After signing a public statement in support of the call for action launched by the Global Climate Strike movement, on Friday 27 of September the ICN2 invited all the staff to share proposals about concrete actions to be taken both at a personal and at an institutional level to reduce our footprint on the planet.
On September 20 and 27 millions of people across the world took to the streets to participate in the Global Climate Strike. Organized in different corners of the planet, this initiative aimed at raising awareness about the ongoing climate crisis and protest for the lack of action by the governments. The current environmental emergency is indeed one of the biggest challenge humanity has come to face in known history and concrete measures have to be taken as quick as possible to arrest global warming and all its disastrous consequences.
The ICN2 and the other research centres of the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) have recently signed a public statement in support of the call for action launched by movements as the Global Climate Strike. A general meeting on this topic was also held at the ICN2 on September 27: all the institute’s employees and visiting collaborators were invited to contribute to a reflexion on our daily life habits and their impact on the environment and to suggest actions that could be implemented.
The outcome of this highly participated assembly was a list of possible changes in our personal behaviours, as well as more complex measures to be adopted at an institutional level, including: choosing an energy provider that invests in renewable sources, improving building isolation and introducing a stricter regulation about the air conditioning usage.
At the end of the discussion, ICN2 Deputy Director and ICREA Prof. José Garrido and ICN2 Manager Lluís Bellafont planted a lemon tree. Sitting next to the entrance of the institute, this tree will be a reminder for everybody of the topics discussed and of the commitments made.
The ICN2 sustainability team will follow up on the institutional actions together with the Management. They will also take care of providing updates on changes implemented and new initiatives, as well as to remind employees of good practices to incorporate in everyday life as in the workplace as at home.