, en la que participan 150 científicos de una veintena de países europeos, está investigando tecnologías biomédicas usando el grafeno para hacer implantes médicos en cualquier parte del cuerpo humano. ¿Tienes algo que decir?

12-04-2016 · Organizacion de Periodistas Iberoamericanos

Usarán el grafeno para hacer implantes en cualquier parte del cuerpo

Barcelona (España), 12 abr (EFE).- La iniciativa Graphene Flagship, en la que participan 150 científicos de una veintena de países europeos, está investigando tecnologías biomédicas usando el grafeno para hacer implantes médicos en cualquier parte del cuerpo humano.

12-04-2016 · Los Tiempos

Usarán el grafeno para hacer implantes médicos

Barcelona, España | La iniciativa Graphene Flagship, en la que participan 150 científicos de una veintena de países europeos, está investigando tecnologías biomédicas usando el grafeno para hacer implantes médicos en cualquier parte del cuerpo humano.

11-04-2016 · Crónica Viva

Emplearán grafeno para hacer implantes en cualquier parte del cuerpo

BARCELONA.- La iniciativa Graphene Flagship, en la que participan 150 científicos de una veintena de países europeos, está investigando tecnologías biomédicas usando el grafeno para hacer implantes médicos en cualquier parte del cuerpo humano.

11-04-2016 · Yahoo! Noticias en Español

Usarán el grafeno para hacer implantes en cualquier parte del cuerpo

Barcelona (España), 11 abr (EFE).- La iniciativa Graphene Flagship, en la que participan 150 científicos de una veintena de países europeos, está investigando tecnologías biomédicas usando el grafeno para hacer implantes médicos en cualquier parte del cuerpo humano.

11-04-2016 · Noticias - Terra Chile

Usarán el grafeno para hacer implantes en cualquier parte del cuerpo

La iniciativa Graphene Flagship, en la que participan 150 científicos de una veintena de países europeos, está investigando tecnologías biomédicas usando el grafeno para hacer implantes médicos en cualquier parte del cuerpo humano.

11-04-2016 · Noticias Terra.com.mx

Usarán el grafeno para hacer implantes en cualquier parte del cuerpo

La iniciativa Graphene Flagship, en la que participan 150 científicos de una veintena de países europeos, está investigando tecnologías biomédicas usando el grafeno para hacer implantes médicos en cualquier parte del cuerpo humano.

11-04-2016 · Noticias - Terra Colombia

Usarán el grafeno para hacer implantes en cualquier parte del cuerpo

La iniciativa Graphene Flagship, en la que participan 150 científicos de una veintena de países europeos, está investigando tecnologías biomédicas usando el grafeno para hacer implantes médicos en cualquier parte del cuerpo humano.

11-04-2016 · Diario El Mundo

Usarán grafeno para hacer implantes en cualquier parte del cuerpo

EFE/Manuel Lorenzo La iniciativa Graphene Flagship, en la que participan 150 científicos de una veintena de países europeos, está investigando tecnologías biomédicas usando el grafeno para hacer implantes médicos en cualquier parte del cuerpo humano.

03-04-2016 · Globedia, El Diario Colaborativo

NanocÁpsulas Contra El CÁncer

Científicos del Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona (ICMAB) del CSIC, en colaboración con el Instituto Catalán de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología (ICN2), en España, el Instituto de Biologia Molecular y Celular del CNRS francés, y el King's College de Londres (KCL), han desarrollado un

03-04-2016 · Globedia

NanocÁpsulas Contra El CÁncer

Científicos del Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona (ICMAB) del CSIC, en colaboración con el Instituto Catalán de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología (ICN2), en España, el Instituto de Biologia Molecular y Celular del CNRS francés, y el King's College de Londres (KCL), han desarrollado un

03-04-2016 · Globedia - Noticias de Argentina Hoy

NanocÁpsulas Contra El CÁncer

Científicos del Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona (ICMAB) del CSIC, en colaboración con el Instituto Catalán de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología (ICN2), en España, el Instituto de Biologia Molecular y Celular del CNRS francés, y el King's College de Londres (KCL), han desarrollado un

02-04-2016 · Rádio das Nações Unidas (PT)

Assembleia Geral da ONU proclama Década de Ação para Nutrição

Organização das Nações Unidas para Agricultura e Alimentação, FAO, saudou a decisão como "passo importante"; segundo a agência, atualmente, cerca de 800 milhões de pessoas permanecem "cronicamente subnutridas" e mais de 2 bilhões têm deficiências de micronutrientes.

24-03-2016 · Γραφείο Διασύνδεσης Δ.Π.Θ.

33 Υποτροφίες στο εξωτερικό (24/03/2016)

Στους παρακάτω συνδέσμους μπορείτε να ενημερωθείτε για Υποτροφίες στο εξωτερικό. Οι θέσεις αυτές αποτελούν ένα μέρος των θέσεων που αναρτώνται καθημερινά σε διάφορους ιστότοπους και κατηγοριοποιούνται σε κύριες ομάδες ανάλογα με το αντικείμενο απασχόλησης.

24-03-2016 · Opinion

Nanopartículas contra el cáncer

La inyección con la nueva tecnología facilita el transporte del medicamento hasta es el mismo núcleo de la célula

23-03-2016 · Γραφείο Διασύνδεσης Δ.Π.Θ.

36 Υποτροφίες στο εξωτερικό (23/03/2016)

Στους παρακάτω συνδέσμους μπορείτε να ενημερωθείτε για Υποτροφίες στο εξωτερικό. Οι θέσεις αυτές αποτελούν ένα μέρος των θέσεων που αναρτώνται καθημερινά σε διάφορους ιστότοπους και κατηγοριοποιούνται σε κύριες ομάδες ανάλογα με το αντικείμενο απασχόλησης.

14-03-2016 · 新材料在线


| 点击: 次 前沿新材料 纳米材料 导电材料 电子电器 摘要 2016巴塞罗那全球移动大会的石墨烯展馆 (图片来源:光子科学研究所R. JOSA) ICFO和

04-03-2016 · Agibilis

Desarrollan nanotransportador para radioterapia contra cáncer

Científicos del Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona (norte de España) del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas han desarrollado un nanotransportador basado en nanotubos de carbono para radioterapia contra el cáncer.

03-03-2016 · El Dictamen

Desarrollan un nanotransportador para radioterapia contra el cáncer

Barcelona (España), Agencias/ El Dictamen.- Científicos del Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona (norte de España) del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas han desarrollado un nanotransportador basado en nanotubos de carbono para radioterapia contra el cáncer.

03-03-2016 · Diariodom.com

Desarrollan un nanotransportador para radioterapia contra el cáncer

España .- Científicos del Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona (norte de España) del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas han desarrollado un nanotransportador basado en nanotubos de carbono para radioterapia contra el cáncer.

03-03-2016 · Z101 Digital

Desarrollan un nanotransportador para radioterapia contra el cáncer

Barcelona (España).- Científicos del Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona (norte de España) del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas han desarrollado un nanotransportador basado en nanotubos de carbono para radioterapia contra el cáncer.

03-03-2016 · CM& La Noticia

Desarrollan un nanotransportador para radioterapia contra el cáncer

Científicos del Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona (norte de España) del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas han desarrollado un nanotransportador basado en nanotubos de carbono para radioterapia contra el cáncer.

03-03-2016 · LaPatilla.com

Desarrollan un nanotransportador para radioterapia contra el cáncer

Twittear Científicos del Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona (norte de España) del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas han desarrollado un nanotransportador basado en nanotubos de carbono para radioterapia contra el cáncer.

03-03-2016 · Terra USA - Noticias

Desarrollan un nanotransportador para radioterapia contra el cáncer

Científicos del Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona (norte de España) del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas han desarrollado un nanotransportador basado en nanotubos de carbono para radioterapia contra el cáncer.

03-03-2016 · Noticias - Terra Chile

Desarrollan un nanotransportador para radioterapia contra el cáncer

Científicos del Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona (norte de España) del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas han desarrollado un nanotransportador basado en nanotubos de carbono para radioterapia contra el cáncer.

03-03-2016 · Noticias Terra.com.mx

Desarrollan un nanotransportador para radioterapia contra el cáncer

Científicos del Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona (norte de España) del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas han desarrollado un nanotransportador basado en nanotubos de carbono para radioterapia contra el cáncer.

03-03-2016 · Noticias - Terra Colombia

Desarrollan un nanotransportador para radioterapia contra el cáncer

Científicos del Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona (norte de España) del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas han desarrollado un nanotransportador basado en nanotubos de carbono para radioterapia contra el cáncer.

03-03-2016 · Mediatelecom

Sensores de grafeno para ayudar a pacientes con epilepsia

“El gran ritmo de crecimiento global se debe a la industria digital”, afirmó César Alierta, presidente de Telefónica, durante la inauguración del Mobile World Congress 2016. La edición de esta feria, que puede considerarse de transición, marca un punto de inflexión en la industria.

02-03-2016 · Γραφείο Διασύνδεσης Δ.Π.Θ.

58 Υποτροφίες στο εξωτερικό (02/03/2016)

Στους παρακάτω συνδέσμους μπορείτε να ενημερωθείτε για Υποτροφίες στο εξωτερικό. Οι θέσεις αυτές αποτελούν ένα μέρος των θέσεων που αναρτώνται καθημερινά σε διάφορους ιστότοπους και κατηγοριοποιούνται σε κύριες ομάδες ανάλογα με το αντικείμενο απασχόλησης.

27-02-2016 · Investigación y Desarrollo

Nuevo sistema de impresión permite crear dispositivos basados en grafeno

Las tecnologías que se presentan en el Pabellón del Grafeno del Mobile World Congress (MWC 2016) aprovechan la combinación única de las propiedades del grafeno, como su flexibilidad, biocompatibilidad y facilidad para el transporte de electricidad.

24-02-2016 · Nuestra Tele Noticias 24

CST: ¿Para qué sirven los sensores de grafeno?

Los sensores electrónicos de grafeno se pueden usar para detectar la actividad eléctrica del cerebro. Así lo demuestra la tecnología que el Instituto Catalán de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología y otros centros de investigación presentaron esta semana en el Mobile World Congress de Barcelona.

24-02-2016 · Unocero.com

Estos sensores de grafeno monitorean la actividad cerebral

Científicos del Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia han desarrollado sensores de grafeno para monitorear la actividad cerebral valiéndose de la combinación de sus propiedades, como su flexibilidad, biocompatibilidad y facilidad para el transporte de electricidad.

14-02-2016 · 微头条/微信聚合资讯


微观世界的美无处不在,小编借助扫描电镜,带你一起去感受围观材料的魅力! 1、清晨林中漫步 氧化锡纳米线的扫描电镜照片——SureshDonthu, North

29-01-2016 · ForeignAffairs.co.nz

Could this material revolutionize data storage?

MIL OSI – Two MIT researchers have developed a thin-film material whose phase and electrical properties can be switched between metallic and semiconducting simply by applying a small voltage. The material then stays in its new configuration until switched back by another voltage.

28-01-2016 · Investigación y Desarrollo

Produce España más biogás con nanopartículas

La labor conjunta entre un centro de investigación -el Instituto Catalán de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología (ICN2)- y una universidad -la Autónoma de Barcelona- ha conseguido poner en marcha una nueva empresa que ofrece una tecnología capaz de aumentar en un 200 por ciento la producción de biogás

25-01-2016 · Imperial Valley News

Switchable material could enable new memory chips

Cambridge, Massachusetts - Two MIT researchers have developed a thin-film material whose phase and electrical properties can be switched between metallic and semiconducting simply by applying a small voltage.

21-01-2016 · Graphic Display World

AFIP 2016 Announces Programme Details

“Printing as an integral part of the production process” will be the main theme of technical presentations during the third Advanced Functional and Industrial Printing (AFIP) conference, organised by ESMA on 2-3 March 2016 in Radisson Blu Scandinavia hotel in Düsseldorf, Germany.

21-01-2016 · Global News Connect

Switchable element could capacitate new memory chips

Two MIT researchers have grown a thin-film element whose proviso and electrical properties can be switched between lead and semiconducting simply by requesting a little voltage. The element afterwards stays in a new pattern until switched behind by another voltage.

21-01-2016 · Controlled Environments Magazine

Switchable Material Supports Innovative Memory Chips

Two MIT researchers have developed a thin-film material whose phase and electrical properties can be switched between metallic and semiconducting simply by applying a small voltage. The material then stays in its new configuration until switched back by another voltage.

20-01-2016 · Nanowerk

Switchable crystals could enable new memory chips

(Nanowerk News) Two MIT researchers have developed a thin-film material whose phase and electrical properties can be switched between metallic and semiconducting simply by applying a small voltage. The material then stays in its new configuration until switched back by another voltage.

20-01-2016 · Phys.org

Switchable material could enable new memory chips

Two MIT researchers have developed a thin-film material whose phase and electrical properties can be switched between metallic and semiconducting simply by applying a small voltage. The material then stays in its new configuration until switched back by another voltage.

20-01-2016 · Research & Development

Switchable Material Could Enable New Memory Chips

Two MIT researchers have developed a thin-film material whose phase and electrical properties can be switched between metallic and semiconducting simply by applying a small voltage. The material then stays in its new configuration until switched back by another voltage.

20-01-2016 · Wireless Design & Development

Switchable Material Could Enable New Memory Chips

Two MIT researchers have developed a thin-film material whose phase and electrical properties can be switched between metallic and semiconducting simply by applying a small voltage. The material then stays in its new configuration until switched back by another voltage.

19-01-2016 · OPE Journal

AFIP 2016 announces programme details

“Printing as an integral part of the production process” will be the main theme of the technical presentations during the third Advanced Functional and Industrial Printing (AFIP) conference, organised by the European Association for Printing Manufacturers in screen and digital printing (ESMA) on 2-3

15-01-2016 · Electronic Engineering Times Europe

Printing as an integral part of the production process

“Printing as an integral part of the production process” will be the main theme of technical presentations during the third Advanced Functional and Industrial Printing (AFIP) conference, organised by ESMA on 2-3 March 2016 in Radisson Blu Scandinavia hotel in Düsseldorf, Germany.

14-01-2016 · Global SMT and Packaging

AFIP 2016 Announces Programme Details

“Printing as an integral part of the production process” will be the main theme of technical presentations during the third Advanced Functional and Industrial Printing (AFIP) conference, organised by ESMA on 2-3 March 2016 in Radisson Blu Scandinavia hotel in Düsseldorf, Germany.

04-12-2015 · Silicon Semiconductor

Flexoelectricity is more than Moore »

Researchers from the ICN2 Oxide Nanoelectronics Group, at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, led an international work, published by Nature Nanotechnology, which has produced the world’s first integrated flexoelectric microelectromechanical system (MEMS) on silicon.

30-11-2015 · 生物通

纳米粒子助力 超越经典PCR技术

最近,在国际知名学术期刊《Small》发表的一项研究中,研究人员成功地应用一种新的定性和定量方法,来检测利什曼原虫(Leishmania infantum)动基

27-11-2015 · Nanotechnology Now

Nanoparticles simplify DNA identification and quantification

This work was coordinated at ICN2 by ICREA Prof Arben Merkoçi, Leader of the ICN2 Nanobioelectronics & Biosensors Group, and Dr. Alfredo de la Escosura-Muñiz (first author of the article) with collaboration of Luis Pires, PhD student from the same group.

27-11-2015 · Analytica-world.com

Nanoparticles simplify DNA identification and quantification

In an article published in Small, researchers successfully applied a new qualitative and quantitative method for the detection of a DNA sequence characteristic of Leishmania infantum kinetoplast, a frequent parasite in veterinary that affects humans too.

27-11-2015 · Bionity.com (EN)

Nanoparticles simplify DNA identification and quantification

In an article published in Small, researchers successfully applied a new qualitative and quantitative method for the detection of a DNA sequence characteristic of Leishmania infantum kinetoplast, a frequent parasite in veterinary that affects humans too.

27-11-2015 · Materials Today

New ‘flexo-electric’ nanomaterial works better as it gets thinner

Researchers at the University of Twente's MESA+ research institute in the Netherlands, together with researchers from several other institutions, have developed a ‘flexo-electric’ nanomaterial that changes shape when you apply electrical voltage, or that generates electricity if you change its

26-11-2015 · SpaceDaily.Com

Flexoelectricity is more than Moore

The information revolution is synonymous with the traditional quest to pack more chips and increase computing power.

25-11-2015 · Medical News Today

Nanoparticles simplify DNA identification and quantification

In an article published in Small, researchers successfully applied a new qualitative and quantitative method for the detection of a DNA sequence characteristic of Leishmania infantum kinetoplast, a frequent parasite in veterinary that affects humans too.

25-11-2015 · Today Topics

Nanoparticles simplify DNA identification and quantification

In an article published in Small, researchers successfully applied a new qualitative and quantitative method for the detection of a DNA sequence characteristic of Leishmania infantum kinetoplast, a frequent parasite in veterinary that affects humans too.

25-11-2015 · Health Medicine Network

Nanoparticles simplify DNA identification and quantification

In an article published in Small, researchers successfully applied a new qualitative and quantitative method for the detection of a DNA sequence characteristic of Leishmania infantum kinetoplast, a frequent parasite in veterinary that affects humans too.

25-11-2015 · Science Codex

Nanoparticles simplify DNA identification and quantification

In an article published in Small, researchers successfully applied a new qualitative and quantitative method for the detection of a DNA sequence characteristic of Leishmania infantum kinetoplast, a frequent parasite in veterinary that affects humans too.

25-11-2015 · EurekAlert!

Nanoparticles simplify DNA identification and quantification

In an article published in Small, researchers successfully applied a new qualitative and quantitative method for the detection of a DNA sequence characteristic of Leishmania infantum kinetoplast, a frequent parasite in veterinary that affects humans too.

25-11-2015 · Nanowerk

Nanoparticles simplify DNA identification and quantification

(Nanowerk News) In an article published in Small ("Magnetic Bead/Gold Nanoparticle Double-Labeled Primers for Electrochemical Detection of Isothermal Amplified Leishmania DNA"), researchers successfully applied a new qualitative and quantitative method for the detection of a DNA sequence

25-11-2015 · Alpha Galileo

Nanoparticles simplify DNA identification and quantification

The article was led by ICN2 researchers in colaboration with UAB researchers, within the POC4PETS European Project, aimed to improving the speed and accuracy of current diagnostics for veterinary pathogens In an article published in Small, researchers successfully applied a new qualitative and

25-11-2015 · ScienceNewsline

Nanoparticles Simplify DNA Identification And Quantification

In an article published in Small, researchers successfully applied a new qualitative and quantitative method for the detection of a DNA sequence characteristic of Leishmania infantum kinetoplast, a frequent parasite in veterinary that affects humans too.

20-11-2015 · Nanotechnology Now

Flexoelectricity is more than Moore

Among these so-called smart materials piezoelectrics stand out for their ability to convert a mechanical deformation into a voltage (which can be used to harvest energy to feed the battery) or, conversely, generate a deformation when a voltage is applied to them (which can be used, for example, in

19-11-2015 · EIN007: iconnect007

Twente researchers develop flexo-electric nanomaterial

Related Video Included Reading time ( words) Researchers at the University of Twente's MESA+ research institute, together with researchers from several other knowledge institutions, have developed a ‘flexo-electric’ nanomaterial.

18-11-2015 · Bright Surf

Flexoelectricity is more than Moore

The information revolution is synonymous with the traditional quest to pack more chips and increase computing power.

18-11-2015 · Health Medicine Network

Flexoelectricity is more than Moore

The information revolution is synonymous with the traditional quest to pack more chips and increase computing power.

17-11-2015 · Science Daily

Flexo-electric nanomaterial created

Researchers have developed a 'flexo-electric' nanomaterial. The material has built-in mechanical tension that changes shape when you apply electrical voltage, or that generates electricity if you change its shape.

17-11-2015 · Controlled Environments Magazine

Flexo-electric Nanomaterial Developed

Researchers at the University of Twente's MESA+ research institute, together with researchers from several other knowledge institutions, have developed a “flexo-electric” nanomaterial.

17-11-2015 · New Electronics

Flexoelectric MEMS device is just 70nm thick

Researchers from the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Cornell University and the University of Twente have developed the first integrated flexoelectric microelectromechanical system on silicon and claim the 70nm thick device could enable new

17-11-2015 · Nanowerk

Flexoelectricity is more than Moore

(Nanowerk News) The information revolution is synonymous with the traditional quest to pack more chips and increase computing power.

17-11-2015 · Science Daily

Flexoelectricity is more than Moore

The world’s first integrated flexoelectric microelectromechanical system (MEMS) on silicon has been released by scientists in a new

17-11-2015 · Science Codex

Flexoelectricity is more than Moore

The information revolution is synonymous with the traditional quest to pack more chips and increase computing power.

17-11-2015 · EurekAlert!

Flexoelectricity is more than Moore

The information revolution is synonymous with the traditional quest to pack more chips and increase computing power.

17-11-2015 · Alpha Galileo

Flexoelectricity is more than Moore

Researchers from the ICN2 Oxide Nanoelectronics Group, at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, led an international work, published today by Nature Nanotechnology, which has produced the world’s first integrated flexoelectric microelectromechanical system (MEMS) on silicon.

17-11-2015 · ScienceNewsline

Flexoelectricity Is More Than Moore

The information revolution is synonymous with the traditional quest to pack more chips and increase computing power.

17-11-2015 · Technobahn

Flexoelectricity Is More Than Moore

The information revolution is synonymous with the traditional quest to pack more chips and increase computing power.

17-11-2015 · ECN Magazine

Flexoelectricity Is More Than Moore

The information revolution is synonymous with the traditional quest to pack more chips and increase computing power.

17-11-2015 · Research & Development

Researchers develop flexo-electric nanomaterial

Researchers at the University of Twente's MESA+ research institute, together with researchers from several other knowledge institutions, have developed a 'flexo-electric' nanomaterial.

17-11-2015 · Nanowerk

Researchers develop flexo-electric nanomaterial

(Nanowerk News) Researchers at the University of Twente's MESA+ research institute, together with researchers from several other knowledge institutions, have developed a ‘flexo-electric’ nanomaterial.

17-11-2015 · Phys.org

Researchers develop flexo-electric nanomaterial

Researchers at the University of Twente's MESA+ research institute, together with researchers from several other knowledge institutions, have developed a 'flexo-electric' nanomaterial.

17-11-2015 · Wireless Design & Development

Researchers Develop Flexo-Electric Nanomaterial

Researchers at the University of Twente's MESA+ research institute, together with researchers from several other knowledge institutions, have developed a 'flexo-electric' nanomaterial.

17-11-2015 · Congoo News

Reviews of Modern Physics highlights recent research on Spin Hall effects

ICREA Prof Sergio O. Valenzuela, Group Leader at ICN2, is among the 5 authors of a review article highlighted on the cover of the journal Reviews of Modern Physics. The article offers a pedagogical overview of the Spin Hall effect, both from a theoretical and from an experimental perspective.

17-11-2015 · Alpha Galileo

Twente researchers develop flexo-electric nanomaterial

Researchers at the University of Twente's MESA+ research institute, together with researchers from several other knowledge institutions, have developed a ‘flexo-electric’ nanomaterial.

13-11-2015 · BioTechniques

Mighty Micromotors

Researchers tested chemically engineered micromotors against carbon dioxide build-up in an effort to rectify ocean acidification. Can the solution for this problematic environmental phenomenon be small-scale and eco-friendly?

12-11-2015 · Γραφείο Διασύνδεσης Δ.Π.Θ.

28 θέσεις εργασίας σε Ερευνητικούς Φορείς στο εξωτερικό (12/11/2015)

Στους παρακάτω συνδέσμους μπορείτε να ενημερωθείτε για θέσεις εργασίας σε Ερευνητικούς Φορείς στο εξωτερικό. Οι θέσεις αυτές αποτελούν ένα μέρος των θέσεων που αναρτώνται καθημερινά σε διάφορους ιστότοπους και κατηγοριοποιούνται σε κύριες ομάδες ανάλογα με το αντικείμενο απασχόλησης.

12-11-2015 · Γραφείο Διασύνδεσης Δ.Π.Θ.

44 Υποτροφίες στο εξωτερικό (12/11/2015)

Στους παρακάτω συνδέσμους μπορείτε να ενημερωθείτε για Υποτροφίες στο εξωτερικό. Οι θέσεις αυτές αποτελούν ένα μέρος των θέσεων που αναρτώνται καθημερινά σε διάφορους ιστότοπους και κατηγοριοποιούνται σε κύριες ομάδες ανάλογα με το αντικείμενο απασχόλησης.

12-11-2015 · Congoo News

Quick test for the quantification of parathyroid hormone-like hormone

Parathyroid Hormone-like Hormone is a relevant protein in the biology and treatment of several malignancies. A work in Nanomedicine, headed by Nanobioelectronics & Biosensors Group led by Prof. Arben Merkoçi from the Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia (ICN2) and by Dr.

11-11-2015 · Automotive Industry Today

Quick test for the quantification of parathyroid hormone-like hormone

Parathyroid Hormone-like Hormone is a relevant protein in the biology and treatment of several malignancies. A work in Nanomedicine, headed by Nanobioelectronics & Biosensors Group led by Prof. Arben Merkoçi from the Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia (ICN2) and by Dr.

11-11-2015 · Phys.org

Quick test for the quantification of parathyroid hormone-like hormone

Parathyroid Hormone-like Hormone is a relevant protein in the biology and treatment of several malignancies. A work in Nanomedicine, headed by Nanobioelectronics & Biosensors Group led by Prof. Arben Merkoçi from the Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia (ICN2) and by Dr.

27-10-2015 · Alpha Galileo

UAB-CIE Sphere centres looking to hire 31 researchers

The European project P-SPHERE is run by the UAB as beneficiary and involves the participation of various Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Campups of International Excellence centres.

27-10-2015 · 爱微帮


(如果您热爱选矿,请分享到朋友圈让更多的人受益!) 跟矿虫学选矿,简单、轻松、快乐!微信:15249182638 从2004年石墨烯在实验室被正式制备以来,经过

30-07-2015 · Research And Markets

Topological Insulators. Fundamentals and Perspectives

First theoretically predicted and then practically discovered just a few years ago, topological insulators are considered as extremely promising candidates to revolutionize our electronic devices.

28-07-2015 · Congoo News

Press release: Nanopaper as an optical sensing platform

ICN2 researchers are going a step further in the development of simple, low cost and easy to produce biosensors. In an article published in ACS Nano they recently reported various innovative nanopaper-based optical sensing platforms.

24-07-2015 · Nanotechnology Now

Nanopaper as an optical sensing platform

ICN2 researchers are going a step further in the development of simple, low cost and easy to produce biosensors. In an article published in ACS Nano they recently reported various innovative nanopaper-based optical sensing platforms.

23-07-2015 · Phys.org

Nanopaper as an optical sensing platform

An international team led by the ICREA Prof Arben Merkoçi has just developed new sensing platforms based on bacterial cellulose nanopaper.

23-07-2015 · Controlled Environments Magazine

Novel Nanopaper Platforms are Low-Cost, Easy to Use

ICN2 researchers are going a step further in the development of simple, low cost and easy to produce biosensors. In an article published in ACS Nano they recently reported various innovative nanopaper-based optical sensing platforms.

20-07-2015 · SPIE

Coherent phonon generation in optomechanical crystals

Daniel Navarro-Urrios, Alessandro Tredicucci and Clivia M. Sotomayor-Torres A self-pulsing approach is used to modulate radiation pressure and achieve robust phonon lasing. 20 July 2015, SPIE Newsroom.

14-07-2015 · Nanowerk

An optical sensor platform based on nanopaper

(Nanowerk Spotlight) Nanopaper, made from cellulose like traditional paper, shows much lower surface roughness and much higher transparency than traditional paper. This is due to the nanoscale dimensions of the cellulose fibers ('nanocellulose') used for its production.

11-06-2015 · Congoo News

Catalan researchers first to use liposomes to fight against diabetes

For the first time liposomes that imitate cells in the process of natural death have been used to treat Diabetes. Researchers at Germans Trias Research Institute (at UAB-Campus of International Excellence Sphere) generated liposomes in collaboration with professionals from the ICN2.

10-06-2015 · Nanotechnology Now

A step towards a type 1 diabetes vaccine by using nanotherapy

Initially the researchers avoided the destruction of the insulin-producing pancreatic cells (beta cells) in the body by modifying the individual's immune cells, known as dendritic cells. This important step requires the extraction of the subjects'

10-06-2015 · Medical News Today

A step towards a type 1 diabetes vaccine by using nanotherapy

Two years ago, the Immunology of Diabetes Research Group at the Germans Trias Research Institute (at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Campus of International Excellence Sphere) reported a new experimental immunotherapy that prevented the onset of Type 1 Diabetes in mice predisposed to the

10-06-2015 · EnvironmentGuru.com

A step towards a type 1 diabetes vaccine by using nanotherapy

For the first time liposomes that imitate cells in the process of natural death have been used to treat diabetes. Researchers at Germans Trias Research Institute generated liposomes in collaboration with professionals from the ICN2. PLOS ONE Journal publishes the work.

10-06-2015 · Health Canal

A step towards a Type 1 Diabetes vaccine by using nanotherapy

The Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute and the Catalan Institute for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) for the first time achieve to generate liposomes which imitate cells in the process of natural death.

10-06-2015 · The Medical News

Catalan researchers first to use liposomes to fight against diabetes

For the first time liposomes that imitate cells in the process of natural death have been used to treat Diabetes. Researchers at Germans Trias Research Institute (at UAB-Campus of International Excellence Sphere) generated liposomes in collaboration with professionals from the ICN2.

10-06-2015 · News Nation

Nanotherapy brings diabetes vaccine a step closer

London :- Researchers have for the first time used nanoparticles that imitate naturally dying cells to prevent diabetes in mice, an advance that may pave the way for a human vaccine to protect against the disease.

10-06-2015 · The Freepress Journal

Nanotherapy brings diabetes vaccine a step closer

London: Researchers have for the first time used nanoparticles that imitate naturally dying cells to prevent diabetes in mice, an advance that may pave the way for a human vaccine to protect against the disease.

10-06-2015 · Siasat Daily

Nanotherapy brings diabetes vaccine a step closer

London , June 10: Researchers have for the first time used nanoparticles that imitate naturally dying cells to prevent diabetes in mice, an advance that may pave the way for a human vaccine to protect against the disease.

10-06-2015 · Zee News

Nanotherapy brings diabetes vaccine a step closer

London: Researchers have for the first time used nanoparticles that imitate naturally dying cells to prevent diabetes in mice, an advance that may pave the way for a human vaccine to protect against the disease.

10-06-2015 · Business Standard

Nanotherapy brings diabetes vaccine a step closer

Researchers have for the first time used nanoparticles that imitate naturally dying cells to prevent diabetes in mice, an advance that may pave the way for a human vaccine to protect against the disease.

09-06-2015 · Press-News.org

A step towards a type 1 diabetes vaccine by using nanotherapy

(Press-News.org) Two years ago, the Immunology of Diabetes Research Group at the Germans Trias Research Institute (at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Campus of International Excellence Sphere) reported a new experimental immunotherapy that prevented the onset of Type 1 Diabetes in mice

09-06-2015 · EurekAlert!

A step towards a type 1 diabetes vaccine by using nanotherapy

Two years ago, the Immunology of Diabetes Research Group at the Germans Trias Research Institute (at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Campus of International Excellence Sphere) reported a new experimental immunotherapy that prevented the onset of Type 1 Diabetes in mice predisposed to the

09-06-2015 · Alpha Galileo

A step towards a Type 1 Diabetes vaccine by using nanotherapy

For the first time liposomes that imitate cells in the process of natural death have been used to treat Diabetes. Researchers at Germans Trias Research Institute (at UAB-Campus of International Excellence Sphere) generated liposomes in collaboration with professionals from the ICN2.

09-06-2015 · ScienceNewsline

A Step Towards a Type 1 Diabetes Vaccine by Using Nanotherapy

Two years ago, the Immunology of Diabetes Research Group at the Germans Trias Research Institute (at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Campus of International Excellence Sphere) reported a new experimental immunotherapy that prevented the onset of Type 1 Diabetes in mice predisposed to the

09-06-2015 · AZoNano

Nanoparticles Arrest Destruction of Beta Cells and Avoid Diabetes Development

Two years ago, the Immunology of Diabetes Research Group at the Germans Trias Research Institute (at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Campus of International Excellence Sphere) reported a new experimental immunotherapy that prevented the onset of Type 1 Diabetes in mice predisposed to the

08-06-2015 · Nanotechnology Now

Diffusion and Remote Detection of Hot-Carriers in Graphene

Due to the weak electron-phonon coupling in graphene, 2D Dirac massless carriers can present a much more elevated temperature than the graphene lattice. Such hot carriers propagate over long distances resulting in novel thermoelectric and optoelectronic phenomena.

08-06-2015 · Phys.org

Diffusion and remote detection of hot-carriers in graphene

In a new article published in Nano Letters, ICN2 researchers led by ICREA Prof Sergio O. Valenzuela have investigated hot carrier propagation across graphene using an electrical nonlocal injection/detection method.

05-06-2015 · Federación Mexicana de Diabetes A.C.

Diabetes tipo 1 y el uso de nanopartículas

Grupo de Inmunología de la Diabetes del Institut Germans Trias ha desarrollado unas nanopartículas bautizadas como liposomas que consiguen evitar la diabetes al ser introducidas en el cuerpo humano, ya que logran frenar la destrucción de células beta —las que producen insulina—.

05-06-2015 · Nanowerk

The future for antiferromagnetic memories

(Nanowerk News) A review published in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics ("Prospect for Antiferromagnetic Spintronics") compiles the approaches that have been employed for reading and storing information in antiferromagnets and answers the question about how to write on antiferromagnetics

25-05-2015 · Maxpress Net

Pesquisadores da Unesp na Fapesp Week Barcelona

Evento ocorre em Barcelona dias 28 e 29 de maio As similaridades existentes entre São Paulo e a Catalunha, região mais desenvolvida e que concentra em torno de 25% da produção científica da Espanha, vão ser objeto de debates durante a próxima edição da Fapesp Week, que reunirá pesquisadores

24-05-2015 · Jornal Brasil

FAPESP Week reúne pesquisadores de São Paulo e da Catalunha

As similaridades existentes entre São Paulo e a Catalunha – região mais desenvolvida e que concentra em torno de 25% da produção científica da Espanha – serão destaque na FAPESP Week Barcelona, que será realizada nos dias 28 e 29 de maio de 2015, no Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site.

22-05-2015 · Jornal Joseense News

Capital catalã recebe pesquisadores brasileiros durante FAPESP Week Barcelona

Pesquisas feitas em São Paulo e na Catalunha serão debatidas entre cientistas das áreas de nanotecnologia, fotônica, genômica e saúde As similaridades existentes entre São Paulo e a Catalunha, região mais desenvolvida e que concentra em torno de 25% da produção científica da Espanha, vão ser objeto

30-04-2015 · Pro-Physik.de

Auf die Oberfläche kommt es an

Flache Siliziumkanäle weisen eine verringerte Wärme­leit­fähig­keit im Ver­gleich zu her­kömm­lichen Kris­tal­len

29-04-2015 · New Materials News

Carbon nanotubes allow improved drug delivery

Scientists have studied the interaction between carbon nanotubes and the brain. The new research could help doctors to deliver drugs to the brain more efficiently.

29-04-2015 · Microscopy Analysis

Crossing the blood-brain barrier

European researchers have imaged the interaction of individual carbon nanotubes and the blood-brain barrier, a move that could lead to

09-02-2015 · Nanotechnology Now

Negative capacitance detected

Prof Gustau Catalan, ICREA Research Professor and Group Leader at ICN2, together with Prof David Jimenez from UAB and Prof Alexei

04-02-2015 · Nanowerk

Negative capacitance detected

(Nanowerk News) Prof Gustau Catalan has published in Nature Materials a “News and Views” ("Ferroelectrics: Negative capacitance